In the administrative area of Westmorland and Furness Council
Roman Road (unclassified U3199)

39.  A 302 metre length of the improved unclassified Roman Road (U3199), commencing at its junction with the new C3057, continuing on the existing alignment of Roman Road for a distance of 302 metres to the point where it meets the existing Priest Lane, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

New Cross Street (unclassified C3030)

40.  A 750 metre length of improved road, commencing on the existing Cross Street at a point to the east of Halefield Farm, following the existing alignment of Cross Street (C3030) for a distance of 85 metres, then departing and passing over the new A66 at the Cross Street bridge and terminating at Point F on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

41.  A 33 metre length of existing link road, commencing at its junction with the existing Cross Street and continuing for a distance of 33 metres in a generally southerly direction.

42.  A 32 metre length of existing link road, commencing at its junction with Cross Street and terminating at Point G on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

43.  A 207 metre length of existing road, commencing at point E and continuing in a generally easterly direction to point F, points E and F being as shown on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Main Street (unclassified U3772)

44.  A 290 metre length of improved unclassified road (U3772), commencing at the junction of Main Street and Fell Lane, continuing in a generally easterly direction for a distance of 290 metres, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

New Sleastonhow Lane (unclassified U3202)

45.  An 824 metre length of new unclassified road (U3202), commencing at a point on the existing Sleastonhow Lane 256 metres to the south of its junction with Main Street, continuing on the existing alignment of Sleastonhow Lane for a distance of 80 metres, then continuing in a south-easterly direction on its new alignment, and passing over the new A66 trunk road via the new Sleastonhow Lane bridge, and reconnecting with the existing alignment of Sleastonhow Lane at a point 901 metres to the south of its junction with Main Street, then continuing for a distance of 115 metres, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Improved Long Marton (unclassified U3773)

46.  An 860m length of improved and unclassified road (U3773) comprising—

(a)an 89 metre length of improved highway known as Long Marton (U3773), commencing at the junction of Long Marton with the existing A66 (to be reclassified as the B6542), and continuing in a north-easterly direction for a distance of 89 metres;

(b)a 771 metre length of new and improved unclassified road (U3773) comprising highway known as Long Marton, commencing at a point 218 metres north-east of the junction of Long Marton with the existing A66 (to be reclassified as the B6542), and continuing on its existing alignment for a distance of 617 metres, and then continuing on a new alignment in a south-easterly direction to its junction with the new C3063,

identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.

Existing Fell Lane (unclassified C3065)

47.  A 185 metre length of improved unclassified road (C3065), from its junction with the realigned Main Street part of the C3065, for a distance of 185 metres in a north-easterly direction, identified by a black line on the classification of roads plan for scheme 0405.