The Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon Extensions Offshore Wind Farm Order 2024

Pre-construction monitoring and surveys

17.—(1) The undertaker must, in discharging condition 12(1)(b), submit a monitoring plan or plans in accordance with the offshore in principle monitoring plan for written approval in writing by the MMO in consultation with the relevant statutory nature conservation body, which must contain details of proposed monitoring and surveys, including methodologies and timings, and a proposed format and content for a pre-construction baseline report.

(2) The survey proposals submitted under sub-paragraph ‎(1) must be in general accordance with the principles set out in the offshore in principle monitoring plan and must specify each survey’s objectives and explain how it will assist in either informing a useful and valid comparison with the post-construction position or will enable the validation or otherwise of key predictions in the environmental statement.

(3) The baseline report proposals submitted under sub-paragraph ‎(1) must ensure that the outcome of the agreed surveys, together with existing data and reports, are drawn together to present a valid statement of the pre-construction position, with any limitations, and must make clear what post-construction comparison is intended and the justification for this being required.

(4) The pre-construction surveys referred to in sub-paragraph ‎(1) must, unless otherwise agreed with the MMO, have due regard to, but not be limited to, the need to undertake—

(a)an appropriate survey to determine the location, extent and composition of any benthic habitats of conservation, ecological and/or economic importance constituting Annex 1 reef habitats in the parts of the Order limits in which it is proposed to carry out construction works;

(b)a swath-bathymetry survey to IHO Order 1a standard that meets the requirements MGN654 and its annexes, and side scan sonar, of the area(s) within the Order limits in which it is proposed to carry out construction works;

(c)undertake or contribute to any marine mammal monitoring referred to in the marine mammal mitigation protocol submitted in accordance with condition 12(1)(i); and

(d)any ornithological monitoring required by the ornithological monitoring plan submitted in accordance with condition 12(1)(k).

(5) The undertaker must carry out the surveys specified within the monitoring plan or plans in accordance with that plan or plans, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the MMO in consultation with the relevant statutory nature conservation body.