Introductory Text
PART 1 Introductory Provisions
1.Citation and Commencement
PART 2 Due diligence, record-keeping and reporting obligations
3.Due Diligence and record-keeping
4.Reporting of Information
5.Electronic report system
6.Provision of Information
7.Notification to HMRC: reporting platform operators
8.Notification to HMRC: excluded platform operators
9.Notification to HMRC: application of the due diligence procedures to active sellers only
10.Excluded Sellers: proportional reduction of thresholds
PART 3 Penalties for breach of obligations
11.Penalties for late reports
12.Penalties for failure to provide information to reportable sellers
13.Penalties for failure to provide information to HMRC
14.Penalties for failure to comply with record-keeping requirements
15.Penalties for failure to notify
16.Penalties for failure to apply due diligence procedures
17.Penalties for inaccurate or incomplete reports
18.Reasonable excuse
19.Duplication of liability to penalties
20.Assessment of penalties by HMRC
21.Time limits and treatment of penalties
22.Right to appeal against penalty assessments by HMRC
23.Procedure on appeal
Defined terms
Explanatory Note