PART 1Preliminary

Citation and commencement

1.  This Order may be cited as the Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon Extensions Offshore Wind Farm Order 2024 and comes into force on 9th May 2024.


2.—(1) In this Order—

the 1961 Act” means the Land Compensation Act 1961(1);

the 1965 Act” means the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965(2);

the 1980 Act” means the Highways Act 1980(3);

the 1981 Act” means the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981(4);

the 1989 Act” means the Electricity Act 1989(5);

the 1990 Act” means the Town and Country Planning Act 1990(6);

the 1991 Act” means the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991(7);

the 2003 Act” means the Communications Act 2003(8);

the 2004 Act” means the Energy Act 2004(9);

the 2008 Act” means the Planning Act 2008(10);

the 2009 Act” means the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009(11);

the 2016 Regulations” means the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016(12);

the 2017 Regulations” means the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017(13);

A47 Tuddenham Order” means the North Tuddenham to Easton Development Consent Order 2022(14);

A47 Tuddenham Scheme” means the highways scheme to be constructed pursuant to the A47 Tuddenham Order;

access to works plan” means the plan or plans certified as the access to works plan or plans by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

ancillary works” means the ancillary works described in Part 2 (ancillary works) of Schedule 1 (authorised project) and any other works authorised by this Order and which are not development within the meaning of section 32 of the 2008 Act;

authorised development” means the development and associated development described in Part 1 (authorised development) of Schedule 1 and any other development authorised by this Order that is development within the meaning of section 32 of the 2008 Act;

authorised project” means the authorised development and the ancillary works;

book of reference” means the document certified as the book of reference by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

building” includes any structure or erection or any part of a building, structure or erection;

buoy” means any floating device used for navigational purposes or measurement purposes including LiDAR buoys, wave buoys and guard buoys;

cable” means any onshore or offshore cable and includes direct-lay cables and cables laid in cable ducts;

cable circuit” means a number of electrical conductors necessary to transmit electricity between two points within the authorised development comprising for HVAC transmission three conductors which may be bundled as one cable or take the form of three separate cables and the circuit may include one or more auxiliary cables (normally fibre optic cables) for the purpose of control, monitoring, protection or general communications;

cable crossing” means a crossing of existing subsea cables or pipelines or other existing infrastructure by a cable or, where cables run together in parallel, a set of cables authorised by this Order together with physical protection measures including rock placement or other cable protection;

cable ducts” means conduits for the installation of cables;

cable protection” means measures to protect cables from physical damage and exposure due to loss of seabed sediment including, but not limited to, rock placement, mattresses with or without frond devices, protective aprons or coverings, bagged solutions filled with sand, rock, grout or other materials and protective shells;

carriageway” has the same meaning as in the 1980 Act;

commence” means either—


in relation to works seaward of MHWS, the first carrying out of any licensed marine activities authorised by the deemed marine licences, save for pre-construction surveys and monitoring approved under the deemed marine licences; or


in respect of any other works, the first carrying out of any material operation (as defined in section 155 of the 2008 Act) forming part of the authorised project except for pre- commencement works;

and the words “commence” and “commencement” must be construed accordingly;

commercial operation” means in relation to any part of the authorised project, the exporting, transmission or conversion, on a commercial basis, of electricity;

construction compound” means a temporary construction area associated with the onshore works including (as required) but not limited to hardstanding, temporary fencing, lighting, ground preparation, site offices and workshop facilities, general storage, storage of plant, storage of spoil, cable drums, ducting and other construction materials; welfare facilities; car parking; waste management, lay-down areas; bunded generators; fuel storage or any other means of enclosure or areas required for construction purposes;

Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ” means the Marine Conservation Zone designated by the Secretary of State under the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone Designation Order 2016(15);

crossing schedule” means the document certified as the crossing schedule by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

deemed marine licences” means the marine licences set out in Schedules 10 to 13;

Defence Infrastructure Organisation Safeguarding” means Ministry of Defence Safeguarding, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, St George’s House, DIO Head Office, DMS Whittington, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9PY and any successor body to its functions;

DEL” means Dudgeon Extension Limited, company number 12148301, whose registered office is at 1 Kingdom Street, London W2 6BD;

design and access statement” means the document certified as the design and access statement by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

DEP North” means the array extension area located to the north of DOW;

DEP South” means the array extension area located to the south of DOW;

DOW” means the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm;

DOW section 36 consent” means the consent granted by the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to Dudgeon Offshore Wind Limited for the construction and operation of DOW dated 6 July 2012 (reference (as varied);

draft marine mammal mitigation protocol” means the document certified as the draft marine mammal mitigation protocol by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

Dudgeon Extension Project” means the Dudgeon Extension Project offshore works and the Dudgeon Extension Project onshore works;

Dudgeon Extension Project offshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1, 2 or 3, Work Nos. 1B to 7B and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 1B, 2B, the integrated offshore works and any other authorised development associated with those works;

Dudgeon Extension Project onshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1 or scenario 2, Work Nos. 8B to 22B and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 3, Work Nos. 8B to 14B, the scenario 3 integrated onshore works, Work Nos. 18B to 22B, and any other authorised development associated with those works;


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 10B, 11B, 13B, 14B, the scenario 4 integrated onshore works, Work Nos. 18B to 22B, and any other authorised development associated with those works;

environmental statement” means the document certified as the environmental statement by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

FEP phase 2 site” means the area of land on which phase 2 of the Food Enterprise Park is located, through which the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project onshore works and Dudgeon Extension Project onshore works pass, and which is shown on Figure 1 of the Supplemental Environmental Information to support the Applicant’s material change request;

gravity base structure foundation” means a structure principally of steel, concrete, or steel and concrete which rests on the seabed either due to its own weight with or without added ballast, skirts or other additional fixings, and associated equipment including scour protection, J-tubes, corrosion protection systems, access platforms and equipment and separate topside connection structures or integrated transition pieces;

habitats regulations derogation provision of evidence, annex 2A - outline sandwich tern compensation implementation and monitoring plan” means the document certified as the habitats regulations derogation provision of evidence, annex 2A - outline sandwich tern compensation implementation and monitoring plan by the Secretary of State under article 38;

habitats regulations derogation provision of evidence, annex 3A - outline kittiwake compensation implementation and monitoring plan” means the document certified as the habitats regulations derogation provision of evidence, annex 3A - outline kittiwake compensation implementation and monitoring plan by the Secretary of State under article 38;

HAT” means highest astronomical tide;

“HDD” or “horizontal direction drilling” refers to a trenchless technique for installing cables and cable ducts involving drilling in an arc between two points;

highway” has the same meaning as in section 328 of the 1980 Act;

highway authority” has the same meaning as in the 1980 Act;

horizontal directional drilling compound” means a construction site associated with horizontal directional drilling including hard standing, lay down and storage areas for construction materials and equipment, areas for spoil, areas for vehicular parking, bunded storage areas, areas comprising water and bentonite tanks, pumps and pipes, welfare facilities including offices and canteen and washroom facilities, wheel washing facilities, workshop facilities and temporary fencing or other means of enclosure and areas for other facilities required for construction purposes;

HVAC” means high voltage alternating current;

in-field cable” means a subsea cable linking two or more offshore structures;

in principle Site Integrity Plan for the Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation” means the document certified as the in principle Site Integrity Plan for the Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

integrated offshore substation platform” means a single offshore substation platform to be constructed and operated for the benefit of both SEL and DEL comprised within Work No. 3C;

integrated offshore works” means Work Nos. 3C, 4C, 5C, 6C and 7C;

integrated onshore substation” means a single onshore HVAC substation constructed and operated for the benefit of both SEL and DEL comprised within Work No. 15C;

integrated works” means the integrated offshore works and the scenario 3 integrated onshore works or the scenario 4 integrated onshore works;

interlink cable” means a subsea cable linking two offshore areas;

intrusive” means an activity that requires or is facilitated by breaking the surface of the ground (but does not include the installation of fence or signage posts);

jacket foundation” means a lattice type structure constructed of steel, which may include scour protection and additional equipment such as J-tubes, corrosion protection systems and access platforms;

joint bay” means an excavation located at regular intervals along the cable route consisting of a concrete flat base slab constructed beneath the ground to facilitate the jointing together of the cables;

land plans” means the plans certified as the land plans by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

LAT” means lowest astronomical tide;

lead local flood authority” has the same meaning as in section 6(7) (other definitions) of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010(16);

link box” means the underground metal box placed within a plastic or concrete pit where the metal sheaths between adjacent export cable sections are connected and earthed, installed within a ground level manhole or inspection chamber to allow access to the link box for regular maintenance or fault-finding purposes;

maintain” includes inspect, upkeep, repair, adjust and alter and further includes remove, reconstruct and replace, (but only in relation to any of the ancillary works in Part 2 of Schedule 1 (ancillary works), any cable, any component part of any wind turbine generator, offshore electrical substation, offshore accommodation platform, meteorological mast, and the onshore transmission works described in Part 1 of Schedule 1 (authorised development) not including removal, reconstruction or replacement of foundations and buildings associated with the onshore project substation) to the extent assessed in the environmental statement; and “maintenance” must be construed accordingly;

Marine Licence 1” means the marine licence in Schedule 10 (Marine Licence 1:– Sheringham Shoal Extension Project Offshore Generation Work No. 1A, 2A and 6A or 6C);

Marine Licence 2” means the marine licence in Schedule 11 (Marine Licence 2: – Dudgeon Extension Project Offshore Generation Work No. 1B, 2B and 6B or 6C);

Marine Licence 3” means the marine licence in Schedule 12 (Marine Licence 3: Sheringham Shoal Extension Project Offshore Transmission– Work Nos. 3A to 7A or 3C to 7C);

Marine Licence 4” means the marine licence in Schedule 13 (Marine Licence 4: – Dudgeon Extension Project Offshore Transmission Work Nos. 3B to 7B or 3C to 7C;

MCA” means the Maritime and Coastguard Agency;

“MHWS” or “mean high water springs” means the highest level that spring tides reach on average over a period of time;

“MLWS” or “mean low water springs” means the lowest level that spring tides reach on average over a period of time;

MMO” means the Marine Management Organisation;

monopile foundation” means a steel pile driven or drilled into the seabed and associated equipment including scour protection, J-tubes, corrosion protection systems and access platforms and equipment;

National Grid substation connection works” means—


in the event of scenario 1 or scenario 2, Work Nos. 16A, 16B, 17A and 17B; or


in the event of scenario 3 or scenario 4, Work Nos. 16C and 17C;

National Highways” means National Highways Limited (company number 09346363) whose registered office is Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ or any such successor or replacement body that may from time to time be primarily responsible for the functions, duties and responsibilities currently exercised by that statutory body;

offshore in principle monitoring plan” means the document certified as the offshore in principle monitoring plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

offshore order limits and grid coordinates plan” means the plans certified as the offshore order limits and grid coordinates plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

offshore substation platform” means a structure above LAT and attached to the seabed by means of a foundation, with one or more decks and open with modular equipment or fully clad, containing—


electrical equipment required to switch, transform, convert electricity generated at the wind turbine generators to a higher voltage and provide reactive power compensation, including high voltage power transformers, high voltage switchgear and busbars, substation auxiliary systems and low voltage distribution, instrumentation, metering equipment and control systems, standby generators, shunt reactors, auxiliary and uninterruptible power supply systems;


accommodation, storage, workshop auxiliary equipment and facilities for operating, maintaining and controlling the substation or wind turbine generators, including navigation, aviation and safety marking and lighting, systems for vessel access and retrieval, cranes, potable water supply, black water separation, stores, fuels and spares, communications systems and control hub facilities;

offshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3, Work Nos. 1A to 7A, 1B to 7B and any other authorised development associated with those works;


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, the integrated offshore works, and any other authorised development associated with those works;

onshore cable corridor” means the areas shown on the works plans (onshore) for Work Nos. 12A, 12B and 12C;

onshore construction works” means—


temporary haul roads;


vehicular accesses; and


construction compound(s), or if horizontal directional drilling is to be used, horizontal directional drilling compound(s);

onshore DEP substation” means an onshore HVAC substation constructed and operated for the benefit of DEL comprised within Work No. 15B;

onshore HVAC substation” means a compound comprising an onshore HVAC substation containing electrical equipment required to switch, transform, convert electricity and provide reactive power compensation, with external landscaping and means of access;

onshore SEP substation” means an onshore HVAC substation constructed and operated for the benefit of SEL comprised within Work No. 15A;

onshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1 or scenario 2, Work Nos. 8A to 22A, Work Nos. 8B to 22B and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 3, Work Nos. 8A to 14A, 8B to 14B, the scenario 3 integrated onshore works, 18A to 22A, 18B to 22B and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 10A, 10B, 11A, 11B, 13A, 13B, 14A, 14B, 18A to 22A and 18B to 22B, the scenario 4 integrated onshore works and any other authorised development associated with those works;

Order land” means the land shown on the land plans which is within the limits of land to be acquired or used and described in the book of reference;

Order limits” means the limits shown on the works plans within which the authorised project may be carried out, whose grid coordinates seaward of MHWS are set out in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of this Order;

outline Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone cable specification, installation and monitoring plan” means the document certified as the outline Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone specification, installation and monitoring plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline code of construction practice” means the document certified as the outline code of construction practice by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline construction traffic management plan” means the document certified as the outline traffic management plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline ecological management plan” means the document certified as the outline ecological management plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline fisheries liaison and co-existence plan” means the document certified as the outline fisheries liaison and co-existence plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline landscape management plan” means the document certified as the outline landscape management plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline marine traffic monitoring plan” means the document certified as the outline marine traffic monitoring plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline offshore operations and maintenance plan” means the document certified as the outline offshore operations and maintenance plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline project environmental management plan” means the document certified as the outline project environmental management plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline operational drainage strategy (onshore substation)” means the document certified as the outline operational drainage strategy (onshore substation) by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline public rights of way strategy” means the document certified as the outline public rights of way strategy by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline skills and employment plan” means the document certified as the outline skills and employment plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline written scheme of investigation (offshore)” means the document certified as the outline written scheme of investigation (offshore) by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

outline written scheme of investigation (onshore)” means the document certified as the outline written scheme of investigation (onshore) by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

owner”, in relation to land, has the same meaning as in section 7 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981(17);

pre-commencement works” means site clearance, demolition, early planting of landscaping works, archaeological investigations, environmental surveys, ecological mitigation, investigations for the purpose of assessing ground conditions, remedial work in respect of any contamination or other adverse ground conditions, the diversion and laying of services, the erection of any temporary means of enclosure, the erection of welfare facilities, creation of site accesses and the temporary display of site notices or advertisements;

public communications provider” has the same meaning as in section 151(1) of the 2003 Act;

public rights of way plan” means the plans certified as the public rights of way (to be temporarily stopped up) plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

relevant planning authority” means the district planning authority for the area in which the land to which the relevant provision of this Order applies is situated;

requirement” means a requirement set out in Schedule 2; and a reference to a numbered requirement is a reference to the requirement set out in the paragraph of the same number of that Schedule;

scour protection” means measures to prevent loss of seabed sediment around any structure placed in or on the seabed including by the use of bagged solutions, filled with grout or other materials, protective aprons, mattresses with or without frond devices, flow energy dissipation devices and rock and gravel placement;

SEL” means Scira Extension Limited, company number 12239260, whose registered office is at 1 Kingdom Street, London W2 6BD;

scenario 1” means each generating station will be constructed in any one of the following ways—


the construction of the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project only where the Dudgeon Extension Project does not proceed to construction;


the construction of the Dudgeon Extension Project only where the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project does not proceed to construction;


sequential construction where the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project is constructed first then the Dudgeon Extension Project is constructed second or vice versa; or


concurrent construction of the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and the Dudgeon Extension Project;

scenario 2” means a sequential construction scenario in which either the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project is constructed first and SEL installs the ducts for the Dudgeon Extension Project or the Dudgeon Extension Project is constructed first and DEL installs the ducts for the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project;

scenario 3” means—


sequential or concurrent construction of Work Nos. 1A to 14A, 18A to 22A, 1B to 14B, 18B to 22B; and


construction of the scenario 3 integrated onshore works; “scenario 3 integrated onshore works” means Work Nos. 15C to 17C;

scenario 4” means—


sequential or concurrent construction of Work Nos. 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 10A, 10B, 11A, 11B, 13A, 13B, 14A, 14B, 18A to 22A, 18B to 22B; and


construction of the integrated offshore works and the scenario 4 integrated onshore works;

scenario 4 integrated onshore works” means Works Nos. 8C, 9C, 12C, 15C, 16C and 17C;

Sheringham Shoal Extension Project” means the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project onshore works and the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project offshore works;

Sheringham Shoal Extension Project offshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1, 2 or 3, Work Nos. 1A to 7A and any authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of Scenario 4, Work Nos. 1A, 2A, the integrated offshore works and any other authorised development associated with those works;

Sheringham Shoal Extension Project onshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1 or scenario 2, Work Nos. 8A to 22A and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 3, Work Nos. 8A to 14A, the scenario 3 integrated onshore works, 18A to 22A and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 10A, 11A, 13A, 14A, the scenario 4 integrated onshore works, 18A to 22A and any other authorised development associated with any of those works;

special category land plan” means the plan certified as the special category land plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

statutory historic body” means Historic England or its successor in function;

statutory nature conservation body” means an organisation charged by the government with advising on nature conservation matters;

statutory undertaker” means any person falling within section 127(8) of the 2008 Act and a public communications provider as defined in section 151 of the 2003 Act;

strategic road network” means any part of the road network including trunk roads, special roads or streets for which National Highways is the highway authority;

street” means a street within the meaning of section 48 of the 1991 Act, together with land on the verge of a street or between two carriageways, and includes part of a street;

street authority”, in relation to a street, has the same meaning as in section 49 of the 1991 Act;

streets (to be temporarily stopped up) plan” means the plans certified as the streets (to be temporarily stopped up) plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

suction bucket” means a steel cylindrical structure attached to the legs of a jacket or monopile foundation which partially or fully penetrates the seabed and remains in place using its own weight and hydrostatic pressure differential;

supplemental environmental information to support the Applicant’s material change request” means the document certified as the Supplemental Environmental Information to support the Applicant’s material change request by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.);

tree preservation order and hedgerow plan” means the plan certified as the tree preservation order and hedgerow plan by the Secretary of State under article 38;

transition joint bay” means an underground concrete bay where offshore export cables are jointed to onshore export cables;

transition piece” means a metal structure attached to the top of a foundation where the base of a wind turbine generator is connected and may include additional equipment such as J- tubes, corrosion protection systems, boat access systems, access platforms, craneage, electrical transmission equipment and associated equipment;

Trinity House” means the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond;

undertaker” means, subject to article 5 (benefit of Order)—


for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and operating the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and any related ancillary works, SEL;


for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and operating the Dudgeon Extension Project and any related ancillary works, DEL;


for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and operating the integrated works, SEL and DEL; and any restrictions, liabilities and obligations arising in relation to any integrated works apply to the undertaker exercising the powers under this Order in relation to the integrated works; and


in any other case, SEL and DEL;

vessel” means every description of vessel, however propelled or moved, and includes a non- displacement craft, a personal watercraft, a seaplane on the surface of the water, a hydrofoil vessel, a hovercraft or any other amphibious vehicle and any other thing constructed or adapted for movement through, in, on or over water and which is at the time in, on or over water;

watercourse” includes all rivers, streams, ditches, drains, canals, cuts, culverts, dykes, sluices, sewers and passages through which water flows except a public sewer or drain;

wind turbine generator” means a structure comprising a tower, a rotor with three blades connected at the hub, a nacelle and ancillary electrical and other equipment which may include J-tubes, transition piece, access and rest platforms, access ladders, boat access systems, corrosion protection systems, fenders and maintenance equipment, helicopter transfer facilities and other associated equipment, fixed to a foundation or transition piece;

works plans” means the works plans (offshore) and the works plans (onshore);

works plans (offshore)” means the plans certified as the works plans (offshore) by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.); and

works plans (onshore)” means the plans certified as the works plans (onshore) by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of plans and documents, etc.).

(2) References in this Order to rights over land include references to rights to do or to place and maintain, anything in, on or under land or in the air space above its surface and references in this Order to the imposition of restrictive covenants are references to the creation of rights over the land which interfere with the interests or rights of another and are for the benefit of land which is acquired under this Order or which is an interest otherwise comprised in the Order land.

(3) All distances, directions, and lengths referred to in this Order are approximate and distances between points on a work comprised in the authorised project are to be taken to be measured along that work.

(4) References in this Order to a numbered work are references to a work so numbered in Part 1 (authorised development) of Schedule 1 (authorised project).

(5) Unless otherwise stated, references in this Order to points identified by letters are references to the points so lettered on the works plans.

(6) References in this Order to coordinates are references to coordinates on the World Geodetic System 1984 datum.

(7) In this Order “includes” must be construed without limitation unless the contrary intention appears


Ministerial Order 2016/4.