PART 2The Responsible Actors Scheme

CHAPTER 1Establishment and eligibility for membership

Voluntary eligibilityI19


The criteria in this regulation are satisfied if—


P has been responsible for the development or refurbishment of one or more relevant buildings in the relevant period;


at least one of the buildings referred to in sub-paragraph (a) would require remediation under the Self Remediation Terms, if P were subject to the Self Remediation Terms; and


P wishes to become a member of the scheme.


For the purposes of determining whether the condition in paragraph (1)(a) is met, P is to be treated as being responsible for the development or refurbishment of a building, if that building is a relevant building which a body corporate in the same group as P (“GP”) was responsible for developing or refurbishing in the relevant period, whether or not the building was developed or refurbished before GP was in the same group as P.