CHAPTER 7Inspection of Documents and the Provision of Information
Confidentiality of documents: grounds for refusing inspection
177.—(1) Paragraph (2) applies where in relevant licensee nuclear company administration proceedings the nuclear administrator considers that a document forming part of the records of those proceedings—
(a)should be treated as confidential, or
(b)is of such a nature that its disclosure would be prejudicial to the conduct of the proceedings or might reasonably be expected to lead to violence against any person.
(2) The nuclear administrator may decline to allow the document to be inspected by a person who would otherwise be entitled to inspect it.
(3) Where under this rule the nuclear administrator determines to decline to allow inspection of a document, the person wishing to inspect it may apply to the court for that determination to be overruled and the court may either overrule it altogether or sustain it subject to such conditions (if any) as it thinks just.
Right to copies of documents
178. Where the 1986 Act or these Rules give a person the right to inspect documents, that person has a right to be supplied on request with copies of those documents, on payment—
(a)in the case of documents on the court file, of the fee chargeable under any order made under section 92 of the Courts Act 2003;
(b)in any other case, of the standard fee.
Charges for copies of documents
179. Except where prohibited by these Rules, the nuclear administrator is entitled to require the payment of the standard fee for copies of documents requested by a creditor, member or contributory.
Right to list of creditors
180.—(1) A creditor has the right to require the nuclear administrator to provide a list of the names and addresses of the creditors and the amounts of their respective debts unless paragraph (4) applies.
(2) The nuclear administrator on being required to provide the list under paragraph (1)—
(a)must deliver it to the person requiring the list as soon as reasonably practicable, and
(b)may charge the standard fee for a hard copy.
(3) The name and address of any creditor may be omitted from the list provided under paragraph (2) where the nuclear administrator is of the view that its disclosure would be prejudicial to the conduct of the proceedings or might reasonably be expected to lead to violence against any person, provided that—
(a)the amount of the debt in question is shown in the list, and
(b)a statement is included in the list that the name and address of the creditor has been omitted in respect of that debt.
(4) Paragraph (1) does not apply where a statement of affairs has been delivered to the registrar of companies.