The National Grid (Yorkshire Green Energy Enablement Project) Development Consent Order 2024


2.—(1) Where an application is made to a relevant authority for any consent, agreement or approval required under Schedule 3 (requirements), a fee must be paid to the relevant authority as follows—

(a)a fee of £116 per request; or

(b)such other fee as may be prescribed (under sections 303 (fees for planning applications etc.) and 333(2A) (regulations and orders) of the 1990 Act for the discharge of conditions attached to a planning permission).

(2) Any fee paid under this Schedule must be refunded to the undertaker within 35 days of—

(a)the application being rejected as invalidly made; or

(b)the relevant authority failing to determine the application within the decision period as determined under paragraph 1, unless within that period the undertaker agrees in writing that the fee may be retained by the relevant authority and credited in respect of a future application.