1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation, commencement, extent, transitional and savings provisions

  3. 2.Amendment of the Parish and Community Meetings (Polls) Rules 1987

  4. 3.Amendment of the Local Elections (Principal Areas) (England and Wales) Rules 2006

  5. 4.Amendment of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006

  6. 5.Amendment of the Greater London Authority Elections Rules 2007

  7. 6.Amendment of the Local Authorities (Elected Mayors) (Elections, Terms of Office and Casual Vacancies) (England) Regulations 2012

  8. Signature

    1. Schedule 1

      Transitional and savings provisions

      1. Part 1 Interpretation and general savings

        1. 1.Interpretation

        2. 2.Savings for elections for which the notice of election was published on or before 31st October 2023

        3. 3.Savings for elections for which the date of poll is on or before 1st May 2024

        4. 4.Savings for elections for which the date of poll is on or before 6th May 2024

        5. 5.Modification of forms used for an election in the period beginning with 2nd May 2024 and ending with 6th May 2024

      2. Part 2 Principal area councillor elections

        1. 6.Interpretation of Part 2

        2. 7.Questions for proxies at certain principal area councillor elections

        3. 8.Poll card forms for certain principal area councillor elections

      3. Part 3 Parish councillor elections

        1. 9.Interpretation of Part 3

        2. 10.Questions for proxies at certain parish councillor elections

        3. 11.Poll card forms for certain parish councillor elections

      4. Part 4 Greater London Authority elections

        1. 12.Interpretation of Part 4

        2. 13.Questions for proxies at certain Authority elections

        3. 14.Poll card forms for certain Authority elections

    2. Schedule 2

      Forms for use at an election in respect of which the date of poll specified in the notice of election is within the period beginning with 2nd May 2024 and ending with 6th May 2024

      1. Part 1 Form for substitution for Form of Candidate’s consent to nomination in Schedule 2 to the Local Elections (Principal Areas) (England and Wales) Rules 2006

      2. Part 2 Form for substitution for Form of Candidate’s consent to nomination in Schedule 3 to the Local Elections (Principal Areas) (England and Wales) Rules 2006

      3. Part 3 Form for substitution for Form of Candidate’s consent to nomination in Schedule 2 to the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006

      4. Part 4 Form for substitution for Form of Candidate’s consent to nomination in Schedule 3 to the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006

      5. Part 5 Form for substitution for Candidate’s consent to nomination in Schedule 10 to the Greater London Authority Elections Rules 2007

    3. Schedule 3

      The Local Elections (Principal Areas) (England and Wales) Rules 2006: New Forms

      1. Part 1 Forms for use at an election of councillors of a principal area where poll is not taken together with poll for another election or referendum

        1. Form of nomination paper

        2. Candidate’s consent to nomination form

        3. Form of official poll card

        4. Form of official proxy poll card

      2. Part 2 Forms for use at an election of councillors of a principal area where the poll is taken together with poll for another election or referendum

        1. Form of nomination paper

        2. Candidate’s consent to nomination form

        3. Form of official poll card

        4. Form of official proxy poll card

    4. Schedule 4

      The Local Elections (Parish and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006: New Forms

      1. Part 1 Forms for use at an election of councillors of a parish where poll is not taken together with poll at another election

        1. Form of nomination paper

        2. Candidate’s consent to nomination form

        3. Form of official poll card

        4. Form of official proxy poll card

      2. Part 2 Forms for use at an election of councillors of a parish where the poll is taken together with the poll at a relevant election or referendum

        1. Form of nomination paper

        2. Candidate’s consent to nomination form

        3. Form of official poll card

        4. Form of official proxy poll card

    5. Schedule 5

      The Greater London Authority Elections Rules 2007: New forms

      1. Form 1: Constituency member and London member (individual) candidates: Form of nomination paper

      2. Form 2: London member (party list) candidates: form of nomination paper

      3. Form 3: candidate to be mayor of London: form of nomination paper

      4. Form 4: candidate’s consent to nomination

      5. Form 12: official poll card

      6. Form 14: official proxy poll card

  9. Explanatory Note