Articles 2 and 47






Document Reference



Environmental Statement - Chapter 1: IntroductionTR010039/APP/6.10
Environmental Statement - Chapter 2: The Proposed SchemeTR010039/APP/6.11
Environmental Statement - Chapter 3: Consideration of AlternativesTR010039/APP/6.11
Environmental Statement - Chapter 4: Environmental Assessment MethodologyTR010039/APP/6.10
Environmental Statement - Chapter 5: Air QualityTR010039/APP/6.10
Environmental Statement - Chapter 6: Cultural HeritageTR010039/APP/6.11
Environmental Statement - Chapter 7: Landscape and Visual EffectsTR010039/APP/6.10
Environmental Statement - Chapter 8: BiodiversityTR010039/APP/6.10
Environmental Statement - Chapter 9: Geology and SoilsTR010039/APP/6.12
Environmental Statement - Chapter 10: Materials Assets and WasteTR010039/APP/6.10
Environmental Statement - Chapter 11: Noise and VibrationTR010039/APP/6.11
Environmental Statement - Chapter 12: Population and Human HealthTR010039/APP/6.13
Environmental Statement - Chapter 13: Road Drainage and Water EnvironmentTR010039/APP/6.12
Environmental Statement - Chapter 14: ClimateTR010039/APP/6.10
Environmental Statement - Chapter 15: Cumulative Effects AssessmentTR010039/APP/6.10
Environmental Statement Figure 1.1TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figures 2.1 to 2.3TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 5.1 to 5.3TR010039/APP/6.21
Environmental Statement Figure 5.4 to 5.8TR010039/APP/6.21
Environmental Statement Figure 6.1 to 6.4TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 7.1 to 7.5TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.1a to 7.6.1dTR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.2a to 7.6.2dTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.3a to 7.6.3dTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.4a to 7.6.4dTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.5a to 7.6.5dTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.6a to 7.6.6dTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.7a to 7.6.7dTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.8a to 7.6.10bTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.11a to 7.6.12dTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.13a to 7.6.14bTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.15a to 7.6.16bTR010039/APP/6.20
6.2 Environmental Statement Figures 7.6.17a to 7.6.18bTR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 8.1 to 8.4TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 9.1 to 9.2TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 11.1 to 11.8TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 11.9 to 11.16TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 11.17 to 11.23TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 11.24 to 11.30TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 12.1 to 12.4TR010039/APP/6.22
Environmental Statement Figure 13.1 to 13.7TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement Figure 15.1TR010039/APP/6.20
Environmental Statement - Appendix 4.1: Scoping opinion responsesTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.1: Air quality modelling processTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.2: Air quality verification and model adjustmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3: Receptor resultsTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.1: Cultural heritage baselineTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.2: Geophysical surveyTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.3: Geophysical and metal detector surveyTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.4: Archaeological observation reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.5: Geophysical survey of the scheduled monumentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.6: Archaeological trial trenching survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.7: Former Wansford Road Station Building advice reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.1: Planning policy contextTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.2: ZTV and verified photomontage methodologyTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.3: Landscape character areasTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.4: Visual receptorsTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.5: Representative viewpointsTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.6: Arboricultural impact assessmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.7: Lighting assessmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.1: Botanical and hedgerow update survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.2: Fungi survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.3: Terrestrial invertebrate survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.4: Aquatic invertebrate survey report (Sutton Heath)TR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.5: Aquatic invertebrate survey report (Nene Valley)TR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.6: Great crested newt survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.7: Reptile survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.8: Breeding bird survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.9: Barn owl survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.10: Wintering bird survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.11: Bat hibernation reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.12: Bat emergence / re-entry survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.13: Bat activity survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.14: Otter and water vole survey reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.15: Confidential badger survey reportTR010039/APP/6.31
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.16: DMRB Biodiversity evaluation assessment methodologyTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.17: Legislation and policy frameworkTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.1: Hierarchy of screening criteria for generic quantitative risk assessmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.2: Agricultural land classification reportTR010039/APP/6.31
Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3: Preliminary sources study reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.4: Construction workers risk assessmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 10.1: Legislation and policy frameworkTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 10.2: Outline site waste management planTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 10.3: Mineral impact assessmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.1: Glossary of termsTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2: Legislation and policy frameworkTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.3: Baseline noise surveyTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.4: Model validationTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.5: Construction noise assessmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.1: Flood risk assessmentTR010039/APP/6.31
Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.2: Drainage strategyTR010039/APP/6.32
Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.3: Surface water quality assessmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.4: Groundwater assessmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.5: Geomorphological assessmentTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.1: Embodied carbon reportTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Appendix 15.1: Cumulative effects stage 2 screeningTR010039/APP/6.30
Environmental Statement - Addendum OneTR010039/EXAM/9.350
Environmental Statement - Addendum TwoTR010039/EXAM/9.360





Document Reference



Book of reference (parts 1-5) and SchedulesTR010039/APP/4.33
Classification of roads plansTR010039/APP/2.110
Crown land plansTR010039/APP/2.82
Detrunking PlansTR010039/APP/2.90
Engineering drawings and sectionsTR010039/APP/2.51
Environmental management planTR010039/APP/7.53
Environmental masterplanTR010039/APP/6.83
General arrangement plansTR010039/APP/2.62
Hedgerow plansTR010039/APP/2.120
Land plansTR010039/APP/2.24
Outline traffic management planTR010039/APP/7.61
Rights of way and access plansTR010039/APP/2.43
Traffic regulation plansTR010039/APP/2.100
Works plansTR010039/APP/2.33