The A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Development Consent Order 2024



In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 2.9 kilometre length of improved A66 trunk road

16.  A length of highway proposed to be improved and to be classified as part of the A66, commencing from a point 360 metres to the north-east of Brougham Castle, and following the existing A66 alignment for a distance of 2.9 km, to a point on the existing A66 carriageway 610 metres to the west of Lane End, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.

A 2.4 kilometre length of new A66 trunk road

17.  A 2.4 km length of new road to be constructed and classified (as identified in sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) below) as part of the A66 trunk road

(a)commencing from a point 610 metres to the west of Lane End, then departing from the existing alignment in a south-easterly direction and continuing in a generally easterly direction to a point 370 metres west of Lane End;

(b)passing beneath the new bridge at the Junction at Center Parcs and then continuing in an easterly direction for a distance of 725 metres to a point where it joins the existing A66 carriageway at a point 315 metres east of Lane End;

(c)then departing from the existing A66 alignment in a north easterly direction commencing from a point 315 metres to the east of Lane End in a generally north-easterly direction for a distance of 920 metres; and

(d)continuing eastwards for a distance of 760 metres to a point where it joins the existing A66 carriageway at a point 405 metres to the north-west of the existing westbound junction at Temple Sowerby,

identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 116 metre length of new road (Northbound Approach)

18.  A 116 metre length of new road to be classified as part of the A66, commencing from a point 472 metres to the south-west of Lane End continuing in a generally northerly direction to its junction with the westbound carriageway of the new A66 at a point 436 metres to the east of Lane End, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.

A 493 metre length of new road (Connector Loop)

19.  A 493 metre length of new road to be classified as part of the A66, commencing from its junction with the new A66 on the eastbound carriageway at a point 469 metres to the west of Lane End, continuing northwards for a distance of 157 metres, before turning eastwards and then southwards and passing under the new A66 at a point 361 metres to the south-west of Lane End, continuing generally south-eastwards to its junction with the new northbound approach at a point 472 metres to the south-east of Lane End, identified by a red line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.

NEW B6262

In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
B6262 (Realigned)

20.  A 101 metre length of new and improved road to be classified as part of the B6262, commencing from a point 460 metres to the east of Brougham Castle and continuing in a generally northerly direction to its junction with the improved A66 at a point 520 metres to the east of Brougham Castle, identified by a green line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 144 metre length of new road (unclassified U3192)

21.  A length of new unclassified road (U3192), commencing at its intersection with byway 311/013 at a point 933 metres to the south-west of St. Ninian’s Church and continuing in a generally southerly direction to its junction with the improved A66 at a point 204 metres to the north of Whinfell Park, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
A 247 metre length of new road (unclassified westbound approach) (unclassified U3193)

22.  A length of new unclassified road (U3193), commencing from a point 121 metres to the west of Lane End and continuing in a generally westerly direction to its junction with a new connector road at the new junction at Center Parcs, at a point 354 metres to the west of Lane End, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 03.


In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council

23.  A length of approximately 451 metres of the existing A66, commencing from a point A on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 03, being a point on the A66 trunk road 200 metres to the east of Lane End, extending in an easterly direction to a point B on sheet 1 of the de-trunking plans for scheme 03, being a point on the A66 trunk road 261 metres to the east of Lane End.