




In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 2.8 km length of new and improved A66 trunk road

1.  A 2.8 km length of new and improved highway to be classified as part of the A66, commencing from a point 150 metres to the south-west of the existing access to the Livestock Market, and following the existing alignment of the A66 for a distance of 2.4 km to a point 668 metres to the north-east of the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout, and comprising—

(a)a 390 metre length of improved highway commencing from a point 265 metres west of Skirsgill Business Park and following the existing alignment of the A66 for a distance of 390 metres, to a point on the existing A66 carriageway 100 metres south-east of the Livestock Market;

(b)a 600 metre length of improved circulatory carriageway of the M6 J40 roundabout;

(c)a 1.8 km length of improved highway commencing from a point 115 metres south of the North Lakes Hotel & Spa and following the alignment of the existing A66 in a generally westwards direction, passing beneath the bridges at the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout and following the existing alignment of the A66 in a north-easterly direction, then joining the existing A66 carriageway at a point 200 metres north-east of the Police Station,

identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
M6 northbound diverge slip road

2.  A 328 metre length of improved slip road to be classified as part of the M6 special road, commencing from its diverge point on the existing northbound carriageway of the M6 and continuing in a north-westerly direction to its junction with the existing roundabout at M6 Junction 40, identified by a blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

M6 northbound merge slip road

3.  A 210 metre length of improved slip road to be classified as part of the M6 special road, commencing from its junction with the existing roundabout at M6 Junction 40 and continuing in a north-westerly direction to its merge point on the existing M6 northbound carriageway, identified by a blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

M6 southbound diverge slip road

4.  A 263 metre length of improved slip road to be classified as part of the M6 special road, commencing from its diverge point on the existing M6 southbound carriageway and continuing in a south-easterly direction to its junction with the existing roundabout at M6 Junction 40, identified by a blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

M6 southbound merge slip road

5.  A 270 metre length of improved slip road to be classified as part of the M6 special road, commencing from its junction with the existing roundabout at M6 Junction 40 and continuing in a south-easterly direction to its merge point on the existing M6 southbound carriageway, identified by a blue line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 205 metre length of improved A592

6.  A length of improved highway to be classified as part of the A592, commencing from a point 425 metres to the north-west of the existing access to Skirsgill Depot, and following the existing alignment of the A592 in a south-easterly direction for a distance of 205 metres, to its junction with the M6 Junction 40 roundabout, identified by a pink line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A66 eastbound diverge slip road

7.  A 320 metre length of new bifurcated slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its diverge point on the new A66 eastbound carriageway in a north-easterly direction to its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A66 eastbound merge slip road

8.  A 360 metre length of new bifurcated slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout and continuing in a north-easterly direction to its merge point on the new eastbound carriageway of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A66 westbound diverge slip road

9.  A 343 metre length of new bifurcated slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its diverge point on the new westbound carriageway of the A66 in a south-westerly direction to its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A66 westbound merge slip road

10.  A 330 metre length of new bifurcated slip road to be classified as part of the A66 trunk road, commencing from its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout and continuing in a south-westerly direction to its merge point on the new westbound carriageway of the A66, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
Kemplay Bank Roundabout

11.  A 416 metre length of improved circulatory carriageway at the Kemplay Bank Roundabout, to be re-classified as part of the A6, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A 90 metre length of improved A6 (southbound approach to Kemplay Bank Roundabout)

12.  A length of improved highway to be classified as part of the A6, commencing from a point 75 metres to the south-west of the existing Hospital, and following the existing alignment of the A6 for a distance of 90 metres, to its junction with the new A6 Kemplay Bank Roundabout, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.

A 155 metre length of improved A6 (northbound approach to Kemplay Bank Roundabout)

13.  A length of improved highway to be classified as part of the A6, commencing from a point 182 metres to the south-west of the existing Penrith Community Fire Station, and following the existing alignment of the A6 for a distance of 155 metres, to its junction with the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 242 metre length of improved A686

14.  A length of new road to be classified as part of the A686, commencing from a point 177 metres to the north of the existing Police Station, and continuing in a generally south-westerly direction for a distance of 242 metres, to its junction with the new A6 Kemplay Bank Roundabout at a point 95 metres south-east of the existing Hospital, identified by a cyan line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0102.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council

15.  A length of approximately 416 metres of the existing A66, comprising the existing circulatory carriageway of the Kemplay Bank Roundabout, commencing from a point A (as identified on the de-trunking plan for scheme 0102) located 90 metres to the south of the Hospital and continuing in a clockwise direction returning to the same point A, 90 metres to the south of the Hospital, as identified by black diagonal hatching on the de-trunking plans for scheme 0102.