PART 1Introductory

CHAPTER 2Energy Bills Discount Scheme

Energy in scope of the schemeI14


These Regulations apply to all energy supplied under a supply contract in a scheme period, other than—


any ineligible quantity;


any quantity supplied under an excluded fixed price contract;


any quantity supplied under a supply contract for which an opt-out notice has been given under paragraph (3), and has not been withdrawn.


Where a person has been a supplier during a scheme period but has ceased to hold an electricity supply licence or gas supply licence, the Regulations continue to apply to that person (as if it were a supplier) for the purposes of reconciliation, as provided in regulation 39.


A customer may, by giving notice to a supplier, elect that no discount is to apply in respect of energy supplied under a supply contract between them on and from the date specified in such notice (which may be before, on, or after the date when the notice is given) (an “opt-out notice”).


Where a customer has given an opt-out notice, it may give a further notice to the supplier, withdrawing the opt-out notice in respect of energy supplied under the supply contract on and from the date specified in the further notice (which may not be before the date when the notice is given).