
SCHEDULE 12Marine Licence 3: Sheringham Shoal Extension Project Offshore Transmission – Work Nos 3A to 7A or 3C to 7C

PART 1Licensed marine activities


1.—(1) In this marine licence—

the 2004 Act” means the Energy Act 2004;

the 2008 Act” means the Planning Act 2008;

the 2009 Act” means the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009;

the 2017 Regulations” means the Conservation of Offshore Marine Habitats and Species Regulations 2017;

Annex 1 reef” means a reef of a type listed in Annex 1 to Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora;

authorised deposits” means the substances and articles specified in paragraph 4 of Part 1 of this marine licence;

authorised project” means Work Nos. 3A to 7A (in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3) or 3C to 5C, 6A and 7C (in the event of scenario 4) and the further associated development described in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of this marine licence or any part of those works or development;

buoy” means any floating device used for navigational purposes or measurement purposes including LiDAR buoys, wave buoys and guard buoys;

cable” includes cables for the transmission of electricity and fibre-optic cables;

cable crossing” means the crossing of existing subsea cables and pipelines by the array, inter- array or export cables authorised by the Order and forming part of the authorised project together with physical protection measures including cable protection;

cable protection” means measures to protect cables forming part of the authorised project from physical damage and exposure due to loss of seabed sediment including, but not limited to, rock placement, mattresses with or without frond devices, protective aprons or coverings, bagged solutions filled with sand, rock, grout or other materials and protective shells;

commence” means the first carrying out of any licensed marine activities authorised by this marine licence, save for pre-construction monitoring surveys approved under this marine licence, and “commenced” and “commencement” must be construed accordingly;

commercial operation” means in relation to any part of the authorised project, the exporting, transmission or conversion, on a commercial basis, of electricity;

Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ” means the Marine Conservation Zone designated by the Secretary of State under the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone Designation Order 2016;

Defence Infrastructure Organisation Safeguarding” means Ministry of Defence Safeguarding, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, St George’s House, DIO Head Office, DMS Whittington, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS14 9PY and any successor body to its functions;

DEL” means Dudgeon Extension Limited, company number 12148301, whose registered office is at 1 Kingdom Street, London W2 6BD;

DEP North” means the array extension area located to the north of DOW;

DEP South” means the array extension area located to the south of DOW;

DOW” means the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm;

draft marine mammal mitigation protocol” means the document certified as the draft marine mammal mitigation protocol by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

Dudgeon Extension Project” means the Dudgeon Extension Project offshore works and the Dudgeon Extension Project onshore works;

Dudgeon Extension Project offshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3, Work Nos. 1B to 7B and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 1B, 2B, the integrated offshore works and any other authorised development associated with those works;

Dudgeon Extension Project onshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1 or scenario 2, Work Nos. 8B to 22B and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 3, Work Nos. 8B to 14B, the scenario 3 integrated onshore works, Work Nos. 18B to 22B, and any other authorised development associated with those works;


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 10B, 11B, 13B, 14B, the scenario 4 integrated onshore works, Work Nos. 18B to 22B, and any other authorised development associated with those works;

environmental statement” means the document certified as the environmental statement by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

gravity base structure foundation” means a structure principally of steel, concrete, or steel and concrete which rests on the seabed either due to its own weight with or without added ballast, skirts or other additional fixings, and associated equipment including scour protection, J-tubes, corrosion protection systems, access platforms and equipment and separate topside connection structures or integrated transition pieces;

HAT” means highest astronomical tide;

“HDD” or “horizontal direction drilling” refers to a trenchless technique for installing cables and cable ducts involving drilling in an arc between two points;

HVAC” means high voltage alternating current;

in-field cable” means a subsea cable linking two or more offshore structures;

in principle Site Integrity Plan for the Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation” means the document certified as the in-principle Site Integrity Plan for the Southern North Sea Special Area of Conservation by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

integrated offshore substation platform” means a single offshore substation platform to be constructed and operated for the benefit of both SEL and DEL;

integrated offshore works” means Work Nos. 3C, 4C, 5C, 6C and 7C; “interlink cable” means a subsea cable linking two offshore areas;

intrusive activities” means activities including anchoring of vessels, jacking up of vessels, temporary deposits and temporary wet storage areas;

jacket foundation” means a lattice type structure constructed of steel, which may include scour protection and additional equipment such as J-tubes, corrosion protection systems and access platforms;

JNCC Guidance” means the statutory nature conservation body ‘Guidance for assessing the significance of noise disturbance against Conservation Objectives of harbour porpoise SACs’ Joint Nature Conservation Committee Report No.654, May 2020 published in June 2020 as amended, updated or superseded from time to time;

joint bay” means an excavation located at regular intervals along the cable route consisting of a concrete flat base slab constructed beneath the ground to facilitate the jointing together of the cables;

LAT” means lowest astronomical tide;

land plans” means the plans certified as the land plans by the Secretary of State under article 37 of the Order;

layout commitments” means the layout commitments contained within the navigation risk assessment at appendix 13.1 of the environmental statement;

licensed activities” means the activities specified in Part 1 of this licence;

maintain” includes inspect, upkeep, repair, adjust, alter, remove, reconstruct and replace, to the extent assessed in the environmental statement; and “maintenance” must be construed accordingly;

Marine Management Organisation” means the body created under the 2009 Act which is responsible for the regulation of this marine licence or any successor of that function and “MMO” shall be construed accordingly;

MCA” means the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, the executive agency of the Department for Transport;

MCMS” means the Marine Case Management System web portal provided and operated by the MMO;

“MHWS” or “mean high water springs” means the highest level that spring tides reach on average over a period of time;

“MLWS” or “mean low water springs” means the lowest level that spring tides reach on average over a period of time;

monopile foundation” means a steel pile driven or drilled into the seabed and associated equipment including scour protection, J-tubes, corrosion protection systems and access platforms and equipment;

offshore in principle monitoring plan” means the document certified as the offshore in principle monitoring plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

offshore order limits and grid coordinates plan” means the plans certified as the offshore order limits and grid coordinates plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

offshore substation platform” means a structure above LAT and attached to the seabed by means of a foundation, with one or more decks and open with modular equipment or fully clad, containing—


electrical equipment required to switch, transform, convert electricity generated at the wind turbine generators to a higher voltage and provide reactive power compensation, including high voltage power transformers, high voltage switchgear and busbars, substation auxiliary systems and low voltage distribution, instrumentation, metering equipment and control systems, standby generators, shunt reactors, auxiliary and uninterruptible power supply systems;


accommodation, storage, workshop auxiliary equipment and facilities for operating, maintaining and controlling the substation or wind turbine generators, including navigation, aviation and safety marking and lighting, systems for vessel access and retrieval, cranes, potable water supply, black water separation, stores, fuels and spares, communications systems and control hub facilities;

offshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3, Work Nos. 1A to 7A, 1B to 7B and any other authorised development associated with those works;


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, the integrated offshore works, and any other authorised development associated with those works;

onshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1 or scenario 2, Work Nos. 8A to 22A, Work Nos. 8B to 22B and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 3, Work Nos. 8A to 14A, 8B to 14B, the scenario 3 integrated onshore works, 18A to 22A, 18B to 22B and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 10A, 10B, 11A, 11B, 13A, 13B, 14A, 14B, 18A to 22A and 18B to 22B, the scenario 4 integrated onshore works and any other authorised development associated with those works;

Order” means The Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon Extensions Offshore Wind Farm Order 2024;

Order land” means the land shown on the land plans which is within the limits of land to be acquired or used and described in the book of reference;

Order limits” means the limits shown on the offshore order limits and grid coordinates plans within which the authorised project may be carried out and the grid coordinates for Work Nos. 3A, 4A, 5A and 7A are set out in paragraph 5 of Part 1 of this marine licence and the grid coordinates for Work Nos. 3C, 4C, 5C and 7C are set out in paragraph 6 of Part 1 of this marine licence;

outline Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone cable specification, installation and monitoring plan” means the document certified as the cable specification, installation and monitoring plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

outline fisheries liaison and co-existence plan” means the document certified as the outline fisheries liaison and co-existence plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

outline marine traffic monitoring plan” means the document certified as the outline marine traffic monitoring plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

outline offshore operations and maintenance plan” means the document certified as the outline offshore operations and maintenance plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

outline project environmental management plan” means the document certified as the outline project environmental management plan by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

outline written scheme of investigation (offshore)” means the document certified as the outline written scheme of investigation (offshore) by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order;

scour protection” means measures to prevent loss of seabed sediment around any structure placed in or on the seabed including by the use of bagged solutions, filled with grout or other materials, protective aprons, mattresses with or without frond devices, flow energy dissipation devices and rock and gravel placement;

SEL” means Scira Extension Limited, company number 12239260, whose registered office is at 1 Kingdom Street, London W2 6BD;

scenario 1” means each generating station will be constructed in any one of the following ways—


the construction of the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project only where the Dudgeon Extension Project does not proceed to construction;


the construction of the Dudgeon Extension Project only where the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project does not proceed to construction;


sequential construction where the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project is constructed first then the Dudgeon Extension Project is constructed second or vice versa; or


concurrent construction of the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project and the Dudgeon Extension Project;

scenario 2” means a sequential construction scenario in which either the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project is constructed first and SEL installs the ducts for the Dudgeon Extension Project or the Dudgeon Extension Project is constructed first and DEL installs the ducts for the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project;

scenario 3” means—


sequential or concurrent construction of Work Nos. 1A to 14A, 18A to 22A, 1B to 14B, 18B to 22B; and


construction of the scenario 3 integrated onshore works; “scenario 3 integrated onshore works” means Work Nos. 15C to 17C;

scenario 4” means—


sequential or concurrent construction of Work Nos. 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 10A, 10B, 11A, 11B, 13A, 13B, 14A, 14B, 18A to 22A, 18B to 22B; and


construction of the integrated offshore works and the scenario 4 integrated onshore works;

scenario 4 integrated onshore works” means Work Nos. 8C, 9C, 12C, 15C, 16C and 17C;

Sheringham Shoal Extension Project” means the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project onshore works and the Sheringham Shoal Extension Project offshore works;

Sheringham Shoal Extension Project offshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3, Work Nos. 1A to 7A and any authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 1A, 2A, the integrated offshore works and any other authorised development associated with those works;

Sheringham Shoal Extension Project onshore works” means—


in the event of scenario 1 or scenario 2,Work Nos. 8A to 22A and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 3, Work Nos. 8A to 14A, the scenario 3 integrated onshore works, 18A to 22A and any other authorised development associated with those works; or


in the event of scenario 4, Work Nos. 10A, 11A, 13A, 14A, the scenario 4 integrated onshore works, 18A to 22A and any other authorised development associated with any of those works;

statutory historic body” means Historic England or its successor in function;

statutory nature conservation body” means an organisation charged by the government with advising on nature conservation matters;

suction bucket” means a steel cylindrical structure attached to the legs of a jacket or monopile foundation which partially or fully penetrates the seabed and remains in place using its own weight and hydrostatic pressure differential;

Trinity House” means the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond;

UKHO” means the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office of Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2DN;

undertaker” means Scira Extension Limited, company number 12239260, whose registered office is at 1 Kingdom Street, London W2 6BD;

VHF” means very high frequency;

vessel” means every description of vessel, however propelled or moved, and includes a non- displacement craft, a personal watercraft, a seaplane on the surface of the water, a hydrofoil vessel, a hovercraft or any other amphibious vehicle and any other thing constructed or adapted for movement through, in, on or over water and which is at the time in, on or over water;

wind turbine generator” means a structure comprising a tower, a rotor with three blades connected at the hub, a nacelle and ancillary electrical and other equipment which may include J-tubes, transition piece, access and rest platforms, access ladders, boat access systems, corrosion protection systems, fenders and maintenance equipment, helicopter landing facilities and other associated equipment, fixed to a foundation;

works plans” means the works plans (offshore) and the works plans (onshore);

works plans (offshore)” means the plans certified as the works plans (offshore) by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order; and

works plans (onshore)” means the plans certified as the works plans (onshore) by the Secretary of State under article 37 (certification of documents and plans, etc.) of the Order.

(2) In this marine licence, a reference to any statute, order, regulation or similar instrument is a reference to a statute, order, regulation or instrument as amended by any subsequent statute, order, regulation or instrument or as contained in any subsequent re-enactment.

(3) In this marine licence, unless otherwise indicated—

(a)all times are Greenwich Mean Time (“GMT”);

(b)all coordinates are latitude and longitude degrees and minutes to two decimal places.

(4) Unless otherwise stated or agreed with the MMO, all submissions, notifications and communications must be sent by the undertaker to the MMO using MCMS. Except where otherwise notified in writing by the relevant organisation, the addresses for correspondence for the purposes of this marine licence are—

(a)Historic England Brooklands

24 Brooklands Avenue Cambridge


Tel: 01223 582749


(b)Marine Management Organisation

Marine Licensing Team

Lancaster House

Hampshire Court

Newcastle upon Tyne



Tel: 0300 123 1032

(c)Marine Management Organisation (local office)

Lowestoft Office

Pakefield Road



NR33 0HT


Tel: 02080266094

(d)Marine Management Organisation

Marine Pollution Response Team

Tel. (during office hours): 0300 200 2024,

Tel. (outside office hours): 07770 977 825 or 0845 051 8486


(e)Maritime and Coastguard Agency

UK Technical Services Navigation

Spring Place

105 Commercial Road Southampton

SO15 1EG

Tel: 020 3817 2554

(f)Natural England

Foss House

Kings Pool

1-2 Peasholme Green York


Tel: 0300 060 4911

(g)Trinity House

Tower Hill



Tel: 020 7481 6900

(h)United Kingdom Hydrographic Office

Admiralty Way

Taunton Somerset TA1 2DN

Tel: 01823 337 900

Details of licensed marine activities

2.  Subject to the conditions this marine licence authorises the undertaker (and any agent or contractor acting on their behalf) to carry out the following licensable marine activities under section 66(1) (licensable marine activities) of the 2009 Act—

(a)the deposit at sea of the substances and objects specified in paragraph 4 below;

(b)the construction of works in or over the sea or on or under the sea bed;

(c)dredging for the purposes of seabed preparation for foundation works or cable works;

(d)the removal of sediment samples for the purposes of informing environmental monitoring under this marine licence during pre-construction, construction and operation;

(e)site clearance and preparation works including debris, boulder clearance and the removal of out of service cables and static fishing equipment; and

(f)the disposal of up to 145,325 cubic metres of inert material of natural origin within the Order limits produced during construction drilling or seabed preparation for foundation works and cable works and boulder clearance works at disposal site references to be provided to the MMO within the Order limits seaward of MHWS.

3.  Such activities are authorised in relation to the construction, maintenance and operation of—

Work No. 3A— in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3, an offshore substation platform fixed to the seabed by either piled jacket, or suction bucket jacket foundations within the area shown on the works plans; or

Work No. 3C— in the event of scenario 4, an integrated offshore substation platform fixed to the seabed by either piled jacket or suction bucket jacket foundations within the area shown on the works plans;

Work No. 4A— in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3, HVAC subsea export cables between Work No. 3A and Work No. 5A along routes within the area shown on the works plans including cable protection and one or more cable crossings; or

Work No. 4C— in the event of scenario 4—

(a)interlink cables between DEP North and Work No. 3C and DEP South and Work No. 3C; and

(b)HVAC subsea export cables between Work No. 3C and Work No. 5C along routes within the area shown on the works plans including cable protection and one or more cable crossings;

Work No. 5A— in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3, HVAC subsea export cables between Work No. 4A and Work No. 7A along routes within the area shown on the works plans including cable protection and one or more cable crossings; or

Work No. 5C— in the event of scenario 4, HVAC subsea export cables between Work No. 4C and Work No. 7C along routes within the area shown on the works plans including cable protection and one or more cable crossings;

Work No. 6A— in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3, a temporary work area for vessels to carry out intrusive activities and non-intrusive activities alongside Work Nos. 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A and 5A; or

Work No. 6C— in the event of scenario 4, a temporary work area for vessels to carry out intrusive activities and non-intrusive activities alongside Work Nos. 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3C, 4C and 5C;

Work No. 7A— in the event of scenario 1, scenario 2 or scenario 3, landfall connection works between Work No. 5A and Work No. 8A comprising of a cable circuit and ducts seaward of MHWS within the area shown on the works plans; or

Work No. 7C— in the event of scenario 4, landfall connection works between Work No. 5C and Work No. 8C comprising of up to two cable circuits and ducts seaward of MHWS within the area shown on the works plans;

In connection with such Work Nos. 3A to 7A or Work Nos. 3C to 7C and to the extent that they do not otherwise form part of any such work, further associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) (development for which development consent may be granted) of the 2008 Act comprising such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the relevant part of the authorised project and which fall within the scope of the work assessed by the environmental statement and the provisions of this marine licence including—

(a)scour protection around the foundations of the offshore structures;

(b)cable protection measures such as the placement of rock and/or concrete mattresses, with or without frond devices;

(c)the removal of material from the seabed required for the construction of Work Nos. 3A to 7A or 3C to 7C and the disposal of inert material of natural origin within the Order limits produced during construction drilling, seabed preparation for foundation works cable installation preparation such as sandwave clearance, boulder clearance and pre- trenching and excavation of horizontal directional drilling exit pits;

(d)temporary landing places, moorings or other means of accommodating vessels in the construction or maintenance of the authorised project;

(e)removal of static fishing equipment;

(f)beacons, fenders and other navigational warning or ship impact protection works;

(g)disposal of drill arisings in connection with any foundation drilling up to a total of 425 cubic metres; and

(h)temporary deposit and removal of monitoring equipment.

4.  The substances and objects authorised for deposit at sea are—

(a)iron, steel, copper and aluminium;

(b)stone and rock;

(c)concrete and grout;

(d)sand and gravel;

(e)plastic and synthetic;

(f)material extracted from within the Order limits during construction drilling or seabed preparation for foundation works and cable sandwave preparation works; and

(g)marine coatings, other chemicals and timber.

5.  The grid coordinates for that part of the authorised project comprising Work Nos. 3A, 4A, 5A and 7A are specified below—

Point IDrLatitude (DMS)Longitude (DMS)
152° 57′ 35,361″ N1° 10′ 20,295″ E
252° 56′ 54,694″ N1° 9′ 27,639″ E
352° 56′ 54,694″ N1° 9′ 27,604″ E
452° 56′ 54,690″ N1° 9′ 27,438″ E
552° 56′ 54,680″ N1° 9′ 27,273″ E
652° 56′ 54,664″ N1° 9′ 27,109″ E
752° 56′ 54,643″ N1° 9′ 26,945″ E
852° 56′ 54,630″ N1° 9′ 26,860″ E
952° 56′ 54,631″ N1° 9′ 26,827″ E
1052° 56′ 54,664″ N1° 9′ 25,966″ E
1152° 56′ 54,694″ N1° 9′ 25,197″ E
1252° 56′ 54,708″ N1° 9′ 24,908″ E
1352° 56′ 54,755″ N1° 9′ 24,108″ E
1452° 56′ 54,825″ N1° 9′ 22,821″ E
1552° 56′ 54,902″ N1° 9′ 21,380″ E
1652° 56′ 54,954″ N1° 9′ 20,542″ E
1752° 56′ 54,988″ N1° 9′ 19,874″ E
1852° 56′ 55,005″ N1° 9′ 19,463″ E
1952° 56′ 55,021″ N1° 9′ 19,228″ E
2052° 56′ 55,096″ N1° 9′ 18,274″ E
2152° 56′ 55,133″ N1° 9′ 17,756″ E
2252° 56′ 55,159″ N1° 9′ 17,538″ E
2352° 56′ 55,187″ N1° 9′ 17,240″ E
2452° 56′ 55,258″ N1° 9′ 16,558″ E
2552° 56′ 55,336″ N1° 9′ 15,883″ E
2652° 56′ 55,442″ N1° 9′ 14,936″ E
2752° 56′ 55,566″ N1° 9′ 13,609″ E
2852° 56′ 55,689″ N1° 9′ 12,143″ E
2952° 56′ 55,724″ N1° 9′ 11,700″ E
3052° 56′ 55,761″ N1° 9′ 11,231″ E
3152° 56′ 55,789″ N1° 9′ 10,675″ E
3252° 56′ 55,816″ N1° 9′ 10,210″ E
3352° 56′ 55,838″ N1° 9′ 9,767″ E
3452° 56′ 55,855″ N1° 9′ 9,204″ E
3552° 56′ 55,878″ N1° 9′ 8,627″ E
3652° 56′ 55,882″ N1° 9′ 8,037″ E
3752° 56′ 55,885″ N1° 9′ 7,479″ E
3852° 56′ 55,894″ N1° 9′ 6,938″ E
3952° 56′ 55,906″ N1° 9′ 6,520″ E
4052° 56′ 55,940″ N1° 9′ 5,589″ E
4152° 56′ 55,960″ N1° 9′ 4,555″ E
4252° 56′ 55,985″ N1° 9′ 3,908″ E
4352° 56′ 56,007″ N1° 9′ 3,035″ E
4452° 56′ 56,043″ N1° 9′ 2,131″ E
4552° 56′ 56,081″ N1° 9′ 1,281″ E
4652° 56′ 56,125″ N1° 9′ 0,426″ E
4752° 56′ 56,138″ N1° 9′ 0,083″ E
4852° 56′ 56,144″ N1° 9′ 0,019″ E
4952° 56′ 56,142″ N1° 8′ 59,955″ E
5052° 56′ 56,135″ N1° 8′ 59,853″ E
5152° 56′ 56,120″ N1° 8′ 59,728″ E
5252° 56′ 56,115″ N1° 8′ 59,685″ E
5352° 56′ 56,113″ N1° 8′ 59,636″ E
5452° 56′ 56,116″ N1° 8′ 59,535″ E
5552° 56′ 56,126″ N1° 8′ 59,396″ E
5652° 56′ 56,149″ N1° 8′ 59,280″ E
5752° 56′ 56,156″ N1° 8′ 59,130″ E
5852° 56′ 56,160″ N1° 8′ 59,023″ E
5952° 56′ 56,159″ N1° 8′ 58,921″ E
6052° 56′ 56,153″ N1° 8′ 58,797″ E
6152° 56′ 56,149″ N1° 8′ 58,711″ E
6252° 56′ 56,158″ N1° 8′ 58,620″ E
6352° 56′ 56,166″ N1° 8′ 58,567″ E
6452° 56′ 56,177″ N1° 8′ 58,514″ E
6552° 56′ 56,199″ N1° 8′ 58,436″ E
6652° 56′ 56,210″ N1° 8′ 58,388″ E
6752° 56′ 56,221″ N1° 8′ 58,336″ E
6852° 56′ 56,229″ N1° 8′ 58,283″ E
6952° 56′ 56,234″ N1° 8′ 58,224″ E
7052° 56′ 56,236″ N1° 8′ 58,154″ E
7152° 56′ 56,232″ N1° 8′ 58,084″ E
7252° 56′ 56,213″ N1° 8′ 57,949″ E
7352° 56′ 56,196″ N1° 8′ 57,851″ E
7452° 56′ 56,191″ N1° 8′ 57,792″ E
7552° 56′ 56,190″ N1° 8′ 57,727″ E
7652° 56′ 56,192″ N1° 8′ 57,652″ E
7752° 56′ 56,200″ N1° 8′ 57,578″ E
7852° 56′ 56,212″ N1° 8′ 57,482″ E
7952° 56′ 56,230″ N1° 8′ 57,392″ E
8052° 56′ 56,244″ N1° 8′ 57,351″ E
8152° 56′ 56,255″ N1° 8′ 57,303″ E
8252° 56′ 56,267″ N1° 8′ 57,218″ E
8352° 56′ 56,273″ N1° 8′ 57,122″ E
8452° 56′ 56,271″ N1° 8′ 56,950″ E
8552° 56′ 56,256″ N1° 8′ 56,751″ E
8652° 56′ 56,247″ N1° 8′ 56,601″ E
8752° 56′ 56,242″ N1° 8′ 56,536″ E
8852° 56′ 56,244″ N1° 8′ 56,472″ E
8952° 56′ 56,260″ N1° 8′ 56,361″ E
9052° 56′ 56,274″ N1° 8′ 56,303″ E
9152° 56′ 56,285″ N1° 8′ 56,239″ E
9252° 56′ 56,307″ N1° 8′ 56,021″ E
9352° 56′ 56,320″ N1° 8′ 55,647″ E
9452° 56′ 56,327″ N1° 8′ 55,080″ E
9552° 56′ 56,337″ N1° 8′ 54,834″ E
9652° 56′ 56,357″ N1° 8′ 54,434″ E
9752° 56′ 56,378″ N1° 8′ 53,980″ E
9852° 56′ 56,405″ N1° 8′ 53,527″ E
9952° 56′ 56,442″ N1° 8′ 52,977″ E
10052° 56′ 56,474″ N1° 8′ 52,583″ E
10152° 56′ 56,485″ N1° 8′ 52,402″ E
10252° 56′ 56,493″ N1° 8′ 52,215″ E
10352° 56′ 56,496″ N1° 8′ 52,018″ E
10452° 56′ 56,571″ N1° 8′ 50,912″ E
10552° 56′ 56,607″ N1° 8′ 50,422″ E
10652° 56′ 56,644″ N1° 8′ 49,931″ E
10752° 56′ 56,682″ N1° 8′ 49,441″ E
10852° 56′ 56,719″ N1° 8′ 48,951″ E
10952° 56′ 56,755″ N1° 8′ 48,460″ E
11052° 56′ 56,778″ N1° 8′ 48,023″ E
11152° 56′ 56,793″ N1° 8′ 47,584″ E
11252° 56′ 56,804″ N1° 8′ 47,144″ E
11352° 56′ 56,821″ N1° 8′ 46,705″ E
11452° 56′ 56,849″ N1° 8′ 46,269″ E
11552° 56′ 57,031″ N1° 8′ 44,094″ E
11652° 56′ 57,117″ N1° 8′ 43,069″ E
11752° 56′ 57,183″ N1° 8′ 42,274″ E
11852° 56′ 57,208″ N1° 8′ 42,038″ E
11952° 56′ 57,216″ N1° 8′ 41,942″ E
12052° 56′ 57,222″ N1° 8′ 41,846″ E
12152° 56′ 57,222″ N1° 8′ 41,826″ E
12252° 56′ 57,242″ N1° 8′ 41,608″ E
12352° 56′ 57,243″ N1° 8′ 41,601″ E
12452° 56′ 57,276″ N1° 8′ 41,405″ E
12552° 56′ 57,304″ N1° 8′ 41,209″ E
12652° 56′ 57,335″ N1° 8′ 40,949″ E
12752° 56′ 57,367″ N1° 8′ 40,652″ E
12852° 56′ 57,390″ N1° 8′ 40,348″ E
12952° 56′ 57,409″ N1° 8′ 40,076″ E
13052° 56′ 57,426″ N1° 8′ 39,917″ E
13152° 56′ 57,434″ N1° 8′ 39,811″ E
13252° 56′ 57,442″ N1° 8′ 39,576″ E
13352° 56′ 57,443″ N1° 8′ 39,487″ E
13452° 56′ 57,471″ N1° 8′ 39,155″ E
13552° 56′ 57,517″ N1° 8′ 38,578″ E
13652° 56′ 57,560″ N1° 8′ 37,999″ E
13752° 56′ 57,601″ N1° 8′ 37,421″ E
13852° 56′ 57,628″ N1° 8′ 36,995″ E
13952° 56′ 57,651″ N1° 8′ 36,569″ E
14052° 56′ 57,673″ N1° 8′ 36,143″ E
14152° 56′ 57,696″ N1° 8′ 35,716″ E
14252° 56′ 57,723″ N1° 8′ 35,291″ E
14352° 56′ 57,756″ N1° 8′ 34,877″ E
14452° 56′ 57,791″ N1° 8′ 34,520″ E
14552° 56′ 57,805″ N1° 8′ 34,405″ E
14652° 56′ 57,833″ N1° 8′ 34,187″ E
14752° 56′ 57,854″ N1° 8′ 33,996″ E
14852° 56′ 57,876″ N1° 8′ 33,767″ E
14952° 56′ 57,909″ N1° 8′ 33,475″ E
15052° 56′ 57,937″ N1° 8′ 33,262″ E
15152° 56′ 57,958″ N1° 8′ 33,060″ E
15252° 56′ 57,974″ N1° 8′ 32,825″ E
15352° 56′ 57,988″ N1° 8′ 32,547″ E
15452° 56′ 57,996″ N1° 8′ 32,371″ E
15552° 56′ 58,009″ N1° 8′ 32,099″ E
15652° 56′ 58,026″ N1° 8′ 31,698″ E
15752° 56′ 58,053″ N1° 8′ 31,164″ E
15852° 56′ 58,091″ N1° 8′ 30,706″ E
15952° 56′ 58,128″ N1° 8′ 30,178″ E
16052° 56′ 58,173″ N1° 8′ 29,592″ E
16152° 56′ 58,219″ N1° 8′ 29,048″ E
16252° 56′ 58,278″ N1° 8′ 28,431″ E
16352° 56′ 58,343″ N1° 8′ 27,669″ E
16452° 56′ 58,359″ N1° 8′ 27,381″ E
16552° 56′ 58,372″ N1° 8′ 27,216″ E
16652° 56′ 58,390″ N1° 8′ 26,964″ E
16752° 56′ 58,392″ N1° 8′ 26,912″ E
16852° 56′ 58,403″ N1° 8′ 26,797″ E
16952° 56′ 58,398″ N1° 8′ 26,780″ E
17052° 56′ 57,591″ N1° 8′ 23,453″ E
17152° 56′ 57,607″ N1° 8′ 23,312″ E
17252° 56′ 57,696″ N1° 8′ 22,616″ E
17352° 56′ 57,819″ N1° 8′ 21,510″ E
17452° 56′ 58,021″ N1° 8′ 19,543″ E
17552° 56′ 58,156″ N1° 8′ 18,267″ E
17652° 56′ 58,293″ N1° 8′ 16,991″ E
17752° 56′ 58,371″ N1° 8′ 16,290″ E
17852° 56′ 58,452″ N1° 8′ 15,590″ E
17952° 56′ 58,533″ N1° 8′ 14,889″ E
18052° 56′ 58,611″ N1° 8′ 14,188″ E
18152° 56′ 58,684″ N1° 8′ 13,438″ E
18252° 56′ 58,747″ N1° 8′ 12,686″ E
18352° 56′ 58,808″ N1° 8′ 11,957″ E
18452° 56′ 58,817″ N1° 8′ 11,966″ E
18552° 56′ 58,840″ N1° 8′ 11,992″ E
18652° 56′ 59,726″ N1° 8′ 12,960″ E
18752° 57′ 0,102″ N1° 8′ 13,371″ E
18852° 57′ 8,134″ N1° 8′ 22,147″ E
18952° 57′ 14,357″ N1° 8′ 25,824″ E
19052° 57′ 22,662″ N1° 8′ 28,252″ E
19152° 57′ 40,113″ N1° 8′ 33,188″ E
19252° 57′ 42,426″ N1° 8′ 35,383″ E
19352° 57′ 52,102″ N1° 8′ 56,636″ E
19452° 58′ 16,245″ N1° 10′ 2,679″ E
19552° 58′ 41,839″ N1° 10′ 38,668″ E
19652° 59′ 7,430″ N1° 11′ 14,669″ E
19752° 59′ 42,249″ N1° 12′ 2,219″ E
19853° 0′ 17,064″ N1° 12′ 49,789″ E
19953° 0′ 35,405″ N1° 13′ 4,931″ E
20053° 0′ 57,553″ N1° 13′ 25,221″ E
20153° 1′ 22,451″ N1° 13′ 58,051″ E
20253° 1′ 27,774″ N1° 14′ 5,055″ E
20353° 1′ 30,435″ N1° 14′ 8,557″ E
20453° 1′ 31,101″ N1° 14′ 9,432″ E
20553° 1′ 31,267″ N1° 14′ 9,651″ E
20653° 1′ 31,350″ N1° 14′ 9,760″ E
20753° 1′ 31,433″ N1° 14′ 9,870″ E
20853° 1′ 31,766″ N1° 14′ 10,308″ E
20953° 1′ 33,097″ N1° 14′ 12,058″ E
21053° 1′ 43,742″ N1° 14′ 26,066″ E
21153° 1′ 54,320″ N1° 14′ 36,758″ E
21253° 1′ 59,354″ N1° 14′ 39,959″ E
21353° 1′ 59,983″ N1° 14′ 40,359″ E
21453° 2′ 0,613″ N1° 14′ 40,760″ E
21553° 2′ 1,871″ N1° 14′ 41,560″ E
21653° 2′ 4,388″ N1° 14′ 43,161″ E
21753° 2′ 14,457″ N1° 14′ 49,564″ E
21853° 3′ 4,871″ N1° 15′ 12,274″ E
21953° 4′ 0,089″ N1° 15′ 35,690″ E
22053° 4′ 23,250″ N1° 15′ 46,786″ E
22153° 5′ 0,996″ N1° 15′ 11,113″ E
22253° 5′ 20,705″ N1° 14′ 48,183″ E
22353° 5′ 33,957″ N1° 13′ 54,955″ E
22453° 5′ 47,202″ N1° 13′ 1,718″ E
22553° 5′ 47,266″ N1° 13′ 1,677″ E
22653° 5′ 47,266″ N1° 13′ 1,676″ E
22753° 5′ 47,540″ N1° 13′ 1,498″ E
22853° 5′ 47,545″ N1° 13′ 1,495″ E
22953° 5′ 50,444″ N1° 12′ 59,604″ E
23053° 5′ 50,506″ N1° 12′ 59,565″ E
23153° 6′ 19,018″ N1° 12′ 40,975″ E
23253° 6′ 19,097″ N1° 12′ 40,924″ E
23353° 6′ 42,962″ N1° 12′ 25,364″ E
23453° 6′ 43,080″ N1° 12′ 25,287″ E
23553° 7′ 12,739″ N1° 12′ 5,962″ E
23653° 7′ 42,397″ N1° 11′ 46,630″ E
23753° 7′ 49,968″ N1° 11′ 41,694″ E
23853° 8′ 12,055″ N1° 11′ 27,290″ E
23953° 8′ 41,711″ N1° 11′ 7,942″ E
24053° 8′ 41,717″ N1° 11′ 7,938″ E
24153° 8′ 49,191″ N1° 11′ 3,065″ E
24253° 8′ 49,206″ N1° 11′ 3,056″ E
24353° 8′ 57,559″ N1° 10′ 57,610″ E
24453° 8′ 57,564″ N1° 10′ 57,607″ E
24553° 8′ 58,833″ N1° 10′ 56,779″ E
24653° 8′ 58,859″ N1° 10′ 56,762″ E
24753° 9′ 10,110″ N1° 10′ 9,689″ E
24853° 9′ 21,357″ N1° 9′ 22,609″ E
24953° 9′ 32,598″ N1° 8′ 35,522″ E
25053° 9′ 43,834″ N1° 7′ 48,428″ E
25153° 9′ 55,065″ N1° 7′ 1,328″ E
25253° 10′ 6,290″ N1° 6′ 14,221″ E
25353° 10′ 17,511″ N1° 5′ 27,107″ E
25453° 10′ 28,726″ N1° 4′ 39,986″ E
25553° 10′ 46,425″ N1° 3′ 19,628″ E
25653° 11′ 4,109″ N1° 1′ 59,252″ E
25753° 11′ 31,621″ N1° 2′ 25,520″ E
25853° 11′ 59,131″ N1° 2′ 51,798″ E
25953° 12′ 26,640″ N1° 3′ 18,084″ E
26053° 12′ 54,148″ N1° 3′ 44,380″ E
26153° 13′ 21,654″ N1° 4′ 10,686″ E
26253° 13′ 49,158″ N1° 4′ 37,000″ E
26353° 14′ 16,661″ N1° 5′ 3,324″ E
26453° 14′ 44,162″ N1° 5′ 29,657″ E
26553° 14′ 10,501″ N1° 6′ 22,744″ E
26653° 13′ 36,833″ N1° 7′ 15,807″ E
26753° 13′ 3,158″ N1° 8′ 8,847″ E
26853° 12′ 29,477″ N1° 9′ 1,864″ E
26953° 11′ 55,788″ N1° 9′ 54,857″ E
27053° 11′ 22,093″ N1° 10′ 47,828″ E
27153° 10′ 48,391″ N1° 11′ 40,775″ E
27253° 10′ 14,683″ N1° 12′ 33,700″ E
27353° 7′ 19,882″ N1° 17′ 7,608″ E
27453° 7′ 12,187″ N1° 18′ 5,637″ E
27553° 6′ 40,142″ N1° 17′ 46,074″ E
27653° 6′ 8,096″ N1° 17′ 26,519″ E
27753° 5′ 53,359″ N1° 17′ 17,530″ E
27853° 5′ 36,048″ N1° 17′ 6,972″ E
27953° 5′ 4,000″ N1° 16′ 47,433″ E
28053° 5′ 3,998″ N1° 16′ 47,439″ E
28153° 4′ 48,834″ N1° 16′ 40,042″ E
28253° 4′ 23,756″ N1° 16′ 27,812″ E
28353° 3′ 39,216″ N1° 16′ 5,715″ E
28453° 3′ 4,285″ N1° 15′ 45,012″ E
28553° 2′ 42,819″ N1° 15′ 34,383″ E
28653° 2′ 18,678″ N1° 15′ 22,981″ E
28753° 2′ 4,608″ N1° 15′ 14,913″ E
28853° 2′ 1,090″ N1° 15′ 12,896″ E
28953° 2′ 0,211″ N1° 15′ 12,392″ E
29053° 1′ 59,991″ N1° 15′ 12,266″ E
29153° 1′ 59,771″ N1° 15′ 12,140″ E
29253° 1′ 59,331″ N1° 15′ 11,888″ E
29353° 1′ 57,573″ N1° 15′ 10,880″ E
29453° 1′ 50,538″ N1° 15′ 6,846″ E
29553° 1′ 36,320″ N1° 15′ 7,829″ E
29653° 1′ 32,765″ N1° 15′ 8,074″ E
29753° 1′ 31,876″ N1° 15′ 8,136″ E
29853° 1′ 31,432″ N1° 15′ 8,167″ E
29953° 1′ 31,321″ N1° 15′ 8,174″ E
30053° 1′ 31,210″ N1° 15′ 8,182″ E
30153° 1′ 30,988″ N1° 15′ 8,197″ E
30253° 1′ 29,210″ N1° 15′ 8,320″ E
30353° 1′ 22,101″ N1° 15′ 8,812″ E
30453° 1′ 9,264″ N1° 14′ 55,002″ E
30553° 0′ 53,523″ N1° 14′ 34,350″ E
30653° 0′ 37,631″ N1° 14′ 15,360″ E
30753° 0′ 19,626″ N1° 13′ 59,138″ E
30853° 0′ 4,888″ N1° 13′ 45,462″ E
30952° 59′ 45,135″ N1° 13′ 20,396″ E
31052° 59′ 8,327″ N1° 12′ 31,064″ E
31152° 58′ 31,514″ N1° 11′ 41,754″ E
31252° 58′ 3,439″ N1° 11′ 1,017″ E

6.  The grid coordinates for that part of the authorised project comprising Work Nos. 3C, 4C, 5C, and 7C are specified below—

Point IDrLatitude (DMS)Longitude (DMS)
153° 10′ 33,834″ N1° 13′ 37,234″ E
253° 9′ 56,800″ N1° 14′ 32,527″ E
353° 10′ 15,091″ N1° 15′ 51,276″ E
453° 10′ 33,368″ N1° 17′ 10,043″ E
553° 10′ 51,630″ N1° 18′ 28,829″ E
653° 11′ 9,878″ N1° 19′ 47,634″ E
753° 11′ 28,112″ N1° 21′ 6,458″ E
853° 11′ 46,331″ N1° 22′ 25,301″ E
953° 12′ 4,536″ N1° 23′ 44,163″ E
1053° 12′ 22,727″ N1° 25′ 3,043″ E
1153° 12′ 35,764″ N1° 25′ 45,404″ E
1253° 12′ 13,889″ N1° 25′ 43,653″ E
1353° 12′ 10,720″ N1° 25′ 29,896″ E
1453° 11′ 51,377″ N1° 24′ 6,228″ E
1553° 11′ 32,018″ N1° 22′ 42,581″ E
1653° 11′ 12,643″ N1° 21′ 18,956″ E
1753° 10′ 53,251″ N1° 19′ 55,352″ E
1853° 10′ 33,844″ N1° 18′ 31,769″ E
1953° 10′ 14,420″ N1° 17′ 8,207″ E
2053° 9′ 54,980″ N1° 15′ 44,667″ E
2153° 9′ 35,524″ N1° 14′ 21,148″ E
2253° 9′ 4,437″ N1° 15′ 9,684″ E
2353° 8′ 33,344″ N1° 15′ 58,201″ E
2453° 8′ 2,245″ N1° 16′ 46,699″ E
2553° 7′ 31,141″ N1° 17′ 35,177″ E
2653° 7′ 12,187″ N1° 18′ 5,637″ E
2753° 6′ 40,142″ N1° 17′ 46,074″ E
2853° 6′ 8,096″ N1° 17′ 26,519″ E
2953° 5′ 53,359″ N1° 17′ 17,530″ E
3053° 5′ 36,048″ N1° 17′ 6,972″ E
3153° 5′ 4,000″ N1° 16′ 47,433″ E
3253° 5′ 3,998″ N1° 16′ 47,439″ E
3353° 4′ 48,834″ N1° 16′ 40,042″ E
3453° 4′ 23,756″ N1° 16′ 27,812″ E
3553° 3′ 39,216″ N1° 16′ 5,715″ E
3653° 3′ 4,285″ N1° 15′ 45,012″ E
3753° 2′ 42,819″ N1° 15′ 34,383″ E
3853° 2′ 18,678″ N1° 15′ 22,981″ E
3953° 2′ 4,608″ N1° 15′ 14,913″ E
4053° 2′ 1,090″ N1° 15′ 12,896″ E
4153° 2′ 0,211″ N1° 15′ 12,392″ E
4253° 1′ 59,991″ N1° 15′ 12,266″ E
4353° 1′ 59,771″ N1° 15′ 12,140″ E
4453° 1′ 59,331″ N1° 15′ 11,888″ E
4553° 1′ 57,573″ N1° 15′ 10,880″ E
4653° 1′ 50,538″ N1° 15′ 6,846″ E
4753° 1′ 36,320″ N1° 15′ 7,829″ E
4853° 1′ 32,765″ N1° 15′ 8,074″ E
4953° 1′ 31,876″ N1° 15′ 8,136″ E
5053° 1′ 31,432″ N1° 15′ 8,167″ E
5153° 1′ 31,321″ N1° 15′ 8,174″ E
5253° 1′ 31,210″ N1° 15′ 8,182″ E
5353° 1′ 30,988″ N1° 15′ 8,197″ E
5453° 1′ 29,210″ N1° 15′ 8,320″ E
5553° 1′ 22,101″ N1° 15′ 8,812″ E
5653° 1′ 9,264″ N1° 14′ 55,002″ E
5753° 0′ 53,523″ N1° 14′ 34,350″ E
5853° 0′ 37,631″ N1° 14′ 15,360″ E
5953° 0′ 19,626″ N1° 13′ 59,138″ E
6053° 0′ 4,888″ N1° 13′ 45,462″ E
6152° 59′ 45,135″ N1° 13′ 20,396″ E
6252° 59′ 8,327″ N1° 12′ 31,064″ E
6352° 58′ 31,514″ N1° 11′ 41,754″ E
6452° 58′ 3,439″ N1° 11′ 1,017″ E
6552° 57′ 35,361″ N1° 10′ 20,295″ E
6652° 56′ 54,694″ N1° 9′ 27,639″ E
6752° 56′ 54,694″ N1° 9′ 27,604″ E
6852° 56′ 54,690″ N1° 9′ 27,438″ E
6952° 56′ 54,680″ N1° 9′ 27,273″ E
7052° 56′ 54,664″ N1° 9′ 27,109″ E
7152° 56′ 54,643″ N1° 9′ 26,945″ E
7252° 56′ 54,630″ N1° 9′ 26,860″ E
7352° 56′ 54,631″ N1° 9′ 26,827″ E
7452° 56′ 54,664″ N1° 9′ 25,966″ E
7552° 56′ 54,694″ N1° 9′ 25,197″ E
7652° 56′ 54,708″ N1° 9′ 24,908″ E
7752° 56′ 54,755″ N1° 9′ 24,108″ E
7852° 56′ 54,825″ N1° 9′ 22,821″ E
7952° 56′ 54,902″ N1° 9′ 21,380″ E
8052° 56′ 54,954″ N1° 9′ 20,542″ E
8152° 56′ 54,988″ N1° 9′ 19,874″ E
8252° 56′ 55,005″ N1° 9′ 19,463″ E
8352° 56′ 55,021″ N1° 9′ 19,228″ E
8452° 56′ 55,096″ N1° 9′ 18,274″ E
8552° 56′ 55,133″ N1° 9′ 17,756″ E
8652° 56′ 55,159″ N1° 9′ 17,538″ E
8752° 56′ 55,187″ N1° 9′ 17,240″ E
8852° 56′ 55,258″ N1° 9′ 16,558″ E
8952° 56′ 55,336″ N1° 9′ 15,883″ E
9052° 56′ 55,442″ N1° 9′ 14,936″ E
9152° 56′ 55,566″ N1° 9′ 13,609″ E
9252° 56′ 55,689″ N1° 9′ 12,143″ E
9352° 56′ 55,724″ N1° 9′ 11,700″ E
9452° 56′ 55,761″ N1° 9′ 11,231″ E
9552° 56′ 55,789″ N1° 9′ 10,675″ E
9652° 56′ 55,816″ N1° 9′ 10,210″ E
9752° 56′ 55,838″ N1° 9′ 9,767″ E
9852° 56′ 55,855″ N1° 9′ 9,204″ E
9952° 56′ 55,878″ N1° 9′ 8,627″ E
10052° 56′ 55,882″ N1° 9′ 8,037″ E
10152° 56′ 55,885″ N1° 9′ 7,479″ E
10252° 56′ 55,894″ N1° 9′ 6,938″ E
10352° 56′ 55,906″ N1° 9′ 6,520″ E
10452° 56′ 55,940″ N1° 9′ 5,589″ E
10552° 56′ 55,960″ N1° 9′ 4,555″ E
10652° 56′ 55,985″ N1° 9′ 3,908″ E
10752° 56′ 56,007″ N1° 9′ 3,035″ E
10852° 56′ 56,043″ N1° 9′ 2,131″ E
10952° 56′ 56,081″ N1° 9′ 1,281″ E
11052° 56′ 56,125″ N1° 9′ 0,426″ E
11152° 56′ 56,138″ N1° 9′ 0,083″ E
11252° 56′ 56,144″ N1° 9′ 0,019″ E
11352° 56′ 56,142″ N1° 8′ 59,955″ E
11452° 56′ 56,135″ N1° 8′ 59,853″ E
11552° 56′ 56,120″ N1° 8′ 59,728″ E
11652° 56′ 56,115″ N1° 8′ 59,685″ E
11752° 56′ 56,113″ N1° 8′ 59,636″ E
11852° 56′ 56,116″ N1° 8′ 59,535″ E
11952° 56′ 56,126″ N1° 8′ 59,396″ E
12052° 56′ 56,149″ N1° 8′ 59,280″ E
12152° 56′ 56,156″ N1° 8′ 59,130″ E
12252° 56′ 56,160″ N1° 8′ 59,023″ E
12352° 56′ 56,159″ N1° 8′ 58,921″ E
12452° 56′ 56,153″ N1° 8′ 58,797″ E
12552° 56′ 56,149″ N1° 8′ 58,711″ E
12652° 56′ 56,158″ N1° 8′ 58,620″ E
12752° 56′ 56,166″ N1° 8′ 58,567″ E
12852° 56′ 56,177″ N1° 8′ 58,514″ E
12952° 56′ 56,199″ N1° 8′ 58,436″ E
13052° 56′ 56,210″ N1° 8′ 58,388″ E
13152° 56′ 56,221″ N1° 8′ 58,336″ E
13252° 56′ 56,229″ N1° 8′ 58,283″ E
13352° 56′ 56,234″ N1° 8′ 58,224″ E
13452° 56′ 56,236″ N1° 8′ 58,154″ E
13552° 56′ 56,232″ N1° 8′ 58,084″ E
13652° 56′ 56,213″ N1° 8′ 57,949″ E
13752° 56′ 56,196″ N1° 8′ 57,851″ E
13852° 56′ 56,191″ N1° 8′ 57,792″ E
13952° 56′ 56,190″ N1° 8′ 57,727″ E
14052° 56′ 56,192″ N1° 8′ 57,652″ E
14152° 56′ 56,200″ N1° 8′ 57,578″ E
14252° 56′ 56,212″ N1° 8′ 57,482″ E
14352° 56′ 56,230″ N1° 8′ 57,392″ E
14452° 56′ 56,244″ N1° 8′ 57,351″ E
14552° 56′ 56,255″ N1° 8′ 57,303″ E
14652° 56′ 56,267″ N1° 8′ 57,218″ E
14752° 56′ 56,273″ N1° 8′ 57,122″ E
14852° 56′ 56,271″ N1° 8′ 56,950″ E
14952° 56′ 56,256″ N1° 8′ 56,751″ E
15052° 56′ 56,247″ N1° 8′ 56,601″ E
15152° 56′ 56,242″ N1° 8′ 56,536″ E
15252° 56′ 56,244″ N1° 8′ 56,472″ E
15352° 56′ 56,260″ N1° 8′ 56,361″ E
15452° 56′ 56,274″ N1° 8′ 56,303″ E
15552° 56′ 56,285″ N1° 8′ 56,239″ E
15652° 56′ 56,307″ N1° 8′ 56,021″ E
15752° 56′ 56,320″ N1° 8′ 55,647″ E
15852° 56′ 56,327″ N1° 8′ 55,080″ E
15952° 56′ 56,337″ N1° 8′ 54,834″ E
16052° 56′ 56,357″ N1° 8′ 54,434″ E
16152° 56′ 56,378″ N1° 8′ 53,980″ E
16252° 56′ 56,405″ N1° 8′ 53,527″ E
16352° 56′ 56,442″ N1° 8′ 52,977″ E
16452° 56′ 56,474″ N1° 8′ 52,583″ E
16552° 56′ 56,485″ N1° 8′ 52,402″ E
16652° 56′ 56,493″ N1° 8′ 52,215″ E
16752° 56′ 56,496″ N1° 8′ 52,018″ E
16852° 56′ 56,571″ N1° 8′ 50,912″ E
16952° 56′ 56,607″ N1° 8′ 50,422″ E
17052° 56′ 56,644″ N1° 8′ 49,931″ E
17152° 56′ 56,682″ N1° 8′ 49,441″ E
17252° 56′ 56,719″ N1° 8′ 48,951″ E
17352° 56′ 56,755″ N1° 8′ 48,460″ E
17452° 56′ 56,778″ N1° 8′ 48,023″ E
17552° 56′ 56,793″ N1° 8′ 47,584″ E
17652° 56′ 56,804″ N1° 8′ 47,144″ E
17752° 56′ 56,821″ N1° 8′ 46,705″ E
17852° 56′ 56,849″ N1° 8′ 46,269″ E
17952° 56′ 57,031″ N1° 8′ 44,094″ E
18052° 56′ 57,117″ N1° 8′ 43,069″ E
18152° 56′ 57,183″ N1° 8′ 42,274″ E
18252° 56′ 57,208″ N1° 8′ 42,038″ E
18352° 56′ 57,216″ N1° 8′ 41,942″ E
18452° 56′ 57,222″ N1° 8′ 41,846″ E
18552° 56′ 57,222″ N1° 8′ 41,826″ E
18652° 56′ 57,242″ N1° 8′ 41,608″ E
18752° 56′ 57,243″ N1° 8′ 41,601″ E
18852° 56′ 57,276″ N1° 8′ 41,405″ E
18952° 56′ 57,304″ N1° 8′ 41,209″ E
19052° 56′ 57,335″ N1° 8′ 40,949″ E
19152° 56′ 57,367″ N1° 8′ 40,652″ E
19252° 56′ 57,390″ N1° 8′ 40,348″ E
19352° 56′ 57,409″ N1° 8′ 40,076″ E
19452° 56′ 57,426″ N1° 8′ 39,917″ E
19552° 56′ 57,434″ N1° 8′ 39,811″ E
19652° 56′ 57,442″ N1° 8′ 39,576″ E
19752° 56′ 57,443″ N1° 8′ 39,487″ E
19852° 56′ 57,471″ N1° 8′ 39,155″ E
19952° 56′ 57,517″ N1° 8′ 38,578″ E
20052° 56′ 57,560″ N1° 8′ 37,999″ E
20152° 56′ 57,601″ N1° 8′ 37,421″ E
20252° 56′ 57,628″ N1° 8′ 36,995″ E
20352° 56′ 57,651″ N1° 8′ 36,569″ E
20452° 56′ 57,673″ N1° 8′ 36,143″ E
20552° 56′ 57,696″ N1° 8′ 35,716″ E
20652° 56′ 57,723″ N1° 8′ 35,291″ E
20752° 56′ 57,756″ N1° 8′ 34,877″ E
20852° 56′ 57,791″ N1° 8′ 34,520″ E
20952° 56′ 57,805″ N1° 8′ 34,405″ E
21052° 56′ 57,833″ N1° 8′ 34,187″ E
21152° 56′ 57,854″ N1° 8′ 33,996″ E
21252° 56′ 57,876″ N1° 8′ 33,767″ E
21352° 56′ 57,909″ N1° 8′ 33,475″ E
21452° 56′ 57,937″ N1° 8′ 33,262″ E
21552° 56′ 57,958″ N1° 8′ 33,060″ E
21652° 56′ 57,974″ N1° 8′ 32,825″ E
21752° 56′ 57,988″ N1° 8′ 32,547″ E
21852° 56′ 57,996″ N1° 8′ 32,371″ E
21952° 56′ 58,009″ N1° 8′ 32,099″ E
22052° 56′ 58,026″ N1° 8′ 31,698″ E
22152° 56′ 58,053″ N1° 8′ 31,164″ E
22252° 56′ 58,091″ N1° 8′ 30,706″ E
22352° 56′ 58,128″ N1° 8′ 30,178″ E
22452° 56′ 58,173″ N1° 8′ 29,592″ E
22552° 56′ 58,219″ N1° 8′ 29,048″ E
22652° 56′ 58,278″ N1° 8′ 28,431″ E
22752° 56′ 58,343″ N1° 8′ 27,669″ E
22852° 56′ 58,359″ N1° 8′ 27,381″ E
22952° 56′ 58,372″ N1° 8′ 27,216″ E
23052° 56′ 58,390″ N1° 8′ 26,964″ E
23152° 56′ 58,392″ N1° 8′ 26,912″ E
23252° 56′ 58,403″ N1° 8′ 26,797″ E
23352° 56′ 58,398″ N1° 8′ 26,780″ E
23452° 56′ 57,591″ N1° 8′ 23,453″ E
23552° 56′ 57,607″ N1° 8′ 23,312″ E
23652° 56′ 57,696″ N1° 8′ 22,616″ E
23752° 56′ 57,819″ N1° 8′ 21,510″ E
23852° 56′ 58,021″ N1° 8′ 19,543″ E
23952° 56′ 58,156″ N1° 8′ 18,267″ E
24052° 56′ 58,293″ N1° 8′ 16,991″ E
24152° 56′ 58,371″ N1° 8′ 16,290″ E
24252° 56′ 58,452″ N1° 8′ 15,590″ E
24352° 56′ 58,533″ N1° 8′ 14,889″ E
24452° 56′ 58,611″ N1° 8′ 14,188″ E
24552° 56′ 58,684″ N1° 8′ 13,438″ E
24652° 56′ 58,747″ N1° 8′ 12,686″ E
24752° 56′ 58,808″ N1° 8′ 11,957″ E
24852° 56′ 58,817″ N1° 8′ 11,966″ E
24952° 56′ 58,840″ N1° 8′ 11,992″ E
25052° 56′ 59,726″ N1° 8′ 12,960″ E
25152° 57′ 0,102″ N1° 8′ 13,371″ E
25252° 57′ 8,134″ N1° 8′ 22,147″ E
25352° 57′ 14,357″ N1° 8′ 25,824″ E
25452° 57′ 22,662″ N1° 8′ 28,252″ E
25552° 57′ 40,113″ N1° 8′ 33,188″ E
25652° 57′ 42,426″ N1° 8′ 35,383″ E
25752° 57′ 52,102″ N1° 8′ 56,636″ E
25852° 58′ 16,245″ N1° 10′ 2,679″ E
25952° 58′ 41,839″ N1° 10′ 38,668″ E
26052° 59′ 7,430″ N1° 11′ 14,669″ E
26152° 59′ 42,249″ N1° 12′ 2,219″ E
26253° 0′ 17,064″ N1° 12′ 49,789″ E
26353° 0′ 35,405″ N1° 13′ 4,931″ E
26453° 0′ 57,553″ N1° 13′ 25,221″ E
26553° 1′ 22,451″ N1° 13′ 58,051″ E
26653° 1′ 27,774″ N1° 14′ 5,055″ E
26753° 1′ 30,435″ N1° 14′ 8,557″ E
26853° 1′ 31,101″ N1° 14′ 9,432″ E
26953° 1′ 31,267″ N1° 14′ 9,651″ E
27053° 1′ 31,350″ N1° 14′ 9,760″ E
27153° 1′ 31,433″ N1° 14′ 9,870″ E
27253° 1′ 31,766″ N1° 14′ 10,308″ E
27353° 1′ 33,097″ N1° 14′ 12,058″ E
27453° 1′ 43,742″ N1° 14′ 26,066″ E
27553° 1′ 54,320″ N1° 14′ 36,758″ E
27653° 1′ 59,354″ N1° 14′ 39,959″ E
27753° 1′ 59,983″ N1° 14′ 40,359″ E
27853° 2′ 0,613″ N1° 14′ 40,760″ E
27953° 2′ 1,871″ N1° 14′ 41,560″ E
28053° 2′ 4,388″ N1° 14′ 43,161″ E
28153° 2′ 14,457″ N1° 14′ 49,564″ E
28253° 3′ 4,871″ N1° 15′ 12,274″ E
28353° 4′ 0,089″ N1° 15′ 35,690″ E
28453° 4′ 23,250″ N1° 15′ 46,786″ E
28553° 5′ 0,996″ N1° 15′ 11,113″ E
28653° 5′ 20,705″ N1° 14′ 48,183″ E
28753° 5′ 33,957″ N1° 13′ 54,955″ E
28853° 5′ 47,202″ N1° 13′ 1,718″ E
28953° 5′ 47,266″ N1° 13′ 1,677″ E
29053° 5′ 47,266″ N1° 13′ 1,676″ E
29153° 5′ 47,540″ N1° 13′ 1,498″ E
29253° 5′ 47,545″ N1° 13′ 1,495″ E
29353° 5′ 50,444″ N1° 12′ 59,604″ E
29453° 5′ 50,506″ N1° 12′ 59,565″ E
29553° 6′ 19,018″ N1° 12′ 40,975″ E
29653° 6′ 19,097″ N1° 12′ 40,924″ E
29753° 6′ 42,962″ N1° 12′ 25,364″ E
29853° 6′ 43,080″ N1° 12′ 25,287″ E
29953° 7′ 12,739″ N1° 12′ 5,962″ E
30053° 7′ 42,397″ N1° 11′ 46,630″ E
30153° 7′ 49,968″ N1° 11′ 41,694″ E
30253° 8′ 12,055″ N1° 11′ 27,290″ E
30353° 8′ 41,711″ N1° 11′ 7,942″ E
30453° 8′ 41,717″ N1° 11′ 7,938″ E
30553° 8′ 49,191″ N1° 11′ 3,065″ E
30653° 8′ 49,206″ N1° 11′ 3,056″ E
30753° 8′ 57,559″ N1° 10′ 57,610″ E
30853° 8′ 57,564″ N1° 10′ 57,607″ E
30953° 8′ 58,833″ N1° 10′ 56,779″ E
31053° 8′ 58,859″ N1° 10′ 56,762″ E
31153° 9′ 10,110″ N1° 10′ 9,689″ E
31253° 9′ 21,357″ N1° 9′ 22,609″ E
31353° 9′ 32,598″ N1° 8′ 35,522″ E
31453° 9′ 43,834″ N1° 7′ 48,428″ E
31553° 9′ 55,065″ N1° 7′ 1,328″ E
31653° 10′ 6,290″ N1° 6′ 14,221″ E
31753° 10′ 17,511″ N1° 5′ 27,107″ E
31853° 10′ 28,726″ N1° 4′ 39,986″ E
31953° 10′ 46,425″ N1° 3′ 19,628″ E
32053° 11′ 4,109″ N1° 1′ 59,252″ E
32153° 11′ 31,621″ N1° 2′ 25,520″ E
32253° 11′ 59,131″ N1° 2′ 51,798″ E
32353° 12′ 26,640″ N1° 3′ 18,084″ E
32453° 12′ 54,148″ N1° 3′ 44,380″ E
32553° 13′ 21,654″ N1° 4′ 10,686″ E
32653° 13′ 49,158″ N1° 4′ 37,000″ E
32753° 14′ 16,661″ N1° 5′ 3,324″ E
32853° 14′ 44,162″ N1° 5′ 29,657″ E
32953° 14′ 10,501″ N1° 6′ 22,744″ E
33053° 13′ 36,833″ N1° 7′ 15,807″ E
33153° 13′ 3,158″ N1° 8′ 8,847″ E
33253° 12′ 29,477″ N1° 9′ 1,864″ E
33353° 11′ 55,788″ N1° 9′ 54,857″ E
33453° 11′ 22,093″ N1° 10′ 47,828″ E
33553° 10′ 48,391″ N1° 11′ 40,775″ E
33653° 10′ 14,683″ N1° 12′ 33,700″ E
33753° 11′ 24,043″ N1° 12′ 55,421″ E
33853° 12′ 33,402″ N1° 13′ 17,161″ E
33953° 13′ 42,760″ N1° 13′ 38,920″ E
34053° 14′ 52,117″ N1° 14′ 0,698″ E
34153° 16′ 1,472″ N1° 14′ 22,495″ E
34253° 17′ 10,827″ N1° 14′ 44,310″ E
34353° 18′ 20,180″ N1° 15′ 6,145″ E
34453° 19′ 29,532″ N1° 15′ 27,998″ E
34553° 20′ 0,390″ N1° 14′ 40,388″ E
34853° 19′ 41,748″ N1° 17′ 0,577″ E
34953° 18′ 56,531″ N1° 16′ 15,330″ E
35053° 17′ 53,698″ N1° 15′ 55,514″ E
35153° 16′ 50,863″ N1° 15′ 35,713″ E
35253° 15′ 48,027″ N1° 15′ 15,928″ E
35353° 14′ 45,190″ N1° 14′ 56,158″ E
35453° 13′ 42,353″ N1° 14′ 36,404″ E
35553° 12′ 39,514″ N1° 14′ 16,665″ E
35653° 11′ 36,675″ N1° 13′ 56,942″ E
DEP North
A.0153° 19′ 31,548″ N1° 13′ 30,141″ E
A.0253° 19′ 2,699″ N1° 12′ 19,932″ E
A.0353° 19′ 34,347″ N1° 11′ 47,739″ E
A.0453° 20′ 5,992″ N1° 11′ 15,533″ E
A.0553° 20′ 37,635″ N1° 10′ 43,313″ E
A.0653° 21′ 9,275″ N1° 10′ 11,081″ E
A.0753° 21′ 9,340″ N1° 11′ 6,237″ E
A.0853° 21′ 9,399″ N1° 12′ 1,393″ E
A.0953° 21′ 9,451″ N1° 12′ 56,550″ E
A.1053° 21′ 9,495″ N1° 13′ 51,706″ E
A.1153° 21′ 9,533″ N1° 14′ 46,863″ E
A.1253° 21′ 9,563″ N1° 15′ 42,020″ E
A.1353° 21′ 9,584″ N1° 16′ 30,130″ E
A.1453° 21′ 9,602″ N1° 17′ 32,335″ E
A.1553° 20′ 46,340″ N1° 18′ 7,238″ E
A.1653° 20′ 58,886″ N1° 18′ 37,507″ E
A.1753° 21′ 16,936″ N1° 18′ 58,324″ E
A.1853° 21′ 24,406″ N1° 19′ 46,805″ E
A.1953° 21′ 27,180″ N1° 20′ 4,816″ E
A.2053° 21′ 37,414″ N1° 21′ 11,318″ E
A.2153° 21′ 47,638″ N1° 22′ 17,828″ E
A.2253° 21′ 57,851″ N1° 23′ 24,348″ E
A.2353° 21′ 25,995″ N1° 23′ 42,880″ E
A.2453° 20′ 54,139″ N1° 24′ 1,404″ E
A.2553° 20′ 5,326″ N1° 24′ 0,033″ E
A.2653° 19′ 36,128″ N1° 24′ 8,276″ E
A.2753° 19′ 9,827″ N1° 24′ 23,580″ E
A.2853° 18′ 34,113″ N1° 25′ 3,960″ E
A.2953° 18′ 17,503″ N1° 25′ 24,511″ E
A.3053° 18′ 0,222″ N1° 25′ 39,259″ E
A.3153° 17′ 15,148″ N1° 26′ 5,612″ E
A.3253° 17′ 35,036″ N1° 25′ 24,340″ E
A.3353° 17′ 54,920″ N1° 24′ 43,056″ E
A.3453° 18′ 14,801″ N1° 24′ 1,762″ E
A.3553° 18′ 34,677″ N1° 23′ 20,458″ E
A.3653° 18′ 35,113″ N1° 22′ 55,059″ E
A.3753° 18′ 9,353″ N1° 22′ 14,077″ E
A.3853° 18′ 55,523″ N1° 20′ 33,698″ E
A.3953° 18′ 18,216″ N1° 19′ 28,603″ E
A.4053° 18′ 23,044″ N1° 19′ 18,170″ E
A.4153° 16′ 40,497″ N1° 19′ 9,998″ E
A.4253° 17′ 29,099″ N1° 18′ 30,623″ E
A.4353° 18′ 17,849″ N1° 17′ 51,100″ E
A.4453° 18′ 52,654″ N1° 17′ 33,836″ E
A.4553° 19′ 27,459″ N1° 17′ 16,563″ E
DEP South
B.0153° 14′ 5,405″ N1° 25′ 52,576″ E
B.0253° 13′ 44,764″ N1° 27′ 26,148″ E
B.0353° 13′ 21,538″ N1° 28′ 1,214″ E
B.0453° 12′ 58,309″ N1° 28′ 36,270″ E
B.0553° 12′ 35,077″ N1° 29′ 11,315″ E
B.0653° 12′ 11,842″ N1° 29′ 46,349″ E
B.0753° 11′ 48,603″ N1° 30′ 21,373″ E
B.0853° 11′ 25,362″ N1° 30′ 56,387″ E
B.0953° 11′ 2,118″ N1° 31′ 31,390″ E
B.1053° 10′ 38,872″ N1° 32′ 6,382″ E
B.1153° 10′ 16,470″ N1° 31′ 10,439″ E
B.1253° 9′ 54,062″ N1° 30′ 14,512″ E
B.1353° 9′ 31,646″ N1° 29′ 18,602″ E
B.1453° 9′ 9,223″ N1° 28′ 22,708″ E
B.1553° 9′ 18,541″ N1° 27′ 23,002″ E
B.1653° 9′ 42,205″ N1° 26′ 28,216″ E
B.1753° 10′ 5,861″ N1° 25′ 33,413″ E
B.1853° 12′ 11,085″ N1° 25′ 43,428″ E

7.  This marine licence remains in force until the authorised project has been decommissioned in accordance with a programme approved by the Secretary of State under section 106 (approval of decommissioning programmes) of the 2004 Act, including any modification to the programme under section 108, and the completion of such programme has been confirmed by the Secretary of State in writing.

8.  The provisions of section 72 (variation, suspension, revocation and transfer) of the 2009 Act apply to this marine licence except that the provisions of section 72(7) and (8) relating to the transfer of the licence apply only to a transfer not falling within article 5 (benefit of order) of the Order.

9.—(1) With respect to any condition which requires the licensed activities be carried out in accordance with the details, plans or schemes approved under this marine licence, the approved details, plans or schemes are taken to include any amendments that may subsequently be approved in writing by the MMO.

(2) Any amendments to or variations from the approved details, plans or schemes must be in accordance with the principles and assessments set out in the environmental statement and approval of an amendment or variation may only be given where it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the MMO that it is unlikely to give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects from those assessed in the environmental statement.

10.  Should the undertaker become aware that any of the information on which the granting of this marine licence was based was materially false or misleading, the undertaker musty notify the MMO of this fact in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable. The undertaker must explain in writing what information was materially false or misleading and must provide to the MMO the correct information.