1.The Duty-Free Supplies for the Royal Navy Regulations 1954
2.The Cider and Perry (Exemption from Registration) Order 1976
3.The Excise Warehousing (Etc.) Regulations 1988
4.The Cider and Perry Regulations 1989
5.The Wine and Made-wine Regulations 1989
6.The Spirits Regulations 1991
7.The Beer Regulations 1993
8.The Travellers’ Allowances Order 1994
9.The Denatured Alcohol Regulations 2005
10.The Duty Stamps Regulations 2006
11.The Excise Goods (Holding, Movement and Duty Point) Regulations 2010
12.The Wholesaling of Controlled Liquor Regulations 2015
13.The Excise Duties (Removal of Alcoholic Liquor to Northern Ireland and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2021