The A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Development Consent Order 2024

Article 40




In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 2.8 km length of new and improved A66 trunk road

1.  A 2.8 km length of new and improved highway to be classified as part of the A66, commencing from a point 150 metres to the south-west of the existing access to the Livestock Market, and following the existing alignment of the A66 for a distance of 2.4 km to a point 668 metres to the north-east of the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout, and comprising—

(a)a 390 metre length of improved highway commencing from a point 265 metres west of Skirsgill Business Park and following the existing alignment of the A66 for a distance of 390 metres, to a point on the existing A66 carriageway 100 metres south-east of the Livestock Market;

(b)a 600 metre length of improved circulatory carriageway of the M6 J40 roundabout;

(c)a 1.8 km length of improved highway commencing from a point 115 metres south of the North Lakes Hotel & Spa and following the alignment of the existing A66 in a generally westwards direction, passing beneath the bridges at the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout and following the existing alignment of the A66 in a north-easterly direction, then joining the existing A66 carriageway at a point 200 metres north-east of the Police Station,

identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
M6 northbound diverge slip road

2.  A 328 metre length of improved slip road to be classified as part of the M6 special road, commencing from its diverge point on the existing northbound carriageway of the M6 and continuing in a north-westerly direction to its junction with the existing roundabout at M6 Junction 40, identified by a blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

M6 northbound merge slip road

3.  A 210 metre length of improved slip road to be classified as part of the M6 special road, commencing from its junction with the existing roundabout at M6 Junction 40 and continuing in a north-westerly direction to its merge point on the existing M6 northbound carriageway, identified by a blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

M6 southbound diverge slip road

4.  A 263 metre length of improved slip road to be classified as part of the M6 special road, commencing from its diverge point on the existing M6 southbound carriageway and continuing in a south-easterly direction to its junction with the existing roundabout at M6 Junction 40, identified by a blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

M6 southbound merge slip road

5.  A 270 metre length of improved slip road to be classified as part of the M6 special road, commencing from its junction with the existing roundabout at M6 Junction 40 and continuing in a south-easterly direction to its merge point on the existing M6 southbound carriageway, identified by a blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 205 metre length of improved A592

6.  A length of improved highway to be classified as part of the A592, commencing from a point 425 metres to the north-west of the existing access to Skirsgill Depot, and following the existing alignment of the A592 in a south-easterly direction for a distance of 205 metres, to its junction with the M6 Junction 40 roundabout, identified by a pink line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A66 eastbound diverge slip road

7.  A 320 metre length of new bifurcated slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its diverge point on the new A66 eastbound carriageway in a north-easterly direction to its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A66 eastbound merge slip road

8.  A 360 metre length of new bifurcated slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout and continuing in a north-easterly direction to its merge point on the new eastbound carriageway of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A66 westbound diverge slip road

9.  A 343 metre length of new bifurcated slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its diverge point on the new westbound carriageway of the A66 in a south-westerly direction to its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A66 westbound merge slip road

10.  A 330 metre length of new bifurcated slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout and continuing in a south-westerly direction to its merge point on the new westbound carriageway of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
Kemplay Bank Roundabout

11.  A 416 metre length of improved circulatory carriageway at the Kemplay Bank Roundabout, to be re-classified as part of the A6, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A 90 metre length of improved A6 (southbound approach to Kemplay Bank Roundabout)

12.  A length of improved highway to be classified as part of the A6, commencing from a point 75 metres to the south-west of the existing Hospital, and following the existing alignment of the A6 for a distance of 90 metres, to its junction with the new A6 Kemplay Bank Roundabout, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A 155 metre length of improved A6 (northbound approach to Kemplay Bank Roundabout)

13.  A length of improved highway to be classified as part of the A6, commencing from a point 182 metres to the south-west of the existing Penrith Community Fire Station, and following the existing alignment of the A6 for a distance of 155 metres, to its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 242 metre length of improved A686

14.  A length of new road to be classified as part of the A686, commencing from a point 177 metres to the north of the existing Police Station, and continuing in a generally south-westerly direction for a distance of 242 metres, to its junction with the new A6 Kemplay Bank Roundabout at a point 95 metres south-east of the existing Hospital, identified by a cyan line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council

15.  A length of approximately 416 metres of the existing A66, comprising the existing circulatory carriageway of the Kemplay Bank Roundabout, commencing from a point A (as identified on the de-trunking plan for scheme 0102) located 90 metres to the south of the Hospital and continuing in a clockwise direction returning to the same point A, 90 metres to the south of the Hospital, as identified by black diagonal hatching on the de-trunking plans for scheme 0102.



In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 2.9 kilometre length of improved A66 trunk road

16.  A length of highway proposed to be improved and to be classified as part of the A66, commencing from a point 360 metres to the north-east of Brougham Castle, and following the existing A66 alignment for a distance of 2.9 km, to a point on the existing A66 carriageway 610 metres to the west of Lane End, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.

A 2.4 kilometre length of new A66 trunk road

17.  A 2.4 km length of new road to be constructed and classified (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) below) as part of the A66 trunk road

(a)commencing from a point 610 metres to the west of Lane End, then departing from the existing alignment in a south-easterly direction and continuing in a generally easterly direction to a point 370 metres west of Lane End;

(b)passing beneath the new bridge at the Junction at Center Parcs and then continuing in an easterly direction for a distance of 725 metres to a point where it joins the existing A66 carriageway at a point 315 metres east of Lane End;

(c)then departing from the existing A66 alignment in a north easterly direction commencing from a point 315 metres to the east of Lane End in a generally north-easterly direction for a distance of 920 metres; and

(d)continuing eastwards for a distance of 760 metres to a point where it joins the existing A66 carriageway at a point 405 metres to the north-west of the existing westbound junction at Temple Sowerby,

identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 116 metre length of new road (Northbound Approach)

18.  A 116 metre length of new road to be classified as part of the A66, commencing from a point 472 metres to the south-west of Lane End continuing in a generally northerly direction to its junction with the westbound carriageway of the new A66 at a point 436 metres to the east of Lane End, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.

A 493 metre length of new road (Connector Loop)

19.  A 493 metre length of new road to be classified as part of the A66, commencing from its junction with the new A66 on the eastbound carriageway at a point 469 metres to the west of Lane End, continuing northwards for a distance of 157 metres, before turning eastwards and then southwards and passing under the new A66 at a point 361 metres to the south-west of Lane End, continuing generally south-eastwards to its junction with the new northbound approach at a point 472 metres to the south-east of Lane End, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.

NEW B6262

In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
B6262 (Realigned)

20.  A 101 metre length of new and improved road to be classified as part of the B6262, commencing from a point 460 metres to the east of Brougham Castle and continuing in a generally northerly direction to its junction with the improved A66 at a point 520 metres to the east of Brougham Castle, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 144 metre length of new road (unclassified U3192)

21.  A length of new unclassified road (U3192), commencing at its intersection with byway 311/013 at a point 933 metres to the south-west of St. Ninian’s Church and continuing in a generally southerly direction to its junction with the improved A66 at a point 204 metres to the north of Whinfell Park, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 247 metre length of new road (unclassified westbound approach) (unclassified U3193)

22.  A length of new unclassified road (U3193), commencing from a point 121 metres to the west of Lane End and continuing in a generally westerly direction to its junction with a new connector road at the new junction at Center Parcs, at a point 354 metres to the west of Lane End, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council

23.  A length of approximately 451 metres of the existing A66, commencing from a point A on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 03, being a point on the A66 trunk road 200 metres to the east of Lane End, extending in an easterly direction to a point B on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 03, being a point on the A66 trunk road 261 metres to the east of Lane End.



In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
An 8.6 kilometre length of new road

24.  An 8.6 km length of new road to be constructed and classified (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (h) below) as part of the A66 trunk road (such length also including existing highway to be improved, as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (h) below)—

(a)commencing from a point 430 metres to the south-east of the existing Morland Road Underpass and following the existing alignment of the A66 for a distance of 333 metres in a generally easterly direction passing over the existing Spitals Underpass ;

(b)then departing from the existing alignment of the A66 in a north-easterly direction, and passing to the north of Kirkby Thore, for a distance of 1.3 km, passing beneath the new bridge at Cross Street;

(c)continuing on its new alignment to the north of Kirkby Thore for a distance of 889 metres and passing beneath the new C3065 Fell Lane Bridge which forms part of the new Kirkby Thore Junction;

(d)then continuing on its new alignment in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 870 metres and passing beneath the new Sleastonhow Lane Bridge;

(e)then continuing in a south-easterly direction for a distance of 682 metres and crossing the Trout Beck on a new viaduct east of the existing A66;

(f)then continuing in a generally south–easterly direction for a distance of 925 metres, to its junction with the new C3063 (the new Long Marton Junction) where it passes over the new C3063 (which passes beneath the new A66 via an underbridge);

(g)continuing on its new alignment in a generally south-easterly direction, passing to the north of Crackenthorpe, and running parallel to the existing alignment of the A66 (to be reclassified as the new B6542) for a distance of 2.88 km, and then reconnecting with the existing alignment of the A66 at a point 205 metres to the west of the existing railway bridge;

(h)then following the existing alignment of the A66 for a distance of 250 metres passing below the existing railway bridge, and continuing to a point 150 metres to the west following the existing alignment of the A66,

identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
Temple Sowerby connector road

25.  A 129 metre length of new and existing road to be classified as part of the new A66 commencing at a point 15 metres to the south of its existing junction with the A66 westbound carriageway, continuing in a generally easterly direction, to its junction with the proposed roundabout as shown on sheet 1 of the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Kirkby Thore Junction (access to British Gypsum) eastbound connector road

26.  A 155 metre diverge slip road off, and a 210 metre merge slip road onto, the eastbound carriageway of the new A66, connecting to a 178 metre length of new compact connector road, in a generally northerly direction, connecting with the improved unclassified Fell Lane (C3065). Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Kirkby Thore Junction (access to British Gypsum) westbound connector road

27.  A 160 metre diverge slip road off, and a 180 metre merge slip road onto, the westbound carriageway of the new A66, connecting to a 217 metre length of new compact connector road, in a generally southerly direction, connecting with the new C3065. Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Long Marton Junction eastbound connector road

28.  A 115 metre diverge slip road off, and a 130 metre merge slip road onto, the eastbound carriageway of the new A66, connecting to a 222 metre length of new compact connector road, in a generally north-easterly direction, connecting with the new C3063. Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Long Marton Junction westbound connector road

29.  A 120 metre diverge slip road off, and a 129 metre merge slip road onto, the westbound carriageway of the new A66, connecting to a 200 metre length of new compact connector road, in a generally easterly direction, connecting with the new C3063. Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Local road linking C3057 to A66

30.  A 26 metre length of existing road to be classified as part of the new A66, commencing at its junction with the C3057 (Roman Road) and continuing in a south-westerly direction, following the alignment of the existing road which links with the eastbound carriageway of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
An 8.5 km length of new and existing road

31.  An 8.5 km length of new and existing road (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) below) to be classified as part of the new B6542—

(a)commencing at Point A, shown on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405, and being the eastern arm of the new roundabout junction of the new B6542 with the new C3057 and the new A66 Temple Sowerby link road, and continuing for a distance of 1 km in a south-easterly direction and passing over the Spitals Underpass;

(b)following the alignment of the existing A66 for a distance of 6.4 km in a generally south-easterly direction;

(c)then departing from the alignment of the existing A66 at a point 800 metres to the east of its junction with Crackenthorpe Road and continuing for a distance of 1 km on the alignment of the existing B6542, to a point 277 metres to the west of the junction of the existing B6542 with Battlebarrow Road,

identified by a dark blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Proposed Roundabout

32.  A new roundabout, connecting the new Temple Sowerby connector road with the new B6542, and the new C3057 (Morland Road north and south), identified by a dark blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
C3057 South

33.  A 154 metre length of improved road to be classified as part of the C3057, commencing at a point 317 metres south of the point where it passes beneath the existing A66 and continuing in a generally northernly direction until Point B on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

C3057 North

34.  A 508 metre length of improved road to be classified as part of the C3057, commencing from Point C on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405, and continuing in a generally northerly direction on the existing alignment of Morland Road, then continuing in a westerly direction on the alignment of the existing Roman Road for a distance of 245 metres, to a point 100 metres to the west of the junction of Roman Road with the new link road leading to the existing A66, identified by a green solid line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
C3065 Road – Fell Lane

35.  A 342 metre length of new and improved road to be classified as part of the C3065, commencing at a point on Fell Lane, 97 metres to the north of its junction with existing Main Street, passing over the new A66 trunk road at the new Kirkby Thore Junction, and continuing in a generally south-westerly direction, on the existing alignment of Fell Lane, up to its junction with the realigned Main Street, identified by an orange line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

C3065 Road – Realigned Main Street

36.  A 646 metre length of new road to be classified as part of the C3065, commencing from its junction with the improved (unclassified) Fell Lane (C3065), and continuing in a generally south-easterly direction to a point 30 metres to the north-east of the existing access to Green Barn, identified by an orange line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

37.  An 87 metre length of existing road to be classified as part of the C3065, commencing at its junction with the new B6542 and continuing for a distance of 87 metres along the existing alignment of Main Street in Kirkby Thore, identified by an orange line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 1.2 km length of new road

38.  A 1.2 km length of new road to be classified as part of the C3063, commencing at Point D on the classification of roads plan, being at a distance of 1 km to the east of the junction of the existing Roman Road (bridleway) with the existing highway known as Long Marton, and continuing in a westerly and then a south-westerly direction, passing beneath the new A66 trunk road at the new compact grade-separated Long Marton Junction, and continuing to the point at which it meets the existing A66 (reclassified as the B6542), identified by a purple line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
Roman Road (unclassified U3199)

39.  A 302 metre length of the improved unclassified Roman Road (U3199), commencing at its junction with the new C3057, continuing on the existing alignment of Roman Road for a distance of 302 metres to the point where it meets the existing Priest Lane, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

New Cross Street (unclassified C3030)

40.  A 750 metre length of improved road, commencing on the existing Cross Street at a point to the east of Halefield Farm, following the existing alignment of Cross Street (C3030) for a distance of 85 metres, then departing and passing over the new A66 at the Cross Street bridge and terminating at Point F on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

41.  A 33 metre length of existing link road, commencing at its junction with the existing Cross Street and continuing for a distance of 33 metres in a generally southerly direction.

42.  A 32 metre length of existing link road, commencing at its junction with Cross Street and terminating at Point G on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

43.  A 207 metre length of existing road, commencing at point E and continuing in a generally easterly direction to point F, points E and F being as shown on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Main Street (unclassified U3772)

44.  A 290 metre length of improved unclassified road (U3772), commencing at the junction of Main Street and Fell Lane, continuing in a generally easterly direction for a distance of 290 metres, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

New Sleastonhow Lane (unclassified U3202)

45.  An 824 metre length of new unclassified road (U3202), commencing at a point on the existing Sleastonhow Lane 256 metres to the south of its junction with Main Street, continuing on the existing alignment of Sleastonhow Lane for a distance of 80 metres, then continuing in a south-easterly direction on its new alignment, and passing over the new A66 trunk road via the new Sleastonhow Lane bridge, and reconnecting with the existing alignment of Sleastonhow Lane at a point 901 metres to the south of its junction with Main Street, then continuing for a distance of 115 metres, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Improved Long Marton (unclassified U3773)

46.  An 860m length of improved and unclassified road (U3773) comprising—

(a)an 89 metre length of improved highway known as Long Marton (U3773), commencing at the junction of Long Marton with the existing A66 (to be reclassified as the B6542), and continuing in a north-easterly direction for a distance of 89 metres;

(b)a 771 metre length of new and improved unclassified road (U3773) comprising highway known as Long Marton, commencing at a point 218 metres north-east of the junction of Long Marton with the existing A66 (to be reclassified as the B6542), and continuing on its existing alignment for a distance of 617 metres, and then continuing on a new alignment in a south-easterly direction to its junction with the new C3063,

identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Existing Fell Lane (unclassified C3065)

47.  A 185 metre length of improved unclassified road (C3065), from its junction with the realigned Main Street part of the C3065, for a distance of 185 metres in a north-easterly direction, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
Priest Lane (unclassified U3199)

48.  A 1.9 km length of road (U3199), commencing at the existing junction of Roman Road with Priest Lane, continuing on the existing alignment of Priest Lane for a distance of 1.1 km, then continuing in a generally north-easterly direction to the point where it meets the improved (unclassified) Cross Street, identified by a cyan line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council

49.  A 7.2 km length of the existing A66 trunk road from Point A on sheet 1 (of 6) of the de-trunking plans for scheme 0405, being a point 242 metres to the south-east of Spitals Farm, to Point B on sheet 6 (of 6) of the de-trunking plans for scheme 0405, being a point 277 metres to the west of the railway bridge carrying the existing A66 over the Settle to Carlisle railway line.



In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
An 8.2 kilometre length of new road

50.  An 8.2 km length of new road to be constructed and classified (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (h) below) as part of the A66 trunk road (such length also including existing highway to be improved, as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) and (h) below)—

(a)commencing from a point 200 metres to the west of Café Sixty Six and following the existing alignment of the A66 for a distance of 980 metres in a generally south-easterly direction to a point 1.2 km west of the junction of the existing A66 with the Sandford Road B6259;

(b)passing over the new bridge at the new compact grade-separated B6259 Sandford Junction and then continuing in a generally south-easterly direction for a distance of 1.8 km to a point 531 metres to the east of the centreline of the existing B6259;

(c)then continuing on a new alignment in a south-easterly direction, passing to the north of Warcop, for a distance of 610 metres, crossing the Cringle Beck on a new viaduct at a point 210 metres south of the existing A66;

(d)continuing from the Cringle Beck in a generally south-easterly direction for a distance of 680 metres, crossing the Moor Beck on a new viaduct at a point 21 metres south of the existing A66 Moor Beck crossing;

(e)continuing from the Moor Beck in a generally south-easterly direction for a distance of 320 metres to cross the existing Warcop Road at a point 165 metres north of its junction with the existing Station Road;

(f)continuing from Warcop Road and passing under the new bridge to the west of Warcop Road carrying the local road connection and continuing to the north of Warcop for a distance of 1.5 km in a generally south-easterly direction and crossing the route of the existing Flitholme Road at a point 47 metres south of its junction with the existing A66;

(g)continuing to the north of Flitholme and Langrigg in a generally easterly direction for a distance of 570 metres and crossing the route of the existing Langrigg Lane at a point 33 metres south of its junction with the existing A66; and

(h)from Langrigg Lane continuing to the south of the existing A66 for a distance of 1.8 km in a generally easterly direction to a point located 394 metres to the west of the existing Musgrave Lane Overbridge at Brough,

identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
New B6259 Sandford Junction

51.  A 556 metre length of new road, including diverge and merge slip roads onto and off the eastbound carriageway of the new A66 and a new connector road (together forming part of the new compact grade-separated Sandford Junction) to be constructed and classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its diverge point on the centre of the new A66 eastbound carriageway, continuing in a northerly and then a southerly direction, passing under the new A66 mainline and continuing in an easterly direction to its connection with the new B6259, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
New Warcop Eastbound Junction

52.  A 285 metre length of new road to be constructed and classified as part of the new C3077, commencing from its diverge point on the centre of the new A66 eastbound carriageway and continuing in a north-easterly direction to its merge point on the centre of the new C3077 (old de-trunked A66), identified by an orange line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
New Warcop Westbound Junction

53.  A 715 metre length of new road to be constructed and classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its diverge point on the centre of the new A66 westbound carriageway (including merge and diverge slip roads and connector road) and continuing in a southerly and then a northerly direction over the new A66 to its connection with the new local road (C3077) on the north side of the new A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 220m length of new road (new B6259)

54.  A 220 metre length of new road to be constructed and classified as part of the new B6259 located 29 metres to the east of the existing B6259, north of Sandford, and extending generally northwards from a point 220 metres south of the existing junction of the B6259 and the A66, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 1.1 kilometre length of existing A66 trunk road

55.  A 1.1 km length of the existing A66 trunk road to be reclassified as part of the C3077 (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) below)—

(a)commencing from a point 12 metres to the west of Hayber Lane following the existing A66 alignment for a distance of 113 metres in a generally south-easterly direction to a point 100 metres east of the junction of the existing A66 with Hayber Lane; and

(b)commencing from a point 311 metres to the east of the junction of Flitholme Road with the existing A66, and following the existing A66 alignment for a distance of 1 km in a generally easterly direction to a point 1.2 km east of the junction of the existing A66 with Flitholme Road,

identified by an orange line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 3.5 kilometre length of new road (realigned old A66)

56.  A 3.5 km length of new local road to be constructed and classified as part of the C3077 (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) below)—

(a)commencing from a point 100 metres to the east of Hayber Lane and continuing on a new alignment adjacent to the new A66 for a distance of 2.3 km in a generally south-easterly direction to a point 311 metres east of the junction of the existing A66 with Flitholme Road; and

(b)commencing from a point 759 metres to the east of Langrigg Lane and continuing on a new alignment, in parallel with the new A66, for a distance of 1.2 km in a generally easterly direction to a point 254 metres west of the junction of Musgrave Lane and Main Street,

identified by an orange line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 126 metre length of new road (Flitholme Road)

57.  A 126 metre length of new local road to be constructed and classified as the U3311 commencing from its junction with the new Flitholme to Langrigg Link (U3311) and continuing for a distance of 126 metres in a generally north-easterly direction to its junction with the new C3077, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 666 metre length of new road (Flitholme to Langrigg Link)

58.  A 666 metre length of new local road to be constructed and classified as the U3311 commencing from a point 145 metres to the north-east of the Low Gill Beck near Flitholme village and continuing for a distance of 666 metres in a generally easterly direction to connect with the existing Langrigg Lane, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 890 metre length of the existing A66 at Warcop (Moorhouse Link)

59.  An 890 metre length of the existing A66 to become an unclassified road (U3221) between the New Warcop Eastbound Junction and a point 280 metres to the west of its junction with Moorhouse Lane, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 06.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 1.2 kilometre length of existing A66 Trunk Road

60.  A 1.2 km metre length of the existing A66 trunk road from point A on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 06, being the junction of the existing A66 trunk road with Moorhouse Lane, extending in a generally south-easterly direction to point B on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 06, being a point on the existing A66 trunk road, 270 metres to the south-east of its intersection with Hayber Lane.

A 1.4 kilometre length of existing A66 Trunk Road

61.  A 1.4 km length of the existing A66 trunk road from point C on sheet 2 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 06, being a point on the A66 trunk road 490 metres to the west of the junction of the existing A66 with Bridleway 350/021, in an easterly direction to point D on sheet 2 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 06, being a point on the existing A66 trunk road, 900 metres to the east of its intersection with Langrigg Lane.



In the administrative area of Durham County Council
A66 all-purpose dual carriageway

62.  A 3.6 km length of new road to be constructed and classified as part of the A66 trunk road all-purpose dual carriageway (such length also including existing highway to be improved) commencing from a point 550 metres to the west of the Clint Lane Overbridge and following the existing A66 alignment for a distance of 3.6 km in a generally easterly direction to a point 363 metres east of the access to Hulands Quarry, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 07.


In the administrative area of Durham County Council
A66 eastbound diverge slip road

63.  A 525 metre length of new slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its diverge point on the new A66 eastbound carriageway, in a north-easterly direction to its junction with the improved A67, 35 metres north of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 07.

A66 eastbound merge slip road

64.  A 450 metre length of new slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its junction with the improved A67, 88 metres north of the new A66, and continuing in a south-easterly direction to its merge point on the centre of the eastbound carriageway of the new A66 trunk road, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 07.

A66 westbound diverge slip road

65.  A 604 metre length of new slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its diverge point on the new A66 westbound carriageway in a westerly direction to its junction with the unnamed unclassified side road (from the A67 into Bowes), 42 metres south-east of the junction with the A67, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 07.

A66 westbound merge slip road

66.  A 368 metre length of new slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from the existing alignment of the A67, 72 metres south-east of its junction with the unnamed unclassified side road (from the A67 into Bowes), and continuing in a generally westerly direction to its merge point on the westbound carriageway of the new A66 trunk road, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 07.


67.  A 339 metre length of existing road to be widened and classified as part of the A67, commencing 72 metres south-east of its junction with the unnamed unclassified side road (from the A67 into Bowes), and continuing in a generally north-easterly direction, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 07.


In the administrative area of Durham County Council
The Street

68.  A 733 metre length of new unclassified road to be constructed, commencing 160 metres to the west of the existing junction of “The Street” with the A66 and continuing in an easterly direction for approximately 420 metres, then turning and continuing in a generally northerly direction and crossing the A66 via the East Bowes Accommodation Overbridge. The new unclassified road then curves eastwards and southwards before terminating at the new private means of access to Low Broats Farm and High Broats Farm, on the eastern side of the existing Low Broats Farm property, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 07.

The new Clint Lane Overbridge

69.  A 115 metre length of new unclassified road to be constructed, comprising the new Clint Lane Overbridge (replacing the existing Clint Lane Overbridge), passing over the new A66 and linking Clint Lane with The Street, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 07.

Unnamed Side Road

70.  A 126 metre length of existing unclassified road to be improved, commencing from its junction with the realigned A67 and continuing in a generally southerly direction towards The Street, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 07.


In the administrative area of Durham County Council
A66 Junction with The Street

71.  A length of approximately 45 metres of the existing A66 trunk road as shown on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plan for scheme 07 and being the existing junction of “The Street” with the westbound carriageway of the A66, to the east of Stone Bridge Farm.



In the administrative area of Durham County Council
A66 all-purpose dual carriageway

72.  A 4.2 km length of new road to be constructed and classified (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) below) as part of the A66 trunk road all-purpose dual carriageway (such length also including existing highway to be improved, as identified in sub-paragraphs (a), (c) and (e) below)—

(a)commencing from a point 200 metres to the west of the existing junction of the A66 with Rutherford Lane and following the existing A66 alignment for a distance of 1.1 km in a generally easterly direction; passing through the new Cross Lanes compact grade separated junction and under the new B6277 Moorhouse Lane bridge to a point 400 metres east of the junction of the existing A66 with B6277 Moorhouse Lane;

(b)then departing from the existing alignment of the A66 in a south-easterly direction, running generally parallel with the existing A66 for a distance of 645 metres past Street Side Farm, in an easterly direction;

(c)re-joining the existing A66 alignment at a point 393 metres east of the existing junction of the private means of access to Birk House Farm with the A66 and continuing in an easterly direction for 644 metres;

(d)departing from the existing alignment of the A66 in a south-easterly direction, passing through the new Rokeby Junction and passing on the south side of the Old Rectory building 100 metres south of the existing A66 before curving northwards and re-joining the existing alignment of the A66 at the existing junction with the C165 Barnard Castle Road;

(e)continuing in an easterly direction along the alignment of the existing A66 for a distance of 445 metres,

identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.


In the administrative area of Durham County Council
Eastbound A66 / B6277 compact connector road

73.  A 150 metre diverge slip road off, and a 130 metre merge slip road with a 40 metre nose onto, the eastbound carriageway of the new A66, both connecting to a 177 metre length of new compact connector road curving in a northerly and then an easterly direction, and connecting to the new B6277 Moorhouse Lane. Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.

Westbound A66 / B6277 compact connector road

74.  A 150 metre diverge slip road off, and a 170 metre merge slip road onto, the westbound carriageway of the new A66, both connecting to a 78 metre length of new compact connector road in a southerly direction, connecting with the new B6277 Moorhouse Lane. Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.

New B6277 Moorhouse Lane link road

75.  A 1.1 km length of new road to be constructed (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) below) and classified as the B6277 Moorhouse Lane—

(a)commencing 70 metres to the south-west of its junction with the realigned Rutherford Lane, at a point 240 metres south of the existing junction of the A66 with Rutherford Lane; continuing in a north-easterly direction;

(b)then crossing the new A66 via a new overbridge, 125 metres west of the existing A66 junction with the B6277 Moorhouse Lane;

(c)continuing northwards and re-joining the existing B6277 Moorhouse Lane, at a point 410 metres north of the existing junction of the A66 with the B6277 Moorhouse Lane,

identified by a cyan line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.

Realigned Moorhouse Lane (north)

76.  A 170 metre length of new unclassified road to be constructed, commencing from its junction with the new B6277 Moorhouse Lane at a point 235 metres north of the existing junction of the A66 with the B6277 Moorhouse Lane and continuing in a southerly direction for a distance of 70 metres (replacing the equivalent length of the existing B6277 Moorhouse Lane with unclassified road), identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.

Realigned Rutherford Lane

77.  A 78 metre length of new unclassified road to be constructed, commencing from its junction with the new B6277 Moorhouse Lane link road, approximately 225 metres south of the existing junction of the A66 with Rutherford Lane, continuing in a northerly direction before connecting into the existing Rutherford Lane, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.

Realigned Moorhouse Lane (south)

78.  A 332 metre length of new unclassified road to be constructed, commencing from its junction with the new B6277 Moorhouse Lane link road and continuing eastwards, passing to the north of the Cross Lanes Organic Farm Shop and Café before curving southwards to connect to the existing Moorhouse Lane (south), identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.


In the administrative area of Durham County Council
A66 Eastbound Diverge connector road

79.  A 183 metre diverge slip road off the eastbound carriageway of the new A66 curving northwards to connect to the existing A66 (to be reclassified as part of the C165 Barnard Castle Road), identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.

Westbound A66 / C165 compact connector road

80.  A 150 metre diverge slip road off, and a 170 metre merge slip road onto, the westbound carriageway of the new A66, both connecting to a 210 metre length of new compact connector road in a southerly direction, connecting with the new C165 Barnard Castle Road. Slip roads and compact connector road to be classified as part of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.

Rokeby Junction compact grade separated junction

81.  A 200 metre length of new road to be classified as part of the C165 Barnard Castle Road. Commencing at a point 155 metres south of the existing alignment of the A66, then continuing northwards under the new A66 via a new underbridge, then curving in an easterly direction to join the existing alignment of the A66, (to be reclassified as part of the C165 Barnard Castle Road) at a point 190 metres west of St Mary’s Church, identified by a pink line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.


In the administrative area of Durham County Council
Existing A66

82.  A length of the existing A66 to be reclassified as the C165 Barnard Castle Road—

(a)commencing at the new Rokeby Junction, from a point 190m west of St Mary’s Church, and continuing in an easterly direction for 920 metres;

(b)then continuing around the circulatory carriageway of the new roundabout at the existing junction of the A66 with the C165 Barnard Castle Road,

identified by a purple line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.


In the administrative area of Durham County Council
A66 Eastbound Merge Slip Road

83.  A 350 metre length of the existing A66, linking the C165 (formerly the A66) to the new A66, to be classified as the A66. Commencing at the new roundabout linking the new C165 Barnard Castle Road with the A66 and continuing eastwards to connect onto the new A66 all-purpose dual carriageway, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 08.


In the administrative area of Durham County Council
A66 Junction with Rutherford Lane

84.  A length of approximately 55 metres of the existing A66 trunk road, identified between points A and B on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 08, and being located at the existing junction of Rutherford Lane with the A66.

A66 Trunk Road

85.  A length of approximately 26 metres of the existing A66 trunk road, identified between points C and D on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 08, and being located opposite the existing junction of Moorhouse Lane (South) with the A66.

A66 Junction with Moorhouse Lane (South)

86.  A length of approximately 105 metres of the existing A66 trunk road, identified between points E and F on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 08, and being located at the existing junction of Moorhouse Lane (South) with the A66.

A66 Trunk Road

87.  A length of approximately 1.27 km of the existing A66 trunk road, commencing from a point on the A66 trunk road 200 metres to the east of the point where existing Rokeby Footpath 10 meets the existing A66, identified as point G on sheet 2 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 08, and continuing in an easterly direction to a point on the existing A66 trunk road, 20 metres to the east of the existing junction of the A66 with Barnard Castle Road, identified as point H on sheet 3 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 08.



In the administrative area of the North Yorkshire Council
A66 all-purpose dual carriageway

88.  A 6.2 km length of new road to be constructed and classified (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (f) below) as part of the A66 trunk road all-purpose dual carriageway (such length also including existing highway to be improved, as identified in sub-paragraphs (a), (e) and (f) below)—

(a)commencing from a point 675 metres to the west of the existing junction of the A66 with access to Browson Bank, and following the existing A66 alignment for a distance of 675 metres in a generally easterly direction;

(b)then departing from the existing alignment of the A66, to run generally parallel with the north side of the existing A66 for a distance of 1.4 km in a generally easterly direction;

(c)continuing in a generally north-easterly direction, passing under the C12 Collier Lane via a new underbridge 50 metres to the north of the existing junction of the A66 with Collier Lane, then continuing in an easterly direction, to a point 250 metres to the north of the existing A66, at Fox Grove, before curving back in a south-easterly direction;

(d)continuing in a south-easterly direction through the new Mains Gill Junction, then crossing the existing Moor Lane road at a point 135 metres to the north of the existing junction of the A66 with Moor Lane, and then continuing in a south-easterly direction to cross the existing A66 at a point 328 metres to the east of Mainsgill Bridge;

(e)then continuing in an easterly-direction and re-joining the existing alignment of the A66, at a point 287 metres to the west of the existing junction of the A66 with the C108 Warrener Lane;

(f)continuing on the existing alignment of the A66 in an easterly direction for a distance of 1.1 km, to a point 775 metres to the east of the existing junction of the A66 with the C108 Warrener Lane,

identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 09.

A66 westbound merge slip road

89.  A 240 metre length of new slip road to be constructed and classified as part of the A66 all-purpose dual carriageway commencing from a point 205 metres to the east of the existing junction of the A66 with Brownson Bank and continuing in a south-easterly direction for a distance of 240 metres until it meets the existing A66 (from which point the existing A66 is to be reclassified as the C108), identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 09.


In the administrative area of the North Yorkshire Council
C108 Warrener Lane

90.  A 4.5 km length of new road to be constructed and existing A66 (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) below) to be reclassified as part of the C108 Warrener Lane Road (such length also including existing highway to be improved, as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) and (c) below)—

(a)a 450-metre length of the existing A66 to be reclassified as the C108 Warrener Lane, commencing from with the point at which it meets the new A66 westbound merge slip road (onto the new A66 dual carriageway) and continuing in an easterly direction to a point 175 metres to the west of the existing junction of the A66 with the U1084 Dick Scot Lane;

(b)departing southwards from the existing alignment of the A66 road and continuing for a distance of 990 metres before re-joining the existing A66 at a point 205 metres to the west of the existing junction of the A66 with the C12 Collier Lane;

(c)then continuing on the alignment of the existing A66 through the new Mains Gill Junction for a distance of 1.6 km and terminating at a point 89 metres to the east of the Mainsgill Bridge;

(d)a 1.1 km length of new road to be constructed and to be classified as the C108 Warrener Lane, commencing from a point 89 metres to the east of the Mainsgill Bridge, then continuing in a generally south-easterly direction to the south of the existing A66, until connecting to the existing C108 Warrener Lane at the access to Pond Dale Farm,

identified by a cyan line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 09.

Realigned C12 Collier Lane

91.  A 190 metre length of new road to be constructed and classified as the C12 Collier Lane, to carry the carriageway over the new A66, commencing from a point 12 metres south of the existing Collier Lane junction with the A66 and continuing in a north-easterly direction to tie in with the existing Collier Lane, identified by a pink line on the classification of road plans for scheme 09.


Eastbound A66 compact connector road

92.  A 480 metre length of new road to be classified as the new A66, commencing from the eastbound carriageway of the new A66, continuing first in a northerly direction, then in an easterly direction, and then in a southerly direction and crossing the new A66 via a new overbridge (comprising part of the new Mains Gill Junction), before terminating at its junction with the existing A66 (to be de-trunked and reclassified as the C108), identified by a red line on the classification of roads plans for scheme 09.

Westbound A66 compact connector road

93.  A 255 metre length of new road to be classified as the new A66, commencing from the westbound carriageway of the new A66, continuing in a southerly direction, then in an easterly direction before terminating at its junction with the new A66 eastbound compact connector road, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plans for scheme 09.

Moor Lane link road

94.  A 192 metre length of new road to be unclassified, commencing from its junction with the new eastbound compact connector road at, at a point 50 metres to the north of the new overbridge carrying the eastbound connector road over the A66 at the new Mains Gill Junction, and continuing in a generally north-easterly direction to connect into the existing Moor Lane at a point 317 metres to the north of the exiting junction of the A66 with Moor Lane, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plans for scheme 09.


In the administrative area of the North Yorkshire Council
A66 Trunk Road (west)

95.  A length of approximately 1.1 km of the existing A66 trunk road, commencing from a point on the existing A66 trunk road 375 metres to the east of the existing access to Browson Bank, identified as point A on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 09, and continuing in an easterly direction to a point on the existing A66 trunk road, 66 metres to the east of the access to Old Dunsa Bank, identified as point B on sheet 2 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 09.

A66 Trunk Road (east)

96.  A length of approximately 1.9 km of the existing A66 trunk road, commencing from a point on the A66 trunk road 25 metres to the west of the existing junction of Collier Lane with the A66, identified as point C on sheet 2 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 09, and continuing in an easterly direction to a point on the existing A66 trunk road, 150 metres to the east of the Mainsgill Bridge, identified as point D on sheet 3 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 09.