Part 3The Trading Schemes

Chapter 3The Non-Zero-Emission Van Registration Trading Scheme (VRTS)

Interpretation of Chapter 3

41.  In this Chapter—

(a)the retention by a VRTS participant of a VRTS allowance for use for a scheme year later than the scheme year of allocation in accordance with article 46(1) is referred to as “banking” the VRTS allowance;

(b)a VRTS allowance which is retained for use for a scheme year later than the scheme year of allocation is referred to as a “banked” VRTS allowance;

(c)the surrender by a VRTS participant, in accordance with article 47, of a VRTS allowance which is due to be allocated to the participant for a future scheme year is referred to as “borrowing” the VRTS allowance;

(d)a VRTS allowance which is surrendered as described in paragraph (c) is referred to as a “borrowed” VRTS allowance;

(e)scheme year of pooling” means a scheme year for which a group of two or more manufacturers is a pool VRTS participant;

(f)banked pool allowances” means VRTS allowances which were banked by a pool VRTS participant for a scheme year of pooling and which remain available for use in accordance with article 46(1) for one or more of the scheme years which follow a scheme year of pooling;

(g)borrowed pool allowances” means VRTS allowances which were borrowed by a pool VRTS participant for a scheme year of pooling but which were not accounted for in accordance with article 47 for a scheme year of pooling;

(h)departing member” means a manufacturer which ceases to a member of a pool VRTS participant part-way through the trading period;

(i)joining manufacturer” means a manufacturer which becomes a member of a pool VRTS participant part-way through the trading period;

(j)in-year banked allowances”, in relation to a scheme year of pooling, means VRTS allowances which were available to a pool VRTS participant to account for its activity in the VRTS in accordance with article 59 for that scheme year of pooling, but which were not required by it in order to do so;

(k)in-year borrowed allowances” means VRTS allowances which were borrowed by a pool VRTS participant in order to account for its activity in the VRTS for a particular scheme year of pooling.