Article 2
Authorised DevelopmentE+W+S
1. In the County of Cambridgeshire and the County of Norfolk a nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in section 14(1)(a) (nationally significant infrastructure projects: general) and section 15 (generating stations) of the 2008 Act and associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) (development for which development consent may be granted) of the 2008 Act comprising all or part of—
In the County of Cambridgeshire
Work No. 1 – an electricity generating station with a gross installed generating capacity of up to 60 MW and capacity to process up to 625,600 tonnes of residual waste per annum, including—
(a)fuel reception and storage facilities consisting of tipping hall, tipping bays, tipping bunker, main waste bunker, shredder, waste chutes, cranes, cabin and handling and maintenance equipment;
(b)a combustion system including boiler house, air cooled moving grates, boilers and water tanks;
(c)air pollution control plant and monitoring systems including silos, reactors, filter houses, fans, cabins and loading and storage areas;
(d)a steam turbine and generator including turbine hall and cooling system;
(e)a bottom ash handling system, including ash storage bunker, conveyors, collection bays, cranes and handling and maintenance equipment;
(f)air cooled condenser;
(g)compressed air system;
(h)tank(s) for the storage of urea;
(i)switch gear building;
(j)control room; and
(k)water treatment and storage plant.
Work No. 1A – two chimneys and associated continuous emissions monitoring systems and platform.
Work No. 1B – administration building, including—
(a)roof–mounted photovoltaic solar panels to supplement energy use within the administration building, generating approximately 50kW (0.05MW) of electricity;
(b)brown roof and green walls;
(c)natural cooling apparatus including brise soleil to eastern elevation;
(d)bat and bird boxes; and
(e)rainwater harvesting apparatus.
Work No. 2 – in connection with and in addition to Work Nos 1, 1A and 1B—
Work No. 2A
(a)fire water tank and fire water pump cabin;
(b)diesel generator and diesel storage tanks;
(c)132kV switching compound, transformers, switch gear, cabling, kiosk and associated telemetry;
(d)workshop and stores; and
(e)gatehouse and weighbridges; and
Work No. 2B
(a)vehicle layby and queuing areas;
(b)laydown and maintenance areas;
(c)internal access roads and pedestrian walkways;
(d)parking areas and electrical vehicle charging points;
(e)pipes, cables, telecommunications and other services and associated infrastructure;
(f)site drainage, including works to drains and culverts, potable and wastewater services and associated infrastructure;
(g)hard and soft landscaping; and
(h)biodiversity enhancement measures and environmental mitigation measures.
Work No. 3 – associated development comprising combined heat and power equipment including heat exchangers, pipework, valving, pumps, pressurisation, water treatment systems and associated instrumentation and telemetry.
Work No. 3A – associated development comprising combined heat and power equipment including steam and condensate pipes, pipe racks, supports, pipe runs, valving, electrical supply cables and associated instrumentation and telemetry, vertical expansion loops and pipe bridges.
Work No. 3B – associated development comprising combined heat and power equipment including steam and condensate pipes, pipe racks, supports, pipe runs, valving, electrical supply cables and associated instrumentation and telemetry, bellows expansion connections, vertical expansion loops and pipe bridges.
Work No. 4A – associated development comprising a new site access and access improvements on New Bridge Lane including carriageway and footway widening, highway alteration works, junction improvements including signalisation and pedestrian crossing, culverts, drains, street lighting, services and utilities connections and compact substation.
Work No. 4B – associated development comprising a new site access and access improvements on Algores Way including carriageway and footway widening, highway alteration work, culverts, drains, services and utilities connections and street lighting.
Work No. 5 – associated development being a temporary construction compound and laydown area including—
(a)hard standings;
(b)materials storage and laydown areas;
(c)construction fabrication areas;
(e)vehicle parking areas;
(f)wheel washing facilities;
(g)accommodation, office and welfare buildings;
(h)new or alteration to accesses;
(i)internal haul roads; and
(j)temporary pedestrian bridges.
Work No. 6A – comprising associated development for the potable water connection—
(a)water pipe(s) and associated instrumentation and telemetry;
(b)cable trenches, ducting, protection plates and jointing bays; and
(c)horizontal directional drilling compound.
Work No. 6B – comprising associated development for the foul water connection—
(a)water pipe(s) and associated instrumentation and telemetry; and
(b)cable trenches, ducting, protection plates and jointing bays.
Work No. 7 – comprising associated development—
(a)132kV electrical underground cables and associated instrumentation and telemetry;
(b)cable trenches, ducting, protection plates and jointing bays; and
(c)temporary storage compounds in laybys on the A47.
In the County of Norfolk
Work No. 8 – comprising associated development—
(a)132kV electrical underground cables and associated instrumentation and telemetry;
(b)cable trenches, ducting, protection plates and jointing bays; and
(c)temporary storage compounds in laybys on the A47.
Work No. 9 – comprising associated development—
(a)electrical substation and compound including clean air switchgear, control room kiosks and monitoring kiosk;
(b)cables and associated instrumentation and telemetry;
(c)cable trenches, ducting, protection plates and jointing bays; and
(d)new or alteration to accesses, internal pedestrian and vehicular access road and parking area.
In the County of Cambridgeshire
Work No. 10 – comprising associated development, being an acoustic fence.
In connection with and in addition to Work Nos 1, 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5, 6A, 6B, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and, to the extent that it does not otherwise form part of those Work Nos, further associated development comprising such other works or operations as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the authorised development, and which are within the Order limits and fall within the scope of the work assessed by the environmental statement including—
(a)external lighting infrastructure, including lighting columns;
(b)fencing, boundary treatment and other means of enclosure;
(c)demolition of existing buildings and structures;
(e)CCTV and other security measures;
(f)surface and foul water drainage facilities;
(g)potable water supply;
(h)new telecommunications and utilities apparatus and connections;
(i)hard and soft landscaping;
(j)biodiversity enhancement measures and environmental mitigation measures;
(k)works permanently to alter the position of existing telecommunications and utilities apparatus and connections;
(l)works for the protection of buildings and land;
(m)establishment of temporary construction compounds, including vehicle parking areas, hard standing, materials storage and laydown areas, construction fabrication areas, construction related buildings, accommodation buildings, temporary offices, structures, plant and machinery, lighting and fencing, internal haul routes and wheel wash facilities; and
(n)site establishment and preparation works, including site clearance (including temporary fencing and vegetation removal), earthworks (including soil stripping and storage and site levelling) and excavations, the creation of temporary construction access points and the temporary alteration of the position of services and utilities apparatus and connections.