1. Introductory Text


    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation


    1. 3.Development consent etc. granted by this Order

    2. 4.Effect of this Order on the original order

    3. 5.Limits of deviation

    4. 6.Benefit of this Order

    5. 7.Consent to transfer benefit of this Order

    6. 8.Power to construct and maintain the authorised development

    7. 9.Maintenance of drainage works


    1. 10.Access to works

    2. 11.Discharge of water

    3. 12.Authority to survey and investigate the land

    4. 13.Felling or lopping of trees and removal of hedgerows


    1. 14.Application of landlord and tenant law

    2. 15.Procedure for Approvals and Protective Provisions

    3. 16.Planning permission

    4. 17.Defence to proceedings in respect of statutory nuisance

    5. 18.Certification of plans etc

    6. 19.Service of Notices

    7. 20.Arbitration

  6. Signature


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Authorised Development

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. 1.Interpretation

      2. 2.Time limits

      3. 3.Detailed design

      4. 4.Phasing, landscaping and restoration

      5. 5.Noise

      6. 6.Stockpiles and soil

      7. 7.Disposal of waste

      8. 8.Quantities of waste

      9. 9.Archaeological mitigation strategy

      10. 10.Vehicular access

      11. 11.Control of vehicular movements

      12. 12.Site security

      13. 13.Wheel cleaning

      14. 14.Hours of operation

      15. 15.Gas flare structures

      16. 16.Floodlighting

      17. 17.Cessation of development

      18. 18.Removal of plant and machinery

      19. 19.Amendments to approved details

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Procedure for approvals under requirements

      1. 1.In this Schedule “discharging authority” means the relevant planning authority....

      2. 2.Applications made under Requirements

      3. 3.Decision Period

      4. 4.Further Information

      5. 5.Fees

      6. 6.Appeal to the Secretary of State (procedure)

      7. 7.Appeal to the Secretary of State (powers of the appointed person)

      8. 8.Appeal to the Secretary of State (supplementary)

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Design parameters

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Removal of important hedgerows

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Protective Provisions

      1. PART 1 For the protection of Anglian Water Services Limited

        1. 1.Application

        2. 2.Interpretation

        3. 3.Acquisition of land

        4. 4.Retained apparatus

        5. 5.Expenses and costs

        6. 6.(1) Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (3), if by reason...

        7. 7.Cooperation

        8. 8.Monitoring

        9. 9.Expert Determination

      2. PART 2 For the protection of Western Power Distribution (East Midlands) Plc

        1. 10.Application

        2. 11.Interpretation

        3. 12.Precedence of 1991 Act in respect of apparatus in streets

        4. 13.No acquisition except by agreement

        5. 14.Removal of apparatus

        6. 15.Facilities and rights for alternative apparatus

        7. 16.Retained apparatus

        8. 17.Expenses and costs

        9. 18.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), if by reason or in...

        10. 19.Expert determination

      3. PART 3 For the protection of National Grid as Gas Undertaker

        1. 20.Application

        2. 21.Interpretation

        3. 22.On Street Apparatus

        4. 23.Acquisition of land

        5. 24.Removal of apparatus

        6. 25.Facilities and rights for alternative apparatus

        7. 26.Retained apparatus: protection of gas undertaker

        8. 27.Expenses

        9. 28.Indemnity

        10. 29.Enactments and agreements

        11. 30.Co-operation

        12. 31.Access

        13. 32.Arbitration

        14. 33.Notices

  8. Explanatory Note