2023 No. 91

Environmental Protection, England

The Environmental Targets (Biodiversity) (England) Regulations 2023


Coming into force

The Secretary of State makes these Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 1, 3, 6(1) and 143(1) of the Environment Act 20211 (“the 2021 Act”).

In accordance with section 3(4) of the 2021 Act, the Secretary of State is satisfied that meeting the species abundance target referred to in regulation 11 will halt a decline in the abundance of species.

In accordance with section 4(1) and (2) of the 2021 Act, the Secretary of State has sought advice from persons the Secretary of State considers to be independent and to have relevant expertise, and is satisfied that the targets in these Regulations can be met.

In accordance with sections 4(8) and 143(5)(b) of the 2021 Act, a draft of these Regulations has been laid before, and approved by resolution of, each House of Parliament.

PART 1Introduction

Citation, commencement, extent and application1


These Regulations may be cited as the Environmental Targets (Biodiversity) (England) Regulations 2023.


These Regulations come into force on the day after the day on which they are made.


These Regulations extend to England and Wales but apply in relation to England only, including the territorial sea adjacent to England.


In these Regulations—

  • the 2021 Act” means the Environment Act 2021;

  • the 2022 Red List Index for England” means the document entitled “Outcome Indicator Framework for England’s 25 Year Environment Plan: D5 Conservation status of our native species, Data Sheet 2022 (NERR124)” published by Natural England in October 20222;

  • native species” means species which naturally occur or have in the past naturally occurred in England, and include—

    1. a

      regularly occurring migratory species (both breeding and non-breeding) and natural colonists; and

    2. b

      species that have been reintroduced in England following past extinction;

  • natural colonists” means species that arrived in England of their own accord and have become established, including those that become migratory species;

  • species” includes ranks below and above species level, where these are listed—

    1. a

      for the purposes of Part 2 of these Regulations, in the 2022 Red List Index for England; or

    2. b

      for the purposes of Part 4 of these Regulations, in Schedule 2.

Biodiversity targets3


Regulations 4, 7 and 14 specify targets for the purposes of the Secretary of State’s duty in section 1 of the 2021 Act to set a long-term target in respect of biodiversity.


Regulation 11 specifies a target for the purposes of the Secretary of State’s duty in section 3 of the 2021 Act to set a target in respect of a matter relating to the abundance of species.

PART 2Long-term biodiversity target: species’ extinction risk

Species’ extinction risk target4

The long-term biodiversity target for species’ extinction risk is to reduce the risk of species’ extinction by 2042, when compared to the risk of species’ extinction in 2022.

Measurement of species’ extinction risk target5


The target in regulation 4 is met by 31st December 2042 if the extinction risk value for 2042 calculated in accordance with paragraph (2) has a greater value than the baseline value, with the extinction risk value for 2042 and the baseline value being expressed as values in a range from 1 to 0 where—


a value of 1 would indicate that all baseline species were of Least Concern; and


a value of 0 would indicate that all baseline species were Regionally Extinct.


The Secretary of State must ensure that an extinction risk value for 2042 is calculated in 2042 using the same methodology that was used to calculate the baseline value3, to indicate the aggregate risk of extinction for all baseline species at the time of its calculation.


In this regulation—

  • baseline species” means a species listed in the 2022 Red List Index for England;

  • the baseline value” means the value of 0.9070, being the value set out in the 2022 Red List Index for England to indicate the aggregate risk of extinction for all baseline species.


In this regulation—


a species is considered to be of Least Concern when it is classified as such for the purposes of calculating the 2022 Red List Index for England;


a species is Regionally Extinct when it is classified as such for the purposes of calculating the 2022 Red List Index for England.

Reporting date for the species’ extinction risk target6

For the purposes of section 6(1) of the 2021 Act (environmental targets: reporting duties), the reporting date for the target in regulation 4 is 1st July 2043.

PART 3Long-term biodiversity target: wildlife-rich habitat restoration or creation

Wildlife-rich habitat restoration or creation target7

The long-term biodiversity target for the restoration or creation of wildlife-rich habitat is that on or after the day these Regulations come into force, in excess of 500,000 hectares of a range of wildlife-rich habitats are to be restored or created by 31st December 2042.

Measurement of the habitat restoration or creation target8


In order to measure the area of wildlife-rich habitat which is restored or created, the Secretary of State must obtain information about action that has been or is being undertaken in order to restore or create the wildlife-rich habitat on or after the day on which these Regulations come into force, including information about—


the location of the action;


the size of the area intended to become wildlife-rich habitat;


the type of wildlife-rich habitat that is being restored or created.


The Secretary of State must keep a record of the information obtained under paragraph (1).


For the purposes of this Part, habitat is restored or will be restored when appropriate action has been or is being taken to improve the condition of relict or degraded habitat which might reasonably be expected to lead to an expansion of the wildlife-rich habitat there, but excluding such action taken—


on protected sites; or


for the purpose of replacing habitat that has been lost on or after the day these Regulations come into force.


For the purposes of this Part, habitat is created or will be created when appropriate action has been or is being taken to establish wildlife-rich habitat on land, or water, excluding such action taken—


on protected sites; or


for the purpose of replacing habitat that has been lost on or after the day these Regulations come into force.


In paragraphs (3) and (4) “appropriate action” includes action—


to develop one or more specific wildlife-rich habitat types; or


to allow a dynamic mosaic of wildlife-rich habitats to develop through the restoration of natural processes and ecosystems.

Reporting date for the wildlife-rich habitat restoration or creation target9

For the purposes of section 6(1) of the 2021 Act, the reporting date for the target in regulation 7 is 1st December 2043.

Interpretation of Part 310

In this Part—

  • baseline” means the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured;

  • European site” has the meaning given in regulation 8 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 20174 (European sites and European marine sites);

  • marine conservation zone” means an area designated as a marine conservation zone under section 116(1) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 20095 (marine conservation zones);

  • nautical mile” means an international nautical mile of 1,852 metres;

    a “protected site” means a site which is—

    1. a

      a European site;

    2. b

      a site of special scientific interest; or

    3. c

      a marine conservation zone,

    on or before the day these Regulations come into force, to the extent that the site is situated wholly or partly in England or in its waters;

  • site of special scientific interest” means an area notified under section 28(1) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 19816 (sites of special scientific interest);

  • territorial sea” means such of the territorial sea of the United Kingdom that is adjacent to England;

  • “water” and “waters”, in relation to England only, means all waters, including, in the case of the sea, the area of the sea and the seabed below that area of the sea which is on the landward side of a line every point of which is at a distance of one nautical mile on the seaward side from the nearest point of the baseline;

  • wildlife-rich habitat” means a habitat that is one of the following types of habitat and which is of sufficient quality that it is, or will be, capable of supporting flora and fauna which are typically found in the habitat in question—

    1. a

      a habitat type of principal importance for the conservation of biodiversity listed by the Secretary of State under section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 20067 (biodiversity lists and action (England));

    2. b

      another habitat type listed in Schedule 1.

PART 4Targets relating to the abundance of species

CHAPTER 12030 Species abundance target

2030 species abundance target11


The 2030 species abundance target is that the overall relative species abundance index on the specified date indicates that the decline in the abundance of species has been halted.


The specified date for the 2030 species abundance target described in paragraph (1) is 31st December 2030.

Measurement of 2030 species abundance target12


The 2030 species abundance target is to be measured by calculating the difference between the overall relative species abundance index for the years 2029 and 2030 in order to establish whether the overall relative species abundance index for the year 2030 is the same as, or higher than, the overall relative species abundance index for the year 2029.


The overall relative species abundance index for a year is derived from the calculation of the geometric mean of the relative species abundance indices for every species listed in Schedule 2 for that year, which is smoothed to reduce the impact of between-year fluctuations in data collected over time.


The same methodology must be used to determine the overall relative species abundance index for each year.


In this regulation—

  • baseline index” means the index value of 100 for any species in the first year that it is included in that relative species abundance index;

  • geometric mean” means a mathematical process where a series of numbers are multiplied together and then the “n”th root of the product is calculated, where “n” is equal to the length of the series;

  • “relative species abundance index” for a species means an index which—

    1. a

      is an annual measure;

    2. b

      provides a standardised measure of abundance of that species across England; and

    3. c

      is expressed as a value relative to 100, where—

      1. i

        100 is the baseline index for each species in the first year that it is measured in that relative species abundance index; and

      2. ii

        0 means no sightings of that species were recorded in a year8.


Where a species listed in Schedule 2 appears in more than one dataset that meets the criteria referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of “relative species abundance index” in paragraph (4), the relative species abundance index for that species is calculated—


in the case of a species listed in Schedule 2 that is a plant, from the average value of species abundance for that species derived from all the species abundance datasets in which it appears;


in the case of a species listed in Schedule 2 that is an animal, from the species abundance dataset that the Secretary of State considers best provides—


an annual measure; and


a standardised measure of abundance of that species with the widest coverage across England.


For the purposes of paragraph (4), an index is only to be used if it is calculated using the same methodology each year.

Reporting date for the 2030 species abundance target13

For the purposes of section 6(1) of the 2021 Act, the reporting date for the target in regulation 11 is 15th April 2032.

CHAPTER 2Species abundance: long-term target

Long-term biodiversity target to reverse the decline of species abundance14

The long-term biodiversity target to reverse the decline of species abundance is that the overall relative species abundance index by 31st December 2042 is—


higher than the overall relative species abundance index for 31st December 2022; and


at least 10% higher than the overall relative species abundance index for 31st December 2030 (the specified date for the 2030 species abundance target).

Measurement of the long-term biodiversity target to reverse the decline of species abundance15


The long-term biodiversity target to reverse the decline of species abundance is to be measured by calculating the overall relative species abundance index for the following dates—


31st December 2022;


31st December 2030; and


31st December 2042.


Regulation 12(2) to (6) applies in relation to the measurement of the long-term biodiversity target to reverse the decline of species abundance as it applies to the measurement of the 2030 species abundance target described in regulation 11.

Reporting date for the long-term biodiversity target to reverse the decline of species abundance16

For the purposes of section 6(1) of the 2021 Act, the reporting date for the target in regulation 14 is 15th April 2044.

Trudy HarrisonParliamentary Under Secretary of StateDepartment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

SCHEDULE 1Types of wildlife-rich habitat

Regulation 10

Broad habitat

Wildlife-rich habitat other than a habitat type of principal importance for the conservation of biodiversity listed by the Secretary of State under section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006

Acid grassland

Lowland acid grassland

Acid grassland

Upland acid grassland

Boundary and linear features

Line of trees (ecologically valuable – such that the line includes at least one tree per 30m length of ancient or veteran quality)

Boundary and linear features

Line of trees (ecologically valuable – such that the line includes at least one tree per 30m length of ancient or veteran quality) – with bank or ditch

Boundary and linear features

Native hedgerow with trees

Boundary and linear features

Native hedgerow – associated with bank or ditch

Boundary and linear features

Native hedgerow with trees – associated with bank or ditch

Boundary and linear features

Native species-rich hedgerow

Boundary and linear features

Native species-rich hedgerow – associated with bank or ditch

Boundary and linear features

Native species-rich hedgerow with trees

Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland

Blackthorn scrub

Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland

Bramble scrub

Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland

Gorse scrub

Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland

Hawthorn scrub

Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland

Hazel scrub

Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland

Mixed scrub

Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland

Mixed woodland: mainly native broadleaved (with a minimum requirement of 70% native broadleaved species)

Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland

Native woodland: broadleaved

Fen, marsh and swamp

Floodplain wetland mosaic

Inland rock

Inland rock and scree

Littoral rock

Features of littoral rock

Littoral rock

High energy littoral rock

Littoral rock

Low energy littoral rock

Littoral rock

Moderate energy littoral rock

Littoral sediment

Coastal saltmarsh and saline reedbeds

Littoral sediment

Features of littoral sediment

Littoral sediment

Littoral coarse sediment

Littoral sediment

Littoral mixed sediments

Littoral sediment

Littoral muddy sand

Littoral sediment

Littoral sand

Neutral grassland

Neutral grassland

Rivers and streams

Rivers and streams

Standing open waters


Sublittoral rock

Circalittoral rock

Sublittoral rock

Infralittoral rock

Sublittoral rock

Subtidal stony reef

Sublittoral sediment

Native oyster (Ostrea edulis) beds

Sublittoral sediment

Subtidal coarse sediment

Sublittoral sediment

Subtidal mixed sediments

Sublittoral sediment

Subtidal mud

Sublittoral sediment

Subtidal sand

Sublittoral sediment

Subtidal seagrass beds

SCHEDULE 2Species for the targets relating to the abundance of species

Regulation 12

Scientific name

Common name9


Acanthis cabaret

Lesser redpoll

Accipiter gentilis

Northern goshawk

Accipiter nisus


Acrocephalus palustris

Marsh warbler

Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

Sedge warbler

Acrocephalus scirpaceus

Reed warbler

Actitis hypoleucos

Common sandpiper

Aegithalos caudatus

Long-tailed tit

Alauda arvensis


Alcedo atthis


Anas acuta


Anas crecca


Anas platyrhynchos


Anser albifrons

European white-fronted goose

Anser anser

Greylag goose

Anser brachyrhynchus

Pink-footed goose

Anthus pratensis

Meadow pipit

Anthus trivialis

Tree pipit

Apus apus


Ardea cinerea

Grey heron

Arenaria interpres


Aythya ferina

Common pochard

Aythya fuligula

Tufted duck

Aythya marila


Botaurus stellaris

Eurasian bittern

Branta bernicla

Brent goose

Bucephala clangula

Common goldeneye

Burhinus oedicnemus


Buteo buteo


Calidris alba


Calidris alpina


Calidris canutus


Calidris maritima

Purple sandpiper

Calidris pugnax


Caprimulgus europaeus


Carduelis carduelis


Certhia familiaris


Cettia cetti

Cetti’s warbler

Charadrius hiaticula

Ringed plover

Chloris chloris


Chroicocephalus ridibundus

Black-headed gull

Cinclus cinclus


Circus aeruginosus

Marsh harrier

Circus cyaneus

Hen harrier

Circus pygargus

Montagu’s harrier

Coloeus monedula


Columba oenas

Stock dove

Columba palumbus


Corvus corax


Corvus corone

Carrion crow

Corvus frugilegus


Coturnix coturnix

Common quail

Crex crex


Cuculus canorus


Curruca communis


Curruca undata

Dartford warbler

Cyanistes caeruleus

Blue tit

Cygnus columbianus

Bewick’s swan

Cygnus cygnus

Whooper swan

Cygnus olor

Mute swan

Delichon urbicum

House martin

Dendrocopos major

Great spotted woodpecker

Dryobates minor

Lesser spotted woodpecker

Egretta garzetta

Little egret

Emberiza calandra

Corn bunting

Emberiza cirlus

Cirl bunting

Emberiza citrinella


Emberiza schoeniclus

Reed bunting

Erithacus rubecula


Falco columbarius


Falco peregrinus


Falco subbuteo


Falco tinnunculus


Fringilla coelebs


Fulica atra

Common coot

Fulmarus glacialis

Northern fulmar

Gallinago gallinago


Gallinula chloropus


Garrulus glandarius


Grus grus

Common crane

Haematopus ostralegus


Hirundo rustica


Ichthyaetus melanocephalus

Mediterranean gull

Lagopus lagopus

Red grouse

Lanius collurio

Red-backed shrike

Larus argentatus

Herring gull

Limosa lapponica

Bar-tailed godwit

Limosa limosa

Black-tailed godwit

Linaria cannabina


Linaria flavirostris


Locustella luscinioides

Savi’s warbler

Lullula arborea


Luscinia megarhynchos


Lyrurus tetrix

Black grouse

Mareca penelope


Mareca strepera


Mergus merganser


Mergus serrator

Red-breasted merganser

Milvus milvus

Red kite

Morus bassanus

Northern gannet

Motacilla alba

Pied wagtail

Motacilla cinerea

Grey wagtail

Motacilla flava

Yellow wagtail

Muscicapa striata

Spotted flycatcher

Numenius arquata


Oenanthe oenanthe


Oriolus oriolus

Golden oriole

Pandion haliaetus


Panurus biarmicus

Bearded tit

Parus major

Great tit

Passer domesticus

House sparrow

Passer montanus

Tree sparrow

Perdix perdix

Grey partridge

Periparus ater

Coal tit

Pernis apivorus


Phalacrocorax aristotelis

European shag

Phalacrocorax carbo

Great cormorant

Phoenicurus ochruros

Black redstart

Phoenicurus phoenicurus


Phylloscopus collybita


Phylloscopus sibilatrix

Wood warbler

Phylloscopus trochilus

Willow warbler

Pica pica


Picus viridis

Green woodpecker

Platalea leucorodia

Eurasian spoonbill

Pluvialis apricaria

Golden plover

Pluvialis squatarola

Grey plover

Podiceps cristatus

Great crested grebe

Podiceps nigricollis

Black-necked grebe

Poecile montanus

Willow tit

Poecile palustris

Marsh tit

Porzana porzana

Spotted crake

Prunella modularis


Pyrrhula pyrrhula


Recurvirostra avosetta


Regulus ignicapilla


Regulus regulus


Riparia riparia

Sand martin

Rissa tridactyla

Black-legged kittiwake

Saxicola rubetra


Saxicola rubicola


Sitta europaea


Somateria mollissima


Spatula clypeata


Spatula querquedula


Spinus spinus


Sterna dougallii

Roseate tern

Sterna hirundo

Common tern

Sterna paradisaea

Arctic tern

Sternula albifrons

Little tern

Streptopelia decaocto

Collared dove

Streptopelia turtur

Turtle dove

Strix aluco

Tawny owl

Sturnus vulgaris


Sylvia atricapilla


Sylvia borin

Garden warbler

Sylvia curruca

Lesser whitethroat

Tachybaptus ruficollis

Little grebe

Tadorna tadorna


Thalasseus sandvicensis

Sandwich tern

Tringa totanus


Troglodytes troglodytes


Turdus merula


Turdus philomelos

Song thrush

Turdus torquatus

Ring ouzel

Turdus viscivorus

Mistle thrush

Uria aalge


Vanellus vanellus



Bombus pascuorum

Common carder bee

Bombus lapidarius

Red-tailed bumblebee

Bombus pratorum

Early bumblebee

Bombus hypnorum

Tree bumblebee

Bombus hortorum

Garden bumblebee

Bombus lucorum / terrestris

White-tailed / buff-tailed bumblebee

Bombus vestalis

Southern cuckoo bumblebee

Bombus sylvestris

Forest cuckoo bumblebee

Bombus campestris

Field cuckoo bumblebee

Bombus rupestris

Red-tailed cuckoo bumblebee

Bombus humilis

Brown-banded carder bee


Abramis brama

Common bream

Alburnus alburnus


Ammodytes tobianus

Lesser sandeel

Anguilla anguilla


Atherina presbyter

Sand smelt

Barbatula barbatula

Stone loach

Barbus barbus


Blicca bjoerkna

Silver bream

Carassius carassius

Crucian carp

Chelon labrosus

Thick lipped grey mullet

Clupea harengus


Cobitis taenia

Spined loach

Cottus gobio


Dicentrarchus labrax

Sea bass

Esox lucius


Gasterosteus aculeatus

Three spined stickleback

Gobio gobio


Gymnocephalus cernuus


Leuciscus leuciscus


Liza aurata

Golden grey mullet

Liza ramada

Thin lipped grey mullet

Osmerus eperlanus


Perca fluviatilis


Phoxinus phoxinus


Platichthys flesus


Pleuronectes platessa


Pomatoschistus microps

Common goby

Pomatoschistus minutus

Sand goby

Pungitius pungitius

Ten spined stickleback

Rutilus rutilus


Salmo salar

Atlantic salmon

Salmo trutta

Brown trout

Scardinius erythrophthalmus


Sprattus sprattus


Squalius cephalus


Syngnathus acus

Greater pipefish

Thymallus thymallus


Tinca tinca


Freshwater invertebrates

Acroloxus lacustris

Lake limpet

Adicella reducta

Aeshna spp.


Agabus spp.

Agabus (beetle)

Agapetus spp.

Agraylea multipunctata

Salt and pepper microcaddis

Alboglossiphonia heteroclita

White leech

Ameletus inopinatus

Upland summer mayfly

Amphinemura spp.

Spring stoneflies

Ampullaceana balthica

Wandering snail

Anabolia nervosa

Anacaena globulus

Anacaena limbata

Ancylus fluviatilis

River limpet

Anisus leucostoma

White-lipped ramshorn

Anisus vortex

Whirlpool ramshorn

Antocha vitripennis

Aphelocheirus aestivalis

Asellus aquaticus

Pond slater / Water louse

Atherix ibis

Yellow-legged water-snipefly

Athripsodes spp.

Austropotamobius pallipes

White-clawed crayfish

Baetis buceratus

Scarce olive

Baetis muticus

Iron blue

Baetis rhodani

Large dark olive

Baetis scambus group

Small dark olive

Baetis vernus

Medium olive

Bathyomphalus contortus

Twisted ramshorn

Beraea maurus

Beraea pullata

Beraeodes minutus

Beris spp.

Green soldier flies

Bithynia leachii

Bithynia tentaculata

Faucet snail

Brachycentrus subnubilus

Brachyptera risi

Brychius elevatus

Caenis horaria

Caenis luctuosa group

Angler’s curse

Caenis pusilla

Caenis rivulorum

Caenis robusta

Callicorixa praeusta

Water boatman

Calopteryx spp.


Capnia spp.

Small winter stoneflies

Centroptilum luteolum

Small spurwing

Ceraclea spp.

Long-horned caddisflies

Chaetopteryx villosa

Cheumatopsyche lepida

Chloroperla tripunctata

Cloeon dipterum

Pond olive

Coenagrion spp.

Eurasian bluets damselflies

Cordulegaster boltonii

Golden-ringed dragonfly

Crenobia alpina

Alpine flatworm

Crunoecia irrorata

Cyrnus flavidus

Cyrnus trimaculatus

Dendrocoelum lacteum

Aquatic flatworm

Dicranota spp.

Dinocras cephalotes

Diplectrona felix

Dixa nebulosa

Dixa puberula

Drusus annulatus

Dryops spp.

Dugesia polychroa group

Dytiscus spp.

Ecclisopteryx dalecarlica

Ecdyonurus spp.

Electrogena spp.

Elmis aenea

Elodes spp.

Eloeophila spp.

Enallagma cyathigerum

Common blue damselfly

Ephemera spp.

Erpobdella spp.

Erythromma najas

Red-eyed damselfly

Esolus parallelepipedus

Galba truncatula

Dwarf pond snail

Gammarus pulex group

Common freshwater shrimp

Gammarus zaddachi

Gerris spp.

Glossiphonia complanata

Glossiphonia verrucata

Glossosoma spp.

Glyphotaelius pellucidus

Goera pilosa

Graptodytes pictus

Gyraulus albus

White ramshorn

Gyraulus crista

Nautilus ramshorn

Gyraulus laevis

Smooth ramshorn

Gyrinus substriatus

Gyrinus urinator

Habrophlebia fusca

Ditch dun

Halesus spp.

Haliplus confinis

Haliplus lineatocollis

Haliplus ruficollis group

Helobdella stagnalis

Helophorus brevipalpis

Hemiclepsis marginata

Heptagenia spp.

Hesperocorixa sahlbergi

Lesser waterboatman

Hippeutis complanatus

Flat ramshorn

Hydraena gracilis

Hydraena riparia

Hydrobius fuscipes

Hydroporus palustris

Hydropsyche angustipennis

Hydropsyche contubernalis

Hydropsyche instabilis

Hydropsyche pellucidula

Hydropsyche siltalai

Hydroptila spp.

Hyphydrus ovatus

Ibisia marginata

Black-legged water-snipefly

Ilybius spp.

Ilyocoris cimicoides

Saucer bug

Ischnura elegans

Blue-tailed damselfly

Isoperla grammatica

Common yellow sally

Ithytrichia spp.

Laccobius spp.

Laccophilus hyalinus

Lepidostoma basale

Lepidostoma hirtum

Leptophlebia spp.

Leuctra spp.

Limnephilus extricatus

Limnephilus flavicornis

Limnephilus lunatus

Cinnamon sedge

Limnephilus marmoratus

Limnephilus rhombicus

Limnius volckmari

Lymnaea stagnalis

Great pond snail

Lype spp.

Melampophylax mucoreus

Micronecta spp.

Micropterna lateralis

Micropterna sequax

Molanna angustata

Mystacides spp.

Nebrioporus depressus group

Nemoura spp.

Nemurella pictetii

Nepa cinerea

Water scorpion

Neureclipsis bimaculata

Nigrobaetis spp.

Noterus clavicornis

Larger noterus

Notonecta glauca

Common backswimmer

Notonecta maculata

Notonecta viridis

Ochthebius spp.

Odontocerum albicorne

Oecetis spp.

Orectochilus villosus

Oreodytes sanmarkii

Oulimnius spp.

Oxycera spp.

Oxyethira spp.

Paraleptophlebia spp.

Pedicia spp.

Perla bipunctata

Perlodes mortoni

Orange-striped stonefly

Phagocata vitta

Philopotamus montanus

Yellow spotted sedge

Phryganea bipunctata

Physa fontinalis

Common bladder snail

Pilaria spp.

Piscicola geometra

Common fish leech

Pisidium spp.

Planorbarius corneus

Great ramshorn

Planorbis spp.

Platambus maculatus

Platycnemis pennipes

White-legged damselfly

Plea minutissima

Plectrocnemia spp.

Polycelis spp.

Polycentropus spp.

Potamanthus luteus

Yellow mayfly

Potamophylax cingulatus

Potamophylax latipennis

Potamophylax rotundipennis

Proasellus meridianus

One-spotted waterlouse

Procloeon pennulatum

Prosimulium spp.

Protonemura spp.

Psychomyia pusilla

Ptychoptera spp.

Pyrrhosoma nymphula

Large red damselfly

Radix auricularia

Ear pond snail

Rhithrogena spp.

Rhyacophila dorsalis


Rhyacophila fasciata

Rhyacophila munda

Rhyacophila obliterata

Riolus spp.

Sericostoma personatum

Serratella ignita

Blue-winged olive

Sialis fuliginosa

Sialis lutaria

Common alderfly

Sigara dorsalis

Sigara falleni

Sigara fossarum

Silo nigricornis

Silo pallipes

Simulium (Wilhemia) spp.

Simulium angustitarse group

Simulium argyreatum group

Simulium aureum group

Simulium costatum

Simulium cryophilum-vernum group

Simulium erythrocephalum

Simulium noelleri

Simulium ornatum group

Simulium reptans

Simulium tuberosum complex

Twinn’s black fly

Siphlonurus spp.

Siphonoperla torrentium

Small yellow sally

Sisyra spp.

Sphaerium spp.

Stagnicola spp.

Stictotarsus duodecimpustulatus

Taeniopteryx nebulosa

February red

Theodoxus fluviatilis

River nerite

Theromyzon tessulatum

Duck leech

Tinodes unicolor

Tinodes waeneri

Tipula spp.

Triaenodes bicolor

Trocheta spp.

Valvata cristata

Flat valve snail

Valvata piscinalis

European valve snail

Velia spp.

Viviparus viviparus

Common river snail

Wormaldia spp.

Lepidoptera (Butterfly)

Aglais io


Aglais urticae

Small tortoiseshell

Anthocharis cardamines


Apatura iris

Purple emperor

Aphantopus hyperantus


Argynnis adippe

High brown fritillary

Argynnis paphia

Silver-washed fritillary

Aricia agestis

Brown argus

Aricia artaxerxes

Northern brown argus

Boloria euphrosyne

Pearl-bordered fritillary

Boloria selene

Small pearl-bordered fritillary

Callophrys rubi

Green hairstreak

Celastrina argiolus

Holly blue

Coenonympha pamphilus

Small heath

Colias croceus

Clouded yellow

Cupido minimus

Small blue

Erebia aethiops

Scotch argus

Erynnis tages

Dingy skipper

Euphydryas aurinia

Marsh fritillary

Favonius quercus

Purple hairstreak

Gonepteryx rhamni


Hamearis lucina

Duke of burgundy

Hesperia comma

Silver-spotted skipper

Hipparchia semele


Lasiommata megera


Leptidea sinapis

Wood white

Limenitis camilla

White admiral

Lycaena phlaeas

Small copper

Maculinea arion

Large blue

Maniola jurtina

Meadow brown

Melanargia galathea

Marbled white

Melitaea athalia

Heath fritillary

Melitaea cinxia

Glanville fritillary

Ochlodes sylvanus

Large skipper

Papilio machaon


Pararge aegeria

Speckled wood

Pieris brassicae

Large white

Pieris napi

Green-veined white

Pieris rapae

Small white

Plebejus argus

Silver-studded blue

Polygonia c-album


Polyommatus bellargus

Adonis blue

Polyommatus coridon

Chalk hill blue

Polyommatus icarus

Common blue

Pyrgus malvae

Grizzled skipper

Pyronia tithonus


Satyrium pruni

Black hairstreak

Satyrium w-album

White-letter hairstreak

Speyeria aglaja

Dark green fritillary

Thecla betulae

Brown hairstreak

Thymelicus acteon

Lulworth skipper

Thymelicus lineola

Essex skipper

Thymelicus sylvestris

Small skipper

Vanessa atalanta

Red admiral

Vanessa cardui

Painted lady

Lepidoptera (Moths)

Abraxas grossulariata

The magpie

Abraxas sylvata

Clouded magpie

Abrostola tripartita

The spectacle

Abrostola triplasia

Dark spectacle

Acasis viretata

Yellow-barred brindle

Achlya flavicornis

Yellow horned

Acronicta psi

Grey dagger

Acronicta rumicis

Knot grass

Acronicta tridens

Dark dagger

Aethalura punctulata

Grey birch

Agriopis aurantiaria

Scarce umber

Agriopis leucophaearia

Spring usher

Agriopis marginaria

Dotted border

Agrochola helvola

Flounced chestnut

Agrochola litura

Brown-spot pinion

Agrochola lota

Red-line quaker

Agrochola macilenta

Yellow-line quaker

Agrochola circellaris

The brick

Agrochola lychnidis

Beaded chestnut

Agrotis clavis

Heart & club

Agrotis exclamationis

Heart & dart

Agrotis ipsilon

Dark sword-grass

Agrotis puta

Shuttle-shaped dart

Agrotis segetum

Turnip moth

Agrotis vestigialis

Archer’s dart

Alcis jubata

Dotted carpet

Alcis repandata

Mottled beauty

Allophyes oxyacanthae

Green-brindled crescent

Alsophila aescularia

March moth

Amphipoea lucens

Large ear

Amphipoea oculea

Ear moth

Amphipyra berbera

Svensson’s copper underwing

Amphipyra pyramidea

Copper underwing

Amphipyra tragopoginis

Mouse moth

Anaplectoides prasina

Green arches

Anarta trifolii


Anorthoa munda

Twin-spotted quaker

Anticlea derivata

The streamer

Antitype chi

Grey chi

Apamea anceps

Large nutmeg

Apamea crenata

Clouded-bordered brindle

Apamea epomidion

Clouded brindle

Apamea lithoxylaea

Light arches

Apamea monoglypha

Dark arches

Apamea remissa

Dusky brocade

Apamea scolopacina

Slender brindle

Apamea sordens

Rustic shoulder-knot

Apamea unanimis

Small clouded brindle

Apeira syringaria

Lilac beauty

Aplocera efformata

Lesser treble-bar

Aplocera plagiata


Apocheima hispidaria

Small brindled beauty

Aporophyla lutulenta

Deep-brown dart

Aporophyla nigra

Black rustic

Apterogenum ypsillon

Dingy shears

Arctia caja

Garden tiger

Aspitates gilvaria

Straw belle

Aspitates ochrearia

Yellow belle

Asteroscopus sphinx

The sprawler

Asthena albulata

Small white wave

Atethmia centrago

Centre-barred sallow

Athetis pallustris

Marsh moth

Autographa bractea

Gold spangle

Autographa gamma

Silver Y

Autographa jota

Plain golden Y

Autographa pulchrina

Beautiful golden Y

Axylia putris

The flame

Biston betularia

Peppered moth

Biston strataria

Oak beauty

Brachylomia viminalis

Minor shoulder-knot

Bryophila domestica

Marbled beauty

Bupalus piniaria

Bordered white

Cabera exanthemata

Common wave

Cabera pusaria

Common white wave

Calliteara pudibunda

Pale tussock

Campaea margaritaria

Light emerald

Camptogramma bilineata

Yellow shell

Caradrina clavipalpis

Pale mottled willow moth

Caradrina morpheus

Mottled rustic

Catarhoe rubidata

Ruddy carpet

Catocala nupta

Red underwing

Celaena haworthii

Haworth’s minor

Cerapteryx graminis

Antler moth

Cerastis rubricosa

Red chestnut

Ceramica pisi

Broom moth

Charanyca trigrammica

Treble lines

Chesias legatella

The streak

Chesias rufata


Chiasmia clathrata

Latticed heath

Chloroclysta miata

Autumn green carpet

Chloroclysta siterata

Red-green carpet

Chloroclystis v-ata

The V-pug

Cidaria fulvata

Barred yellow

Cilix glaucata

Chinese character

Cirrhia gilvago

Dusky-lemon sallow

Cirrhia icteritia


Cleorodes lichenaria

Brussels lace

Clostera curtula


Coenobia rufa

Small rufous

Coenotephria salicata

Striped twin-spot carpet

Coleophora vibicella

Colocasia coryli

Nut-tree tussock

Colostygia multistrigaria

Mottled grey

Colostygia pectinataria

Green carpet

Colotois pennaria

Feathered thorn

Comibaena bajularia

Blotched emerald

Conistra ligula

Dark chestnut

Conistra rubiginea

Dotted chestnut

Conistra vaccinii

The chestnut

Cosmia affinis

Lesser-spotted pinion

Cosmia pyralina

Lunar-spotted pinion

Cosmia trapezina

The dun-bar

Cosmorhoe ocellata

Purple bar

Craniophora ligustri

The coronet

Crocallis elinguaria

Scalloped oak

Cucullia umbratica

The shark

Cybosia mesomella

Four-dotted footman

Cyclophora albipunctata

Birch mocha

Cyclophora linearia

Clay triple-lines

Cyclophora punctaria

Maiden’s blush

Cymatophorina diluta

Oak lutestring

Deilephila elpenor

Elephant hawk-moth

Deileptenia ribeata

Satin beauty

Deltote pygarga

Marbled white spot

Denticucullus pygmina

Small wainscot

Diachrysia chrysitis

Burnished brass

Diacrisia sannio

Clouded buff

Diaphora mendica

Muslin moth

Diarsia brunnea

Purple clay

Diarsia dahlii

Barred chestnut

Diarsia mendica

Ingrailed clay

Diarsia rubi

Small square-spot

Diloba caeruleocephala

Figure of eight

Drepana falcataria

Pebble hook-tip

Drymonia dodonaea

Marbled brown

Drymonia ruficornis

Lunar marbled brown

Dryobotodes eremita

Brindled green

Dypterygia scabriuscula

Bird’s wing

Dysstroma citrata

Dark marbled carpet

Dysstroma truncata

Common marbled carpet

Earophila badiata


Ecliptopera silaceata

Small phoenix

Ectropis crepuscularia

The engrailed

Eilema complana

Scarce footman

Eilema depressa

Buff footman

Eilema griseola

Dingy footman

Eilema lurideola

Common footman

Eilema sororcula

Orange footman

Electrophaes corylata

Broken-barred carpet

Ennomos alniaria

Canary-shouldered thorn

Ennomos autumnaria

Large thorn

Ennomos erosaria

September thorn

Ennomos fuscantaria

Dusky thorn

Ennomos quercinaria

August thorn

Entephria caesiata

Grey mountain carpet

Epione repandaria

Bordered beauty

Epirrhoe alternata

Common carpet

Epirrhoe galiata

Galium carpet

Epirrhoe rivata

Wood carpet

Epirrita autumnata

Autumnal moth

Epirrita christyi

Pale November moth

Epirrita dilutata

November moth

Epirrita filigrammaria

Small autumnal moth

Erannis defoliaria

Mottled umber

Eremobia ochroleuca

Dusky sallow

Euchoeca nebulata

Dingy shell

Eugnorisma glareosa

Autumnal rustic

Eulithis mellinata

The spinach

Eulithis populata

Northern spinach

Eulithis prunata

The phoenix

Eulithis testata

The chevron

Euphyia biangulata

Cloaked carpet

Euphyia unangulata

Sharp-angled carpet

Eupithecia abbreviata

Brindled pug

Eupithecia absinthiata

Wormwood pug

Eupithecia assimilata

Currant pug

Eupithecia centaureata

Lime-speck pug

Eupithecia dodoneata

Oak-tree pug

Eupithecia exiguata

Mottled pug

Eupithecia haworthiata

Haworth’s pug

Eupithecia icterata

Tawny speckled pug

Eupithecia indigata

Ochreous pug

Eupithecia innotata

Angle-barred pug

Eupithecia intricata

Freyer’s pug

Eupithecia inturbata

Maple pug

Eupithecia lariciata

Larch pug

Eupithecia linariata

Toadflax pug

Eupithecia nanata

Narrow-winged pug

Eupithecia phoeniceata

Cypress pug

Eupithecia pulchellata

Foxglove pug

Eupithecia pusillata

Juniper pug

Eupithecia satyrata

Satyr pug

Eupithecia simpliciata

Plain pug

Eupithecia subfuscata

Grey pug

Eupithecia succenturiata

Bordered pug

Eupithecia tantillaria

Dwarf pug

Eupithecia tenuiata

Slender pug

Eupithecia tripunctaria

White-spotted pug

Eupithecia venosata

Netted pug

Eupithecia virgaureata

Golden-rod pug

Eupithecia vulgata

Common pug

Euplexia lucipara

Small angle shades

Euproctis chrysorrhoea


Euproctis similis


Eupsilia transversa

The satellite

Eustroma reticulata

Netted carpet moth

Euthrix potatoria

The drinker

Euxoa nigricans

Garden dart

Euxoa tritici

White-line dart

Falcaria lacertinaria

Scalloped hook-tip

Furcula furcula

Sallow kitten

Gandaritis pyraliata

Barred straw

Gastropacha quercifolia

The lappet

Geometra papilionaria

Large emerald

Gortyna flavago

Frosted orange

Graphiphora augur

Double dart

Griposia aprilina

Merveille du jour

Gymnoscelis rufifasciata

Double-striped pug

Habrosyne pyritoides

Buff arches

Hada plebeja

The shears

Hadena bicruris

The lychnis

Hadena confusa

Marbled coronet

Hadena perplexa

Tawny shears

Hecatera bicolorata

Broad-barred white

Helotropha leucostigma


Hemistola chrysoprasaria

Small emerald

Hemithea aestivaria

Common emerald

Hepialus humuli

Ghost moth

Herminia grisealis

Small fan-foot

Herminia tarsipennalis

The fan-foot

Hoplodrina ambigua

Vine’s rustic

Hoplodrina blanda

The rustic

Hoplodrina octogenaria


Horisme tersata

The fern

Horisme vitalbata

Small waved umber

Hydraecia micacea

Rosy rustic

Hydraecia osseola

Marsh mallow moth

Hydrelia flammeolaria

Small yellow wave

Hydria cervinalis

Scarce tissue

Hydria undulata

Scallop shell

Hydriomena furcata

July highflyer

Hydriomena impluviata

May highflyer

Hylaea fasciaria

Barred red

Hypena crassalis

Beautiful snout

Hypena proboscidalis

The snout

Hypomecis punctinalis

Pale oak beauty

Hypomecis roboraria

Great oak beauty

Idaea aversata

Riband wave

Idaea biselata

Small fanfooted wave

Idaea dimidiata

Single-dotted wave

Idaea emarginata

Small scallop

Idaea fuscovenosa

Dwarf cream wave

Idaea ochrata

Bright wave moth

Idaea rusticata

Least carpet

Idaea seriata

Small dusty wave

Idaea straminata

Plain wave

Idaea subsericeata

Satin wave

Idaea trigeminata

Treble brown spot

Ipimorpha subtusa

The olive

Jodis lactearia

Little emerald

Korscheltellus fusconebulosa

Map-winged swift

Korscheltellus lupulina

Common swift

Lacanobia oleracea

Bright-line brown-eye

Lacanobia suasa

Dog’s tooth

Lacanobia thalassina

Pale-shouldered brocade

Lampropteryx otregiata

Devon carpet

Lampropteryx suffumata

Water carpet

Laothoe populi

Poplar hawk-moth

Larentia clavaria

The mallow

Lasiocampa quercus

Oak eggar

Laspeyria flexula

Beautiful hook-tip

Lateroligia ophiogramma

Double lobed

Leucania comma

Shoulder-striped wainscot

Ligdia adustata

Scorched carpet

Litoligia literosa

Rosy minor

Lithophane leautieri

Blair’s shoulder-knot

Lithophane ornitopus

Grey shoulder-knot

Lithophane socia

Pale pinion

Lobophora halterata

The seraphim

Lomaspilis marginata

Clouded border

Lomographa bimaculata

White-pinion spotted

Lomographa temerata

Clouded silver

Luperina testacea

Flounced rustic

Lycia hirtaria

Brindled beauty

Lycia zonaria

Belted beauty

Lycophotia porphyrea

True lover’s knot

Lygephila pastinum

The blackneck

Lymantria monacha

Black arches

Macaria alternata

Sharp-angled peacock

Macaria liturata

Tawny-barred angle

Macaria notata

Peacock moth

Macaria wauaria

The V-moth

Macrothylacia rubi

Fox moth

Malacosoma neustria

The lackey

Mamestra brassicae

Cabbage moth

Melanchra persicariae

Dot moth

Melanthia procellata

Pretty chalk carpet

Menophra abruptaria

Waved umber

Mesapamea secalis / didyma

Mesoleuca albicillata

Beautiful carpet

Mesoligia furuncula

Cloaked minor

Mesotype didymata

Twin-spot carpet

Miltochrista miniata

Rosy footman

Mniotype adusta

Dark brocade

Mythimna albipuncta


Mythimna ferrago

The clay

Mythimna conigera

Brown-line bright-eye

Mythimna impura

Smoky wainscot

Mythimna pallens

Common wainscot

Naenia typica

The gothic

Noctua comes

Lesser yellow underwing

Noctua fimbriata

Broad-bordered yellow underwing

Noctua interjecta

Least yellow underwing

Noctua janthe

Lesser broad-bordered yellow underwing

Noctua pronuba

Large yellow underwing

Nola confusalis

Least black arches

Nola cucullatella

Short-cloaked moth

Nomophila noctuella

Rush veneer

Notodonta dromedarius

Iron prominent

Notodonta ziczac

Pebble prominent

Nudaria mundana

Muslin footman

Nycteola revayana

Oak nycteoline

Ochropacha duplaris

Common lutestring

Ochropleura plecta

Flame shoulder

Odontopera bidentata

Scalloped hazel

Odontosia carmelita

Scarce prominent

Oligia fasciuncula

Middle-barred minor

Oligia latruncula

Tawny marbled minor

Oligia strigilis

Marbled minor

Oligia versicolor

Rufous minor

Omphaloscelis lunosa

Lunar underwing

Operophtera brumata

Winter moth

Operophtera fagata

Northern winter moth

Opisthograptis luteolata

Brimstone moth

Orgyia antiqua

The vapourer

Orthonama vittata

Oblique carpet

Orthosia cerasi

Common quaker

Orthosia cruda

Small quaker

Orthosia gothica

Hebrew character

Orthosia gracilis

Powdered quaker

Orthosia incerta

Clouded drab

Orthosia populeti

Lead-coloured drab

Ourapteryx sambucaria

Swallow-tailed moth

Pachycnemia hippocastanaria

Horse chestnut

Panolis flammea

Pine beauty

Parascotia fuliginaria

Waved black

Parectropis similaria

Brindled white-spot

Pasiphila rectangulata

Green pug

Pelurga comitata

Dark spinach

Pennithera firmata

Pine carpet

Peribatodes rhomboidaria

Willow beauty

Peridea anceps

Great prominent

Perizoma affinitata

The rivulet

Perizoma albulata

Grass rivulet

Perizoma alchemillata

Small rivulet

Perizoma bifaciata

Barred rivulet

Perizoma flavofasciata

Sandy carpet

Petrophora chlorosata

Brown silver-line

Phalera bucephala


Pheosia gnoma

Lesser swallow prominent

Pheosia tremula

Swallow prominent

Phigalia pilosaria

Pale brindled beauty

Philereme transversata

Dark umber

Philereme vetulata

Brown scallop

Phlogophora meticulosa

Angle shades

Photedes fluxa

Mere wainscot

Photedes minima

Small dotted buff

Phragmatobia fuliginosa

Ruby tiger

Phymatopus hecta

Gold swift

Plagodis dolabraria

Scorched wing

Plagodis pulveraria

Barred umber

Plemyria rubiginata

Blue-bordered carpet

Plusia festucae

Gold spot

Plutella xylostella

Diamond-back moth

Poecilocampa populi

December moth

Polia nebulosa

Grey arches

Polychrysia moneta

Golden plusia

Polymixis flavicincta

Large ranunculus

Polymixis lichenea

Feathered ranunculus

Polyploca ridens

Frosted green

Pseudoips prasinana

Green silver-lines

Pseudoterpna pruinata

Grass emerald

Pterapherapteryx sexalata

Small seraphim

Pterostoma palpina

Pale prominent

Ptilodon capucina

Coxcomb prominent

Pyropteron chrysidiformis

Fiery clearwing

Rhizedra lutosa

Large wainscot

Rhodometra sacraria

The vestal

Rivula sericealis

Straw dot

Rusina ferruginea

Brown rustic

Saturnia pavonia

Emperor moth

Schrankia costaestrigalis

Pinion-streaked snout

Scoliopteryx libatrix

The herald

Scopula floslactata

Cream wave

Scopula imitaria

Small blood-vein

Scopula immutata

Lesser cream wave

Scopula marginepunctata

Mullein wave

Scotopteryx chenopodiata

Shaded broad-bar

Scotopteryx luridata

July belle

Scotopteryx mucronata

Lead belle

Scythris siccella

Selenia dentaria

Early thorn

Selenia lunularia

Lunar thorn

Selenia tetralunaria

Purple thorn

Sideridis rivularis


Siona lineata

Black-veined moth

Spaelotis ravida

Stout dart

Spilosoma lubricipeda

White ermine

Spilosoma lutea

Buff ermine

Stauropus fagi

Lobster moth

Stilbia anomala

The anomalous

Subacronicta megacephala

Poplar grey

Tethea ocularis

Figure of eighty

Thalera fimbrialis

Sussex emerald

Thalpophila matura

Straw underwing

Thera Britannica

Spruce carpet

Thera juniperata

Juniper carpet

Thera obeliscata

Grey pine carpet

Theria primaria

Early moth

Tholera cespitis

Hedge rustic

Tholera decimalis

Feathered gothic

Thumatha senex

Round-winged muslin

Thyatira batis

Peach blossom

Tiliacea aurago

Barred sallow

Tiliacea citrago

Orange sallow

Timandra comae


Trichiura crataegi

Pale eggar

Trichopteryx carpinata

Early tooth-striped

Triodia sylvina

Orange swift

Triphosa dubitata

The tissue

Tyria jacobaeae

The cinnabar

Udea ferrugalis

Rusty dot pearl

Venusia cambrica

Welsh wave

Watsonalla binaria

Oak hook-tip

Watsonalla cultraria

Barred hook-tip

Xanthia togata

Pink-barred sallow

Xanthorhoe decoloraria

Red carpet

Xanthorhoe designata

Flame carpet

Xanthorhoe ferrugata

Dark-barred twin-spot carpet

Xanthorhoe fluctuata

Garden carpet

Xanthorhoe montanata

Silver-ground carpet

Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata

Large twin-spot carpet

Xanthorhoe spadicearia

Red twin-spot carpet

Xestia agathina

Heath rustic

Xestia baja

Dotted clay

Xestia castanea

Neglected rustic

Xestia c-nigrum

Setaceous Hebrew character

Xestia ditrapezium

Triple-spotted clay

Xestia sexstrigata

Six-striped rustic

Xestia triangulum

Double square-spot

Xestia xanthographa

Square-spot rustic

Xylocampa areola

Early grey


Arvicola amphibius

Water vole

Capreolus capreolus

Roe deer

Dama dama

Fallow deer

Eptesicus serotinus

Serotine bat

Lepus europaeus

Brown hare

Muscardinus avellanarius


Myotis daubentonii

Daubenton’s bat

Myotis mystacinus/Myotis brandtii

Whiskered bat/Brandt’s bat

Myotis nattereri

Natterer’s bat

Nyctalus noctula

Noctule bat

Oryctolagus cuniculus


Pipistrellus pipistrellus

Common pipistrelle bat

Pipistrellus pygmaeus

Soprano pipistrelle bat

Plecotus auritus

Brown long-eared bat

Rhinolophus ferrumequinum

Greater horseshoe bat

Rhinolophus hipposideros

Lesser horseshoe bat

Vulpes vulpes

Red fox

Vascular Plants

Achillea millefolium


Aethusa cynapium

Fool’s parsley

Agrimonia eupatoria


Ajuga reptans


Alisma plantago-aquatica


Allium ursinum


Alnus glutinosa


Alopecurus geniculatus

Marsh foxtail

Ammophila arenaria


Anagallis arvensis

Scarlet pimpernel

Anthemis cotula

Stinking chamomile

Anthoxanthum odoratum

Sweet vernal-grass

Anthyllis vulneraria

Kidney vetch

Apium nodiflorum


Arctium minus/nemorosum

Armeria maritima


Arum maculatum


Asplenium trichomanes

Maidenhair spleenwort

Aster tripolium

Sea aster

Atriplex portulacoides


Atriplex spp.

Bellis perennis


Berula erecta


Beta vulgaris


Blackstonia perfoliata


Blechnum spicant


Briza media


Bromopsis erecta

Upright brome

Calluna vulgaris


Caltha palustris


Calystegia sepium

Hedge bindweed

Campanula glomerata

Clustered bellflower

Campanula rotundifolia


Campanula trachelium

Nettle-leaved bellflower

Capsella bursa-pastoris


Cardamine pratensis


Carduus nutans

Musk thistle

Carex echinata

Star sedge

Carex nigra

Common sedge

Carex otrubae

False fox-sedge

Carex pendula

Pendulous sedge

Carex remota

Remote sedge

Carex sylvatica


Cerastium arvense

Field mouse-ear

Cerastium fontanum

Common mouse-ear

Cerastium glomeratum

Sticky mouse-ear

Ceratocapnos claviculata

Climbing corydalis

Chaerophyllum temulum

Rough chervil

Chenopodium album


Chrysosplenium oppositifolium

Opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage

Circaea lutetiana


Cirsium acaule

Dwarf thistle

Cirsium palustre

Marsh thistle

Clematis vitalba




Conopodium majus


Cornus sanguinea


Corylus avellana


Crataegus monogyna


Cruciata laevipes


Cynosurus cristatus

Crested dog’s-tail

Dactylorhiza fuchsii

Common spotted-orchid

Daucus carota


Deschampsia cespitosa

Tufted hair-grass

Deschampsia flexuosa

Wavy hair-grass

Digitalis purpurea


Dioscorea communis

Black bryony

Dipsacus fullonum

Wild teasel

Drosera rotundifolia

Round-leaved sundew

Elytrigia atherica

Sea couch

Empetrum nigrum


Epilobium hirsutum

Great willowherb

Equisetum fluviatile

Water horsetail

Erica cinerea

Bell heather

Erica tetralix

Cross-leaved heath

Eriophorum angustifolium

Common cottongrass

Eriophorum vaginatum

Hare’s-tail cottongrass

Euonymus europaeus


Euphorbia amygdaloides

Wood spurge

Euphorbia exigua

Dwarf spurge

Euphorbia helioscopia

Sun spurge

Filipendula ulmaria


Filipendula vulgaris




Galium mollugo

Hedge bedstraw

Galium odoratum


Galium palustre


Galium saxatile

Heath bedstraw

Galium verum

Lady’s bedstraw

Geranium robertianum


Geum urbanum

Wood avens

Glaucium flavum

Yellow horned-poppy

Glechoma hederacea


Hedera helix

Common ivy

Helictotrichon pratense

Meadow oat-grass

Heracleum sphondylium


Hippocrepis comosa

Horseshoe vetch

Hippuris vulgaris


Holcus lanatus


Hordeum secalinum

Meadow barley

Huperzia selago

Hyacinthoides non-scripta


Hydrocharis morsus-ranae


Hydrocotyle vulgaris

Marsh pennywort

Hypericum tetrapterum

Square-stalked St John’s-wort

Hypochaeris radicata


Ilex aquifolium


Iris pseudacorus

Yellow iris

Juncus gerardii

Saltmarsh rush

Juncus squarrosus

Heath rush

Kickxia elatine

Sharp-leaved fluellen

Kickxia spuria

Round-leaved fluellen

Knautia arvensis

Field scabious

Lamium amplexicaule

Henbit dead-nettle

Lathyrus pratensis

Meadow vetchling

Lemna trisulca

Ivy-leaved duckweed

Leucanthemum vulgare

Oxeye daisy

Limonium spp.

Linum catharticum

Fairy flax

Lonicera periclymenum


Lotus corniculatus

Common bird’s-foot-trefoil

Lotus pedunculatus

Greater bird’s-foot-trefoil

Luzula multiflora

Heath wood-rush

Lycopus europaeus


Lysimachia nemorum

Yellow pimpernel

Lysimachia vulgaris

Yellow loosestrife

Lythrum salicaria


Matricaria chamomilla

Scented mayweed

Medicago lupulina

Black medick

Melica uniflora

Wood melick

Mentha aquatica

Water mint

Mercurialis perennis

Dog’s mercury

Milium effusum

Wood millet

Moehringia trinervia

Three-nerved sandwort

Molinia caerulea

Purple moor-grass

Mycelis muralis

Wall lettuce

Nardus stricta


Narthecium ossifragum

Bog asphodel

Nuphar lutea

Yellow water-lily

Nymphaea alba

White water-lily

Origanum vulgare

Wild marjoram

Ornithopus perpusillus


Osmunda regalis

Royal fern

Pastinaca sativa

Parsnip species

Persicaria amphibia

Amphibious bistort

Persicaria lapathifolia

Pale persicaria

Petasites hybridus


Phalaris arundinacea

Reed canary-grass

Phyllitis scolopendrium


Picris echioides

Bristly oxtongue

Pilosella officinarum


Plantago coronopus

Buck’s-horn plantain

Plantago lanceolata

Ribwort plantain

Plantago maritima

Sea plantain

Plantago media

Hoary plantain

Polygala serpyllifolia/vulgaris

Potamogeton polygonifolius

Bog pondweed

Potentilla anserina


Potentilla erecta


Potentilla sterilis

Barren strawberry

Poterium sanguisorba

Salad burnet

Primula veris


Prunus spinosa


Puccinellia maritima

Common saltmarsh-grass

Ranunculus acris

Meadow buttercup

Ranunculus bulbosus

Bulbous buttercup

Ranunculus repens

Creeping buttercup

Ranunculus sceleratus

Celery-leaved buttercup

Ranunculus spp.


Rhamnus cathartica


Rhinanthus minor


Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum


Rubus chamaemorus

Rumex acetosa

Common sorrel

Rumex acetosella

Sheep’s sorrel

Rumex hydrolapathum

Water dock

Sagittaria sagittifolia


Sanguisorba officinalis

Great burnet

Sanicula europaea


Scabiosa columbaria

Small scabious

Schoenoplectus lacustris

Common club-rush

Sherardia arvensis

Field madder

Silene dioica

Red campion

Silene flos-cuculi


Silene latifolia

White campion

Solanum dulcamara


Sonchus arvensis

Perennial sow-thistle

Sonchus oleraceus

Smooth sow-thistle

Sparganium erectum

Branched bur-reed

Spirodela polyrhiza

Greater duckweed

Stachys officinalis


Stachys palustris

Marsh woundwort

Stellaria graminea

Lesser stitchwort

Stellaria holostea

Greater stitchwort

Suaeda maritima

Annual sea-blite

Succisa pratensis

Devil’s-bit scabious

Symphytum officinale

Common comfrey

Teucrium scorodonia

Wood sage

Thymus polytrichus/pulegioides

Torilis japonica

Upright hedge-parsley

Trifolium campestre

Hop trefoil

Trifolium dubium

Lesser trefoil

Trifolium pratense

Red clover

Trifolium repens

White clover

Triglochin maritimum

Tripleurospermum inodorum

Scentless mayweed

Typha latifolia


Ulex gallii/minor

Vaccinium myrtillus


Vaccinium vitis-idaea


Veronica arvensis

Wall speedwell

Veronica beccabunga


Veronica montana

Wood speedwell

Veronica officinalis

Heath speedwell

Vicia cracca

Tufted vetch

Vicia hirsuta

Hairy tare

Viola arvensis

Field pansy

Viola palustris

Marsh violet

Viola reichenbachiana/riviniana


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations set long-term targets in respect of three matters within the priority area of biodiversity under section 1 of the Environment Act 2021 (c. 30). These Regulations also set a target in relation to the abundance of species in accordance with section 3 of the Environment Act 2021. The Regulations specify the standard to be achieved in respect of each target and the date by which it must be achieved.

Part 2 makes provision in respect of a long-term biodiversity target to reduce the risk of species’ extinction by 2042, when compared to the risk of species’ extinction in 2022 (regulation 4). Regulation 5 makes provision in relation to how that target is to be measured. Regulation 6 provides that the reporting date for the species’ extinction risk target is 1st July 2043.

Part 3 makes provision in respect of a long-term biodiversity target to ensure that in excess of 500,000 hectares of a range of wildlife-rich habitats are to be restored or created by 31st December 2042 (regulation 7). Regulation 8 makes provision in relation to how that target is to be measured. Regulation 9 provides that the reporting date for that target is 1st December 2043. Regulation 10 defines terms used in Part 3 including “wildlife-rich habitat”. Schedule 1 makes further provision in relation to the definition of “wildlife-rich habitat”.

Part 4 makes provision in respect of the 2030 species abundance target to ensure that by 31st December 2030 (the specified date) the decline in the abundance of species has been halted (regulation 11). Regulation 12 makes provision in relation to how the 2030 species abundance target is to be measured. Schedule 2 provides a list of species for which data are included in the relative species abundance indices. Regulation 13 provides that the reporting date for that target is 15th April 2032.

Part 4 also makes provision in respect of a long-term biodiversity target to reverse the decline of species abundance to ensure that the overall species abundance is higher by 31st December 2042 than for 31st December 2022, and at least 10% higher than for 31st December 2030 (regulation 14). Regulation 15 makes provision in relation to how the long-term biodiversity target to reverse the decline of species abundance is to be measured. Regulation 16 provides that the reporting date for that target is 15th April 2044.

A full impact assessment of the effect that this instrument will have on the costs of business, the voluntary sector and the public sector is available from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Seacole Building, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF, and is published with an Explanatory Memorandum alongside these Regulations on www.legislation.gov.uk.