The Lancashire County Council (A601(M) Partial Revocation) Scheme 2022 Confirmation Instrument 2023

Article 3



Lancashire County Council, being the highway authority for the special road, makes this Scheme in exercise of their powers under section 16 of the Highways Act 1980 and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf.

1.  The Council are authorised to revoke the special status road along the route described in the Schedule to this Scheme.

2.  The centre line of the road route is indicated by a heavy black line on the deposited plan.

3.  In this Scheme:-

the Council” means the Lancashire County Council;

the deposited plan” means the plan marked “The Lancashire County Council (A601(M) partial revocation) Scheme 2022” sealed with the Common Seal of the County Council and deposited at the offices of the County Council at County Hall, Preston, PR1 8XJ. A certified copy is also deposited at the offices of the Department for Transport.

“the route” is the route described in the Schedule to this Scheme.

4.  This Scheme hereby revokes the Scheme specified in the first column of the Schedule to this Scheme to the extent specified in the second column of that Schedule.

5.  This Scheme may be cited as the Lancashire County Council (A601(M) partial revocation) Scheme 2022.