Article 2


In the administrative areas of Hampshire County Council and Winchester City Council and South Downs National Park Authority

The authorised development is a nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 and 22 of the 2008 Act(1) and associated development within the meaning of section 115(2)(2) of the 2008 Act, comprising—

Work No. 1 – as shown on sheet nos. 3, 5 and 6 of the works plans and being the improvement and construction of the realignment of the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A33 between B3047 (London Road)/A33 junction and proposed A33/M3 northbound onslip roundabout, being 1371 metres in length, such works including—

(a)the construction of 2 no. uncontrolled pedestrians crossing at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;

(b)the construction of a realigned central reserve on the A33, being 60m in length at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;

(c)the construction of a widened section of the A33 and reconfiguration to a two-way layout, being 190m in length at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;

(d)the construction of a realigned business park access to the A33 at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;

(e)the construction of a realignment of the business park access at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;

(f)the construction of a 1 no. splitter island at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;

(g)the construction of the extension of the existing central reserve with associated vehicle restraint system, being 275m in length at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(h)the construction of carriageway realignment on the existing River Itchen bridge (including possible remediation works), being 47m in length at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(i)the construction of a new vehicular maintenance access from the attenuation basin maintenance track at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(j)the construction of a drainage attenuation basin with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(k)the construction of an attenuation basin maintenance track, being 130m in length at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(l)the construction of an open drainage channel at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(m)the construction of drainage attenuation basin with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(n)the construction of a 1 no. roundabout splitter island at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(o)the construction of an open drainage channel at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans.

Work No. 2 – as shown on sheet nos. 3, 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a cycle track between B3047 London Road/A33 junction and M3 Junction 9 gyratory, being 2000m in length of footway, cycle way, edgings, verges, wayfinding signage, bollards, fencing, tactile paving, chalk bunds, embankments, retaining walls, steps, including the construction of a cycle track underpass (24 metres in length), such works including—

(a)the construction of a realignment of the existing public right of way (Ref. 111/6/1) to connect to the proposed Kings Worthy cycle track at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works;

(b)the construction of a retaining wall, being 80 metres in length at the toe of the embankment of the proposed Kings Worthy cycle track at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(c)the construction of a new pedestrian link, being 41m in length, from the proposed cycle track to the existing public right of way (Ref. 111/749/1) at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(d)the construction of a retaining wall, being 37 metres in length, in the embankment of the A34 southbound at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(e)the construction of a cycle track subway with associated lighting, being 24 metres in length to the north west of the A34 northbound underpass to maintain connectivity on the cycle track route between Kings Worthy and Winchester at the location as shown on sheet 6 of the works plans.

Work No. 3 – As shown on sheet nos. 3, 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction improvements and realignment of the southbound carriageway of the A34, being 1660 metres in length, such works including—

(a)the construction of 1 no. variable message sign including installation of new sign, sign illumination, sign structures, gantry foundations, control cabinets, power and communication cable connections at the location shown on sheet nos. 3 and 5 of the works plans;

(b)the construction of a variable message sign maintenance layby including layby foundations, earthworks and vehicle restraint system at the location shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;

(c)the construction of carriageway widening on the existing River Itchen bridge (including possible remediation works), being 46 metres in length at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(d)the construction of 1 no. variable message sign including installation of new sign, sign illumination, sign structures, gantry foundations, control cabinets, power and communication cable connections at the location shown on sheet nos. 5 and 6 of the works plans;

(e)the construction of a variable message sign maintenance layby including layby foundations, earthworks and vehicle restraint system at the location shown on sheet nos. 5 and 6 of the works plans.

Work No. 4 – as shown on sheet 5 of the works plans and being the construction of a cycle track overbridge across the River Itchen, being 38 metres in length.

Work No. 5 – as shown on sheet nos. 5 and 6 and being the diversion of 1095 metres of water pipeline.

Work No. 6 – as shown on sheet nos. 5 and 6 of the works plans and being the construction of drainage attenuation basins and associated maintenance and landscaping between A34 northbound 95m south of River Itchen Bridge to M3 diverge offslip, being 781 metres in length, and the construction improvement and realignment of the northbound carriageway of the A34 (1194 metres in length), such works including—

(a)the construction of an attenuation basin maintenance track, being 565 metres in length at the location shown on sheet nos. 5 and 6 of the works plans;

(b)the construction of drainage attenuation basin with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the location shown on sheet nos. 5 and 6 of the works plans;

(c)the construction of drainage attenuation basin with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the location shown on sheet 6 of the works plans;

(d)the construction of drainage attenuation basin with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the location shown on sheet 6 of the works plans;

(e)the construction of a maintenance footway and associated earthworks, being 321 metres in length at the location shown on sheet 6 of the works plans.

Work No. 7 – as shown on sheet nos. 5 and 6 of the works plans and being the construction of a new roundabout on embankment positioned to the north of M3 Junction 9, providing connections to the realigned A33 (Work No. 1) and realigned M3 northbound onslip (Work No. 8).

Work No. 8 – as shown on sheet nos. 5 and 6 of the works plans and being the construction of a new 1 lane merge onslip onto the M3 Northbound, being 600 metres in length, from the A33 roundabout (Work No. 7) on embankment to connect to the M3 Junction 9.

Work No. 9 – as shown on sheet nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a new bridleway, being 1390 metres in length including edgings, verges, wayfinding signage, bollards, tactile paving, and horse mounting blocks, and associated drainage and landscaping features to connect Long Walk and Easton Lane, such works including—

(a)the construction of an attenuation basin maintenance track, being 191 metres at the location shown on sheet 6 of the works plans;

(b)the construction of a new vehicular access turning head to the infiltration and attenuation basin maintenance track at the location shown on sheet 6 of the works plans;

(c)the construction of drainage infiltration and attenuation basin with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the location shown on sheet 6 of the works plans;

(d)the construction of drainage infiltration and attenuation basin with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the location shown on sheet 5 of the works plans;

(e)the construction of an open drainage channel at the location shown on sheet nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 10 – as shown on sheet nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the works plans and being the construction improvements of the southbound carriageways of the M3, being 1983 metres in length, such works including—

(a)the construction of 1 no. variable message sign including installation of new sign, sign illumination, sign structures, gantry foundations, control cabinets, power and communication cable connections at the location shown on sheet 6 of the works plans;

(b)the alteration of the existing M3 southbound carriageway from two lanes and hard shoulder to four lanes southbound, being 320 metres in length, from A34 southbound on merge to M3 southbound tie-in in cutting including tie in from the M3 Junction 9 southbound merge slip at the location shown on sheet 7 of the works plans;

(c)the construction of a new retaining wall, being 100 metres in length, and associated landscaping tie-ins as shown on sheet 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 11 – as shown on sheet nos. 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a new one lane offslip carriageway and associated hard shoulder, being 881 metres in length, on both embankment and in cutting to connect the M3 southbound to the M3 Junction 9 gyratory including alterations to the tie ins at both ends of the proposed offslip.

Work No. 12 – as shown on sheet nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the works plans and being the construction improvements of the northbound carriageways of the M3, being 2067 metres in length, such works including—

(a)the construction of a new retaining wall, being 186 metres in length and associated landscaping tie-ins as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans;

(b)the alteration of the existing M3 northbound carriageway from two lanes and hard shoulder to four lanes northbound, being 656 metres in length, from M3 Junction 9 northbound offslip to A34 northbound offslip in cutting including tie in from the M3 Junction 9 northbound diverge slip;

(c)the construction of a new retaining wall, being 167 metres in length, and associated landscaping tie-ins as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans;

(d)the construction of 1 no. variable messaging sign including installation of new sign, sign illumination, sign structures, gantry foundations, embankment, earthworks, control cabinets, power and communication cable connections at the location shown on sheet 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 13 – as shown on sheet no. 6 of the works plans and being the construction of a vehicular underpass, being 119 metres in length, and associated drainage and structural elements (wing walls, etc) underneath the M3 to connect the A34 southbound to the M3 Junction 9 gyratory.

Work No. 14 – as shown on sheet no. 6 of the works plans and being the construction of a vehicular underpass, being 100 metres in length, and associated drainage and structural elements underneath the A34 northbound to connect the A33 to the M3 Junction 9 gyratory.

Work No. 15 – as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a toucan crossing including associated traffic signals and ducting.

Work No. 16 – as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a new roundabout (National Highways depot roundabout) at the junction of the National Highways depot access and the A33 northbound/southbound road.

Work No. 17 – as shown on sheet nos. 5, 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a new 2 lane carriageway between the A33 roundabout (Work No. 7) and National Highways depot roundabout (Work No. 16), such works including—

(a)the construction of a 1 no. splitter island at the location shown on sheet no. 6 of the works plans;

(b)the construction of a new vehicular access to the infiltration and attenuation basin maintenance track at the location shown on sheet no. 6 of the works plans;

(c)the construction of a 1 no. splitter island at the location shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 18 – as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a new works access to the National Highways depot and associated drainage features within the depot area, such works including—

(a)the construction of a 1 no. splitter island at the location shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans;

(b)the construction of attenuation basin with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the location shown on sheet no. 6 of the works plans;

(c)the extinguishment of the existing National Highways depot exit at the location shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 19 – as shown on sheet nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of the realignment of the M3 central reserve, being 1741 metres in length, and replacement of the existing central reserve steel vehicle restraint system.

Work No. 20 – as shown on sheet no. 6 and being the diversion of 216 metres in length of low-pressure gas main pipeline.

Work No. 21 – as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 and being the diversion of 269 metres in length of power cables.

Work No. 22 – as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 and being the construction of 2 lane carriageway (261 metres in length) between National Highways depot roundabout (Work No. 16) and the M3 Junction 9 gyratory, such works including—

(a)the construction of a 1 no. splitter island at the location shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans;

(b)the realignment of the existing M3 Junction 9 / A33 splitter island at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans;

(c)the realignment of the A34 southbound approach to the M3 Junction 9 gyratory at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 23 – as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction realignment of the A34 northbound merge from M3 Junction 9 gyratory to the A34 northbound merge termination, being 372 metres in length, on embankment.

Work No. 24 – as shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a cycle track, being 490 metres in length including edgings, verges, wayfinding signage, bollards, tactile paving, horse mounting blocks, in cutting and associated structural elements, such works including—

(a)the construction of a cycle track subway with associated lighting, being 22 metres in length, underneath the M3 Junction 9 gyratory at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans;

(b)the construction of an island in cutting at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans;

(c)the construction of pedestrian steps, being 17 metres in length, at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans;

(d)the construction of a cycle track subway, being 28 metres in length, underneath the M3 Junction 9 gyratory at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 25 – as shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans and being the realignment of the Easton lane entry / exit from the M3 Junction 9 gyratory, such works including the realignment of the existing splitter island at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 26 – as shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans and being the diversion of 499 metres of telecommunication equipment.

Work No. 27 – as shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a new M3 Junction 9 gyratory northern overbridge.

Work No. 28 – as shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a new M3 Junction 9 gyratory southern overbridge.

Work No. 29 – as shown on sheet nos. 7 and 8 of the works plans and being the realignment construction of the existing M3 Junction 9 gyratory to tie into the new northern (Work No. 27) and southern (Work No. 28) overbridges and new tie ins to the existing M3 offslips and onslips.

Work No. 30 – as shown on sheet nos. 7 and 8 of the works plans and being the realignment of the M3 offslip from the M3 to the M3 Junction 9 gyratory, being 370 metres in length, on embankment.

Work No. 31 – as shown on sheet nos. 7 and 8 of the works plans and being the realignment and construction of the M3 southbound onslip from the M3 Junction 9 gyratory to the M3 merge, being 711 metres in length, such works including—

(a)the construction of a retaining wall, being 147 metres in length, and associated earthworks and landscaping at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans;

(b)the realignment lane reduction of the M3 southbound onslip and associated earthworks at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 32 – as shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans and being the realignment of the A272 approach to the M3 Junction 9 gyratory, being 417 metres in length, and associated earthworks, such works including—

(a)the realignment of the existing splitter island at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans;

(b)the widening of the existing A272 exit from the M3 Junction 9 gyratory, being 241 metres in length, and associated earthworks at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans;

(c)the construction of a retaining wall, being 184 metres in length, and associated earthworks and landscaping at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans;

(d)the construction of a retaining wall, being 92 metres in length, and associated earthworks and landscaping at the location shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 33 – as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the realignment of a bridleway featuring the national cycle route 23, being 277 metres in length, and associated earthworks and landscaping, such works including the construction of a bridleway (NCN23) subway with associated lighting, being 23 metres in length, underneath the M3 Junction 9 gyratory at the location shown on sheet 7 of the works plans.

Work No. 34 – as shown on sheet nos. 5 and 6 of the works plans and being the realignment of the A34 northbound carriageway, being 1024 metres in length.

Work No. 35 – as shown on sheet no. 4 of the works plans and being the diversion of 50 metres of power cables.

Work No. 36 – as shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a gantry including the installation of new gantry foundations, gantry structures, earthwork retaining structures, associated maintenance provision, signs sign illuminations, control cabinets and power.

Work No. 37 – as shown on sheet no. 8 of the works plans and being the construction of a gantry including the installation of new gantry foundations, gantry structures, associated maintenance provision, earthwork retaining structures, signs, sign illuminations, control cabinets, and power.

Work No. 38 – as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a temporary construction site compound situated on land to the east of the M3 Junction 9 gyratory.

Work No. 39 – as shown on sheet nos. 6 and 7 of the works plans and being the construction of the A34 southbound link to the M3 southbound, being 430 metres in length.

Work No. 40 – as shown on sheet no. 6 of the works plans, the construction of a new vehicular access and maintenance track to the infiltration and attenuation basin.

Work No. 41 – as shown on sheet no. 5 of the works plans and being the construction of a drainage outfall into the River Itchen.

Work No. 42 – as shown on sheet no. 5 of the works plans and being the construction of a drainage outfall into the River Itchen.

Work No. 43 – as shown on sheet no. 5 of the works plans and being the construction of a drainage outfall into the River Itchen.

Work No. 44 – as shown on sheet no. 6 of the works plans and being the construction of variable message sign gantry including the installation of new gantry foundations, gantry structures, earthwork retaining structures, signs sign illuminations, control cabinets and power.

Work No. 45 – as shown on sheet no. 6 of the works plans and being the construction of variable message sign gantry including the installation of new gantry foundations, gantry structures, earthwork retaining structures, signs sign illuminations, control cabinets and power.

Work No. 46 – as shown on sheet nos. 2 and 4 of the works plans and being the construction of variable message sign gantry including the installation of new gantry foundations, gantry structures, earthwork retaining structures, signs sign illuminations, control cabinets and power.

Work No. 47 – as shown on sheet no. 4 of the works plans and being the construction of variable message sign gantry including the installation of new gantry foundations, gantry structures, earthwork retaining structures, signs sign illuminations, control cabinets and power.

Work No. 48 – as shown on sheet no. 6 of the works plans and being the construction of a variable message sign layby including foundations, earthworks and vehicle restraint system.

Work No. 49 – as shown on sheet no. 7 of the works plans and being the construction of a temporary access from existing A272 to provide connectivity to the proposed temporary construction site compound (Work No. 38).

Work No. 50 – as shown on sheet no. 8 of the works plans and being the construction of a variable message sign gantry including the installation of new gantry foundations, gantry structures, earthwork retaining structures, signs, sign illuminations, control cabinets and power.

In connection with the construction of any of those works, further development within the Order limits which does not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects in comparison with those reported in the environmental statement consisting of—

(a)works required for the strengthening, improvement, maintenance or reconstruction of any street;

(b)the strengthening, alteration or demolition of any structure;

(c)ramps, steps, means of access including private manes of access, non-motorised user routes or links, footpaths, footways, bridleways, cycle tracks, laybys and crossing facilities;

(d)embankments, cuttings, bridges, abutments, foundations, retaining walls, barriers, parapets, drainage works, outfalls, ditches, wing walls, highway lighting, fencing and culverts;

(e)works to place, alter, remove or maintain street furniture or apparatus in a street, or apparatus in other land, including mains, sewers, drains, pipes, cables and ducts;

(f)works to alter the course of, or otherwise interfere with a watercourse, including private water supplies;

(g)landscaping, re-grading, re-profiling, contouring, works associated with the provision of ecological, landscape and archaeological mitigation and other works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;

(h)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development;

(i)works to place, alter, remove or maintain road furniture;

(j)site preparation works, site clearance (including fencing and other boundary treatments, vegetation removal, demolition of existing structures and the creation of alternative highways or footpaths); earthworks (including soil stripping and storage and site levelling), remediation of contamination;

(k)the felling of trees and hedgerows;

(l)establishment of site construction compounds and working sites, temporary structures, storage areas (including storage of excavated material and other materials), temporary vehicle parking, construction fencing, perimeter enclosure, security fencing, construction related buildings, welfare facilities, office facilities, other ancillary accommodation, construction lighting, haulage roads and other buildings, machinery, apparatus, works and conveniences;

(m)the provision of other works including pavement works, kerbing and paved areas works, signing, signals, gantries, street lighting, road restraints, road markings works, emergency roadside telephones, traffic management measure including temporary roads and such other works as are associated with the construction of the authorised development; and

(n)such other works, working sites, storage areas, works of demolition or works of whatever nature, as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or for purposes associated with or ancillary to the construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised development.


There are amendments to section 14 but none is relevant to this Order. Section 22 was substituted by S.I. 2013/1883 and amended by section 1(6) of, and paragraph 153 of Schedule 1 to, the Infrastructure Act 2015 (c. 7).


Section 115(2) was amended by section 160(3) of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 (c. 22) and by section 43(2) of the Wales Act 2017 (c. 4).