PART 1Introduction



Any notice or notification required to be given or issued under these Regulations must be in writing.


Any such notice or notification may be given or issued in satisfaction of any requirement under these Regulations by—


delivering or sending it to, or leaving it at—


the addressee’s registered office, the addressee’s principal place of activity, or the addressee’s home address (as applicable); or


another address supplied by the addressee for the purposes of these Regulations or under the Self Remediation Contract, or


electronic means, by sending it to an email address provided by the addressee for the purposes of these Regulations or under the Self Remediation Contract.


Where no address is supplied or is otherwise available under paragraph (2), or if an address under paragraph (2) is outside the United Kingdom, any requirement to give or issue a notice or notification under these Regulations is to be treated as satisfied where reasonable steps are taken to deliver or send the notice.