Article 34


Plot Reference Number shown on land plans


Purpose for which temporary possession may be taken


Relevant part of the authorised development

Land Plans – Sheet 4


Land required temporarily for temporary traffic management purposes.

Ancillary works


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with the diversion of power cables.

Work No. 35


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with the construction of a new bridleway and associated drainage and landscaping features to connect Long Walk and Easton Lane.

Work No. 9


Land required temporarily for temporary traffic management purposes.

Ancillary works


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with the diversion of 50 metres in length of power cables.

Work No. 35


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with the diversion of power cables.

Work No. 35


Land required temporarily for temporary traffic management purposes.

Ancillary works

Land Plans – Sheet 5


Requirement to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with the construction of a drainage outfall into the River Itchen.

Work No. 43


Land required temporarily for temporary traffic management purposes.

Ancillary Works


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with:

1. the improvement and construction of the realignment of the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A33 between B3047 (London Road) / A33 junction and proposed A33 / M3 northbound onslip roundabout;

1(g). the construction of the extension of the existing central reserve with associated vehicle restraint system;

1(h). the construction of carriageway realignment on the existing River Itchen bridge (including possible remediation works);

3. the construction improvements and realignment of the southbound carriageway of the A34;

42. the construction of a drainage outfall into the River Itchen.

Work No. 1, 1(g), 1(h), 3, 42


Required temporarily to facilitate construction generally and to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with the construction of a new bridleway and associated drainage and landscaping features to connect Long Walk to Easton Lane.

Work No. 9


Required temporarily to facilitate construction of surface water drainage outfall.

Work No. 42

Land Plans – Sheet 6


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with:

9. the construction of a new bridleway and associated drainage and landscaping features to connect Long Walk and Easton Lane;

9(a). the construction of an attenuation basin maintenance track;

20. the diversion of a low-pressure gas main pipeline;

26. the diversion of telecommunication equipment;

33. the realignment of the National Cycle Route 23 and associated earthworks and landscaping.

Work No. 9, 9(a), 20, 26, 33


Required to construct a temporary construction site compound.

Work No. 38


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with the construction of a new bridleway and associated drainage and landscaping features to connect Long Walk to Easton Lane.

Work No. 9


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with the diversion of a low-pressure gas main pipeline.

Work No. 20


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with:

20. the diversion of a low-pressure gas main pipeline;

38: the construction of a temporary construction site compound situated on land to the east of the M3 Junction 9 gyratory.

Work Nos. 20, 38

Land Plans – Sheet 7


Required to facilitate and provide a working space and temporary access for works associated with the construction of a temporary construction site compound situated on land to the east of the M3 Junction 9 gyratory.

Work No. 38


Land required temporarily for temporary traffic management purposes.

Ancillary works


Land required temporarily for temporary traffic management purposes.

Ancillary works


Land required temporarily for temporary traffic management purposes.

Ancillary works


Land required temporarily for temporary traffic management purposes

Ancillary works