Limits of deviation
9.—(1) The following provisions of this article have effect subject to the requirement that the undertaker must, save for any works or operations authorised under article 25 (protective work to buildings) or 26 (authority to survey and investigate land), construct the authorised development within the Order limits.
(2) Subject to paragraph (3), in constructing or maintaining the permanent works comprised in the authorised development and shown on the permanent works plans the undertaker may deviate laterally from the lines or situations shown on the permanent works plans, within the limits of deviation for permanent works.
(3) In constructing and maintaining the—
(a)flood mitigation works; and
(b)borrow pits restoration works
shown on the permanent works plans, the undertaker may deviate laterally within the limits of deviation for those works shown on those plans.
(4) In constructing the footpaths, cycle tracks, footways and bridleways referred to in article 14(5) (classification of roads, etc.) or the new streets or private means of access referred to in article 19(2)(a) (permanent stopping up and restriction of use of streets and private means of access) the undertaker may, so far as the undertaker considers it necessary or convenient, deviate laterally from the routes shown on the streets, rights of way and access plans to the extent of the limits of deviation shown on those plans.
(5) In constructing or maintaining the linear works, the undertaker may deviate vertically from the levels shown on the engineering section drawings—
(a)upwards to any extent not exceeding 1 metre, or, in relation to Work Nos. 45(b) and 74(a) upwards to any extent not exceeding 1.5 metres; and
(b)downwards to any extent not exceeding 1 metre.
(6) The maximum vertical limits of deviation referred to in paragraph (5) do not apply where it is demonstrated by the undertaker to the Secretary of State’s satisfaction and the Secretary of State, following consultation with—
(a)the relevant planning authority; and
(b)in respect of the authorised development comprising highways other than a special road or a trunk road, the relevant local highway authority,
certifies accordingly that a deviation in excess of these limits would not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects in comparison with those reported in the environmental statement.
(7) Subject to paragraphs (2) to (6), in constructing the authorised development the undertaker may deviate by up to 3 metres from the points of commencement and termination of any linear works shown on the works plans.
(8) In constructing and maintaining the temporary works shown on the temporary works plans the undertaker may so far as the undertaker considers it necessary or convenient deviate laterally from the lines or situations shown on the temporary works plans to the extent of the limits of deviation - temporary works shown on those plans.
(9) In constructing and maintaining the utilities works shown on the utilities works plans the undertaker may so far as the undertaker considers it necessary or convenient deviate laterally from the lines or situations shown on the utilities works plans to the extent of the limits of deviation - utilities shown on those plans.
(10) In this article, references to “linear works” are references to any works shown on the permanent works plans by way of a centreline.