Transitional provisions12.


Where a Regulated Agent was included on the list maintained in accordance with regulation 3 of the Aviation Security (Air Cargo Agents) Regulations 1993 immediately prior to the commencement of these Regulations, the Secretary of State must add that Regulated Agent to the list of security approved air cargo agents without the requirement for an application under regulation 4 of these Regulations.


Where a Known Consignor was included on the database of supply chain security in accordance with point 6.4.1 of the Annex to the Implementing Regulation immediately prior to the commencement of these Regulations, the Secretary of State must add them to the list of security approved air cargo agents without the requirement for an application under regulation 4 of these Regulations.


Where a Regulated Supplier was included on the database of supply chain security in accordance with point 8.1.3 of the Annex to the Implementing Regulation immediately prior to the commencement of these Regulations, the Secretary of State must add them to the list of security approved air cargo agents without the requirement for an application under regulation 4 of these Regulations.


Any Regulated Agent, Known Consignor or Regulated Supplier added to the list of security approved air cargo agents in accordance with paragraphs (1) to (3) of this regulation shall remain on the list until the expiry of the original listing, unless any of the reasons for removal in regulation 9 are applicable.


Where an application by a Regulated Agent for inclusion on the list maintained in accordance with regulation 3 of the Aviation Security (Air Cargo Agents) Regulations 1993 was pending immediately prior to the commencement of these Regulations, that application must be considered in accordance with the requirements of the Aviation Security (Air Cargo Agents) Regulations 1993 as they applied at the time of the application. If approved, the Regulated Agent must be added to the list of security approved air cargo agents maintained under regulation 3(1) of these Regulations.


Where an application by a Known Consignor for inclusion on the database of supply chain security made in accordance with point of the Implementing Regulation was pending immediately prior to the commencement of these Regulations, that application must be considered in accordance with the requirements of the Implementing Regulation as it applied at the time of the application. If approved, the Known Consignor must be added to the list of security approved air cargo agents maintained under regulation 3(1) of these Regulations.


Where an application by a Regulated Supplier for inclusion on the database of supply chain security made in accordance with point of the Implementing Regulation was pending immediately prior to the commencement of these Regulations, that application must be considered in accordance with the requirements of the Implementing Regulation as it applied at the time of the application. If approved, the Regulated Supplier must be added to the list of security approved air cargo agents maintained under regulation 3(1) of these Regulations.