
8.—(1) Once the Improvements have been completed and MSCC has served a notice on the local highway authorities confirming the date on which the completion of the Improvements occurred, the tolls recoverable from users of Rixton and Warburton Bridge under the 1863 Act are to be those specified in Schedule 1 of this Order and must be paid in accordance with the provisions of this Order.

(2) Where tolls or charges payable under or by virtue of this Order remain unpaid after they have become due for payment, the person to whom they are payable may recover from the person liable to pay them the amount of the tolls or charges together with all other reasonable costs and expenses including administrative expenses, enforcement expenses and interest arising out of any such failure to pay.

(3) MSCC may appoint any person to collect tolls or charges as its agent.

(4) The person by whom tolls under this Order and penalty charges imposed in connection with this Order are payable in respect of a motor vehicle is the registered keeper.

(5) MSCC must establish and maintain an exemptions register in accordance with Schedule 2 (register of exemption from tolls).

(6) Tolls may not be charged in respect of vehicles where the particulars of the vehicle have been entered upon the exemptions register.

(7) The tolls or charges charged in accordance with this article may be applied by MSCC for any purposes in connection with the safe efficient and economic management, operation and maintenance of the Rixton and Warburton Bridge, including but not limited to—

(a)paying the costs and expenses incurred in designing, constructing, managing, operating and maintaining the Rixton and Warburton Bridge or any costs associated with financing any of the same;

(b)providing such funds as are, or are likely to be, necessary to discharge the obligations of MSCC pursuant to a concession agreement;

(c)paying the interest on, and repaying the principal of, monies borrowed in respect of the Rixton and Warburton Bridge;

(d)making payment into any reserve fund provided in respect of the Rixton and Warburton Bridge;

(e)providing funds for, meeting expenses incurred in, or the cost of securing any necessary authority for maintenance and operation of, the Rixton and Warburton Bridge or works to the Rixton and Warburton Bridge; and

(f)providing a reasonable rate of return on investment in the Undertaking.