2024 No. 241
The Oil and Gas Authority (Levy and Fees) Regulations 2024
Laid before Parliament
Coming into force
The Secretary of State makes these Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 12(1), (2), (5) and (6), 13(1) to (4) and 14(1) and (3) to (9) of the Energy Act 20161.
The Secretary of State has consulted the Oil and Gas Authority in accordance with sections 12(8) and 13(8) of the Energy Act 2016.
Part 1General
Citation, commencement and extent1
These Regulations may be cited as the Oil and Gas Authority (Levy and Fees) Regulations 2024 and come into force on 1st April 2024.
These Regulations extend to England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Part 2The Oil and Gas Authority Levy
In this Part—
“licensee” means a person who holds a petroleum licence or, where a petroleum licence is held by more than one person, together the persons who hold that petroleum licence;
“non-production levy” means the levy which is payable in respect of the relevant charging period in accordance with regulation 4 and which is calculated in accordance with the formula in regulation 5(2);
“offshore exploration licence” means a petroleum licence of the sort referred to in regulation 2(2)(a) of the Offshore Exploration (Petroleum, and Gas Storage and Unloading) (Model Clauses) Regulations 20092, relating to an area any part of which lies within offshore waters;
“offshore production licence” means a petroleum licence relating to an area any part of which lies within offshore waters which is not an offshore exploration licence;
“offshore waters” means—
- a
the waters comprising the territorial sea of the United Kingdom, and
- b
the sea in any area for the time being designated under section 1(7) of the Continental Shelf Act 19643;
- a
“payment notice” means a notice given to a licensee in accordance with regulation 6 in respect of the relevant charging period;
“petroleum licence” means a licence granted under—
- a
section 2 of the Petroleum (Production) Act 19344 (licences to search for and get petroleum), or
- b
section 3 of the Petroleum Act 19985 (licences to search for and bore for and get petroleum),
which is not an excluded licence6 in relation to the relevant charging period;
- a
“production levy” means the levy which is payable in respect of the relevant charging period in accordance with regulation 3 and which is calculated in accordance with the formula in regulation 5(1);
“relevant charging period” means the period beginning on 1st April 2024 and ending on 31st March 2025;
“relevant time” means 12.01 a.m. on 1st April 2024;
“total amount of levy” means the total payable by licensees in accordance with regulations 3 and 4, being £38,465,000.
Liability to pay production levy3
A licensee is liable to pay the production levy in respect of each offshore production licence which is held by the licensee at the relevant time and in respect of which either of the criteria at paragraph (2) is satisfied.
The criteria are that at the relevant time the licensee is, in accordance with that licence, entitled to—
erect or carry out any relevant works (within the meaning of the licence) either in the licensed area or elsewhere, for the purpose of getting petroleum from that area or for the purpose of conveying to a place on land petroleum got from that area, or
get petroleum from that area otherwise than in the course of searching for petroleum, drilling wells or testing wells.
Where the licensee is more than one person, the liability under paragraph (1) is joint and several.
Liability to pay non-production levy4
Subject to paragraphs (2) to (4), a licensee is liable to pay the non-production levy in respect of each licence of the following kinds held by the licensee at the relevant time—
an offshore exploration licence;
an offshore production licence in respect of which neither of the criteria at regulation 3(2) is satisfied.
A licensee which at the relevant time—
is a micro-enterprise, and
holds an innovate licence in phase B of its initial term,
is liable to pay the non-production levy discounted by 80% in respect of that licence.
A licensee which at the relevant time—
is a micro-enterprise, and
holds either—
a promote licence in its promote period, or
an innovate licence in phase A of its initial term,
is liable to pay the non-production levy discounted by 90% in respect of that licence.
A licensee does not qualify to pay the non-production levy at a discounted rate under paragraph (2) or (3) if the licensee, when viewed together with all group undertakings of the licensee, does not fall within the size and financial limits set out in the definition of “micro-enterprise”.
Where the licensee is more than one person—
the liability under this regulation is joint and several, and
the licensee is only a micro-enterprise for the purposes of paragraphs (2) and (3) if every person who holds the licence is a micro-enterprise.
In this regulation—
“financial year” is determined in accordance with section 390 of the Companies Act 20067;
“group undertaking”, in relation to an undertaking, means—
- a
a parent undertaking or subsidiary undertaking of that undertaking, or
- b
a subsidiary undertaking of any parent undertaking of that undertaking;
- a
“innovate licence” means an offshore production licence in which, in accordance with the model clauses, the initial term of the licence (within the meaning of the licence) is divided into phases;
“micro-enterprise” means an undertaking which has fewer than 10 employees and meets one or both of the following requirements—
- a
its turnover does not exceed £1,778,000;
- b
the aggregate of the amounts shown as assets in its balance sheet does not exceed £1,778,000,
in the undertaking’s financial year immediately preceding that in which the licensee is liable to pay the non-production levy;
- a
“model clauses” means model clauses prescribed by the Petroleum Licensing (Production) (Seaward Areas) Regulations 20088;
“parent undertaking” has the meaning given in section 1162 of the Companies Act 2006;
“promote licence” means an offshore production licence in which, in accordance with the terms of the licence—
- a
a “promote period” is specified, and
- b
a clause is included concerning the effect of the expiry of the promote period in relation to the continuation of that licence beyond that period;
- a
“subsidiary undertaking” has the meaning given in section 1162 of the Companies Act 2006;
“turnover” has the meaning given in section 474 of the Companies Act 20069;
“undertaking” means—
- a
a body corporate or partnership, or
- b
an unincorporated association carrying on a trade or business, with or without a view to profit.
- a
Calculation of production levy and non-production levy5
The OGA10 must calculate the production levy in accordance with the formula—
The OGA must calculate the non-production levy in accordance with the formula—
In this regulation—
“C” is £38,465,000 (being the total amount of levy);
“N100” is the total number of licences in respect of which a licensee is liable to pay the non-production levy under regulation 4(1) and in respect of which neither regulation 4(2) nor regulation 4(3) applies
“N90” is the total number of licences in respect of which a licensee is liable to pay the non-production levy discounted by 90% under regulation 4(3);
“N80” is the total number of licences in respect of which a licensee is liable to pay the non-production levy discounted by 80% under regulation 4(2);
“P” is the total number of offshore production licences in respect of which a licensee is liable to pay the production levy under regulation 3(1).
Payment of the levy6
Where a licensee is liable to pay a levy to the OGA in accordance with these Regulations, the OGA must notify the licensee in writing by 31st May 2024 as to—
whether the licensee is liable to pay the production levy, the non-production levy or both;
the total amount payable by the licensee;
the date by which that amount must be paid, being a date not less than 30 days after the date of the notice;
details of how the payment can be made.
Interest payable on late payment of the levy7
Where any amount of levy is not paid in accordance with a payment notice, the licensee is liable to pay to the OGA interest calculated in accordance with paragraph (2) on the amount of the levy which remains unpaid.
Interest payable under paragraph (1) is simple interest calculated from day to day on the unpaid amount beginning with the date by which the amount must be paid until the date when payment is made, at a rate of 5% over the Bank of England base rate from time to time.
Where the licensee is more than one person, the liability under this regulation is joint and several.
For the purpose of this regulation, the “Bank of England base rate” means—
the rate announced from time to time by the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England as the official dealing rate, being the rate at which the Bank is willing to enter into transactions for providing short term liquidity in the money markets, or
where an order under section 19 of the Bank of England Act 199811 (reserve powers) is in force, any equivalent rate determined by the Treasury under that section.
Recovery of the levy8
Where any amount of levy is not paid in accordance with a payment notice, that unpaid amount, together with any interest due in accordance with regulation 7, is recoverable as a civil debt due to the OGA.
Repayment or credit of the levy under these Regulations9
This regulation applies where the total amount of levy exceeds the leviable costs.
The OGA must, by 31st December 2025, credit to each licensee the difference between—
the sum of the amount paid by or on behalf of that licensee in accordance with the payment notice and any interest paid by or on behalf of that licensee in accordance with regulation 7, and
the recalculated amount of levy payable by that licensee.
Any payment notice in respect of which sums remain outstanding is to be construed as referring to the recalculated amount of levy payable by the relevant licensee, and regulation 7 is to be construed accordingly.
In this regulation—
“leviable costs” means the sum of the costs incurred by the OGA and the Lord Chancellor in exercising the functions referred to in section 13(2)(a) of the Energy Act 2016, excluding any costs incurred in exercising the functions referred to in section 13(2)(b) of that Act, in respect of the relevant charging period;
“recalculated amount of levy payable” means the sum of—
- a
the amount of levy payable by a licensee in accordance with the payment notice, and
- b
any amount of interest which became payable by that licensee in accordance with regulation 7,
multiplied by the relevant multiplier;
- a
“relevant multiplier” means the figure calculated by dividing the leviable costs by the total amount of levy, expressed to three decimal places.
Part 3The Oil and Gas Authority Fees
Amendments to the Oil and Gas Authority (Fees) Regulations 201610
The Oil and Gas Authority (Fees) Regulations 201612 are amended as follows.
In regulation 4 (fees payable for consents and pipeline works authorisations)—
in the formula in each of paragraphs (3), (8) and (11), for “£670” substitute “£610”
in the table following paragraph (13), in relation to each entry in the first column corresponding to the entry in the first column of the table below, for the corresponding fee set out in the second column of the table following paragraph (13), substitute the fee set out in the second column of the table below—
Application for consent to or authorisation for activity or matter
Fee payable
Pipeline works authorisation
Category 1 pipeline works authorisation variation
Category 2 pipeline works authorisation variation
Variation of holder, user, owner or Operator of a pipeline under a pipeline works authorisation
Consent to a pipeline deposit proposal
Pipeline works authorisation and deposit consents granted following the OGA receiving confirmation in writing of the last day of production from the relevant petroleum field
Consent to get petroleum from a licensed area
Variation of a consent to get petroleum from a licensed area
Consent to flare or vent petroleum from a well
Variation of a consent to flare or vent petroleum from a well
In regulation 6 (fixed fees payable for other consents), in the table following paragraph (3), in relation to each entry in the first column corresponding to the entry in the first column of the table below, for the corresponding fee set out in the second column of the table following paragraph (3), substitute the fee set out in the second column of the table below—
Activity or matter requiring consent
Fee payable
Methodology proposed for the measurement of petroleum
Drill a primary well
Drill a sidetrack well branching off from the principal well to a target location different from that of the principal well
Fit or refit equipment in a well for the purpose of enabling hydrocarbon production or injection
Well suspension
Put back into use any well subject to a well suspension
Abandon a well permanently
Change of licensee of a petroleum licence
Change of the beneficiary of rights granted by a petroleum licence
Appointment of an operator under a petroleum licence
Extension of the initial, second or final term of a petroleum licence
Extension of the final phase of the initial term of a petroleum licence
Amendment of a work programme
Change of licensee of a carbon dioxide appraisal and storage licence
Change of the beneficiary of rights granted by a carbon dioxide appraisal and storage licence
Appointment of an exploration operator under a carbon dioxide appraisal and storage licence
Appointment of a storage operator under a carbon dioxide appraisal and storage licence
Extension of the initial or appraisal term of a carbon dioxide appraisal and storage licence
Flare or vent natural gas from a relevant oil processing facility or a relevant gas processing facility
Drill stem test
Extended well test
In regulation 6A(1) (fees payable for consent to retention or development area proposals), for “£1,350” substitute “£1,250”
In regulation 6B(1) (fees payable for determination of oil fields), for “£5,740” substitute “£5,340”
In regulation 6C (fees payable for metering examinations and tests), in the table following paragraph (3), in relation to each entry in the first column corresponding to the entry in the first column of the table below, for the corresponding fee set out in the second column of the table following paragraph (3), substitute the fee set out in the second column of the table below—
Type of metering examination or test
Fee payable
Metering examination under a seaward area production licence
Metering examination under a petroleum exploration and development licence
Meter flow calibration for measurement of petroleum
Measurement of carbon dioxide injection flow rate
In regulation 7 (fees payable for applications for petroleum licences), in the table following paragraph (2), in relation to each entry in the first column corresponding to the entry in the first column of the table below, for the corresponding fee set out in the second column of the table following paragraph (2), substitute the fee set out in the second column of the table below—
Type of licence
Fee payable
Landward petroleum exploration licence
Seaward petroleum exploration licence
Methane drainage licence
Petroleum exploration and development licence
Seaward area production licence
In regulation 8(1) (fees payable for applications for gas storage licences), for “£9,030” substitute “£9,860”
In regulation 9(1) (fees payable for applications for carbon dioxide appraisal and storage licences), for “£18,060” substitute “£19,710”
(This note is not part of the Regulations)