Part 2Transparency of procurements under the Procurement Act 2023

Contracting authority information

13.  In these Regulations, “contracting authority information” means—

(a)where there is one contracting authority for a procurement, the name of the contracting authority,

(b)where there are two or more contracting authorities acting jointly for a procurement—

(i)the name of the contracting authority that the contracting authorities acting jointly determine is the lead authority for the procurement, and

(ii)the name of each of the other contracting authorities,

(c)a contact postal address and email address for the contracting authority or for each contracting authority acting jointly,

(d)the unique identifier for the contracting authority or for each contracting authority acting jointly,

(e)for any person carrying out the procurement, or part of the procurement, on behalf of the contracting authority or one or more of the contracting authorities acting jointly—

(i)the person’s name,

(ii)the person’s contact postal address and email address,

(iii)the person’s unique identifier, and

(iv)a summary of the person’s role, and

(f)in respect of a notice published by the contracting authority, the name, contact postal address and email address of the person who should be contacted in the event of an enquiry about the notice.