1. This Order may be cited as the East Northamptonshire Resource Management Facility Order 2023 and comes into force on the 13th February 2023.
2.—(1) In this Order—
“the 1961 Act” means the Land Compensation Act 1961(1);
“the 1965 Act” means the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965(2);
“the 1980 Act” means the Highways Act 1980(3);
“the 1990 Act” means the Town and Country Planning Act 1990(4);
“the 2008 Act” means the Planning Act 2008(5);
“the 1991 Act” means the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991(6);
“access plan” means the plan certified as the access plan [Drawing Reference AU/KCW/07-21/22659] by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order;
“address” includes any number or address for the purposes of electronic transmission;
“apparatus”, unless otherwise provided for, has the same meaning as in Part 3 of the 1991 Act;
“authorised development” means the development and associated development(7) described in Schedule 1 (authorised development) and any other development authorised by this Order;
“building” includes any structure or erection or any part of a building, structure or erection;
“business days” means Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays and other public holidays or days on which general or local elections are held;
“commence” means the carrying out of a material operation (as defined in section 56(4) of the 1990 Act) excluding any operations relating to ecological enhancement works, planting, soil investigations or works in respect of land contamination, archaeological investigations, site clearance, diversion of services, receipt and erection of construction plant and equipment, the erection of temporary fencing, hoardings and erection of site compound buildings and “commence” and “commenced” must be construed accordingly;
“DEC” means the document certified as the DCO environmental commitments [Report Reference AU/KCW/LZH/1724/01DECV3] by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order;
“electronic transmission” means a communication transmitted—
by means of an electronic communications network; or
by other means but while in electronic form;
“environmental statement” means the document of that name submitted with the application for this Order;
“hazardous waste” means waste defined as such in regulation 6 of the Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005(8) and as may be amended from time to time in these or equivalent regulations;
“hedgerow plan” means the plan certified as the hedgerow removal plan [Drawing Reference AU/KCW/07-21/22661] by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order;
“highway”, “highway authority” and “local highway authority” have the same meaning as in the 1980 Act and “highway” includes part of a highway;
“land plan” means the plan certified as the land plan [Drawing Reference AU/KCW/08-21/22752] by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order;
“limits of deviation” means the limits of deviation referred to in article 5 (limits of deviation) and shown on the works plan;
“low level waste” means radioactive waste comprising solid low level radioactive waste typically with a specific activity of up to 200Bq/g;
“maintain” includes maintain, inspect, repair, remove, clear, refurbish, reconstruct, demolish, replace and improve and “maintenance” must be construed accordingly;
“the Order limits” means the limits shown on the works plan within which the authorised development may be carried out;
“original order” means the East Northamptonshire Resource Management Facility Order 2013(9) as amended by the East Northamptonshire Resource Management Facility (Amendment) Order 2018(10);
“owner”, in relation to land, has the same meaning as in section 7 (interpretation) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981(11);
“relevant planning authority” means North Northamptonshire Council or the local planning authority for the area in which the land to which the relevant provision of this Order applies is situated from time to time;
“Requirements” means the requirements listed in Schedule 2 (Requirements), and any reference to a numbered Requirement is to be construed accordingly;
“restoration concept scheme” means the scheme certified as the restoration concept scheme [Drawing No. ENORTH 028] by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order;
“restoration profile contour plan” means the plan certified as the restoration profile contour plan [Drawing Reference AU/KCW/07-21/22660revA] by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order;
“the site” means land within the Order limits;
“statutory undertaker” means any statutory undertaker for the purposes of section 127(8), of the 2008 Act (statutory undertakers’ land) and includes a public communications provider as defined in section 151(1) of the Communications Act 2003(12);
“street authority”, in relation to a street, has the same meaning as in Part 3 (street works in England and Wales) of the 1991 Act;
“the undertaker” means Augean South Ltd (Company No. 04636789) or such other person as has the benefit of this Order under section 156(1) of the 2008 Act;
“watercourse” includes all rivers, streams, ditches, drains, canals, cuts, culverts, dykes, sluices, soakaways, sewers and passages through which water flows except a public sewer or drain;
“Western Power Distribution” means Western Power Distribution (East Midlands) Plc (company number 02366923), whose registered office is at Avonbank, Feeder Road, Bristol, BS2 0TB
“work” means a work set out in Schedule 1 and shown on the works plans; and a reference to a work designated by a number or a combination of numbers and letters, is a reference to the work so designated in that Schedule; and
“the works plan” means the plan certified as the works plan [Drawing Reference AU/KCW/07-21/22655revA] by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order.
(2) References in this Order to rights over land include references to rights to do or to place and maintain, anything in, on or under land or in the air-space above its surface.
(3) All distances, directions and lengths referred to in this Order are approximate.
(4) The expression “includes” must be construed without limitation.
1990 c. 8. Section 206(1) was amended by section 192(8) of, and paragraphs 7 and 11 of Schedule 8 to, the 2008 Act. There are other amendments to the 1990 Act not relevant to this Order.
For the definition of “associated development” see section 115 of the 2008 Act.
S.I. 2005/894, amended by S.I. 2011/988. There are other amendments not relevant to this Order.
1981 c. 67. The definition of “owner” was amended by paragraph 9 of Schedule 15 to the Planning and Compensation Act 1992 (c.34). There are other amendments to section 7 which are not relevant to this Order.