Part 3The Trading Schemes

Chapter 2The Non-Zero-Emission Car CO2 Trading Scheme (CCTS)

Participants in the CCTS

32.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the manufacturer of more than 999 NZE cars which are registered during a scheme year is a CCTS participant for that year.

(2) Where two or more manufacturers are collectively the manufacturers of more than 999 NZE cars which are registered during a scheme year, those manufacturers are a pool CCTS participant for that scheme year if the administrator has granted an application made by those manufacturers under Schedule 5 (application by two or more manufacturers to be a pool participant in the Trading Schemes) for that scheme year which relates to the CCTS.

(3) Where there is any doubt as to the identification of the manufacturer of a car in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “manufacturer” in article 3(1), the administrator may identify the CCTS participant in relation to the registration of that car.