Work No. 2 – YR/2TW overhead electric line and YN overhead electric lineE+W+S
In North Yorkshire and the city of York
Works to reconfigure the YR overhead electric line and construction and installation of the YN overhead electric line as shown on section B, sheet 1 of the works plan, comprising—
(a)the reconductoring of the YR/2TW overhead electric line from YR036 to 2TW169, replacement of conductors, fittings, insulators, and fibre optic earthwires, including modifications to existing pylons;
(b)the construction and installation of a temporary diversion of the YR overhead electric line from YR038 to 2TW169, including conductors, fibre optic earthwires, insulators, fittings and two temporary structures;
(c)the construction and installation of an overhead electric line from YR040 to YN004 including five pylons, conductors, fibre optic earthwires, insulators, fittings and connections into the new Shipton North and Shipton South cable sealing end compounds referred to at paragraph (f) .
In North Yorkshire
(d)the installation of an underground cable to facilitate a connection between Shipton North and Shipton South cable sealing end compounds referred to at paragraph (f);
(e)the dismantling and removal of existing pylon YR040T, including foundations;
(f)the construction and installation of two cable sealing end compounds, Shipton North and Shipton South, containing sealing end equipment, including anchor blocks at Shipton North and a gantry at Shipton South, switchgear, earthing and protection control systems, and connections to the overhead electric line;
(g)the installation of one temporary construction compound; and
In the city of York
(h)the installation of one temporary construction compound.
Work No. U1 – Utility UndergroundingE+W+S
In North Yorkshire
The removal of a section of the existing distribution overhead electric line and its replacement with the installation of an underground cable shown on section B, sheet 1 of the works plan.
Work No. 3 – YN overhead electric lineE+W+S
In North Yorkshire and the city of York
Works to construct and install the YN overhead electric line shown on section B, sheets 1 and 2 of the works plan, comprising—
(a)the construction and installation of an overhead electric line from YN004 to YN008, YN008 to YN009, and YN008 to YN010, including four pylons, conductors, fibre optic earthwires, insulators, fittings and connections into the Overton Substation referred to within Work No. 4; and
(b)the installation of two temporary construction compounds.
Work No. U2E+W+S
In the city of York
The removal of a section of the existing distribution overhead electric line and its replacement with the installation of an underground cable shown on section B, sheets 1 and 2 of the works plan.
Work No. U3E+W+S
In the city of York
The removal of a section of the existing distribution overhead electric line and its replacement with the installation of an underground cable shown on section B, sheet 2 of the works plan.
Work No. 4 – Overton SubstationE+W+S
In North Yorkshire
Works to construct and install a new substation at Overton, to facilitate connections to the YN, SP and XC overhead electric lines shown, on section B, sheet 2 of the works plan, comprising the construction and installation of Overton. Substation including six gantries for termination of the new overhead electric lines, four supergrid transformers, noise enclosures, switchgear, plant and equipment, operational and ancillary buildings and permanent landscaping works, the construction of gates and fencing, hardstanding and drainage for Overton Substation.
Work No. 5 – SP and XCP overhead electric linesE+W+S
In North Yorkshire and the city of York
Works to construct and install the SP overhead electric line and dismantle the XCP overhead electric line shown on section B, sheets 2 and 3 of the works plan, comprising—
(a)the construction and installation of an overhead electric line from SP001 to SP003, SP002 to SP003, and SP003 to SP007, including four pylons, conductors, fibre optic earthwires, insulators, fittings, modifications to existing pylons and connections into Overton Substation referred to at Work No. 4 above; and
In North Yorkshire
(b)the dismantling and removal of existing pylon XCP013, including removal of conductors, insulators, fittings, fibre optic earthwires, and foundations.
Work No. 6 – XC and XCP overhead electric lines, and XC overhead electric lineE+W+S
In the city of York and in North Yorkshire
Works to reconfigure the XC overhead electric line, through reconductoring and installation of new sections of overhead electric lines, and dismantling of the XCP overhead electric line and sections of the XC overhead electric line shown on section B, sheets 2 to 5 of the works plan, comprising—
In North Yorkshire
(a)the construction and installation of a temporary overhead electric line span from XC416 to SP003, including insulators and fittings;
In the city of York and in North Yorkshire
(b)the construction and installation of an electric overhead line from XC414 to XC416, XC415 to XC416, and XC416 to XC429 including 14 pylons, conductors, fibre optic earthwires, insulators, fittings and connections into Overton Substation referred to at Work No. 4 above;
(c)the dismantling and removal of existing pylons XCP012 to XC429T including removal of 14 pylons, conductors, insulators, fittings, fibre optic earthwires and foundations;
(d)the construction and installation of a temporary diversion of the existing XCP overhead electric line from XC421 to XCP003, including conductors, insulators, fittings and four temporary structures;
In North Yorkshire
(e)the reconductoring of the XC overhead electric line from XC429 to XC430, including modifications to existing pylons and foundations, and the replacement of conductors, fittings, insulators and fibre optic earthwires; and
(f)the construction and installation of a temporary diversion of the XC overhead electric line from XC428T to XC430, including conductors, insulators, fittings and one temporary structure.
Work No. U4E+W+S
In the city of York
The removal of a section of the existing distribution overhead electric line and its replacement with the installation of an underground cable shown on section B, sheet 3 and 4 of the works plan.
Work No. U5E+W+S
In North Yorkshire
The removal of a section of the existing distribution overhead electric line and its replacement with the installation of an underground cable shown on section B, sheet 5 of the works plan.