18. In this Part of this Schedule—
“1991 Act” means the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991;
“acceptable credit provider” means a bank or financial institution with a credit rating that is not lower than: (i) “A-” if the rating is assigned by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group or Fitch Ratings: and (ii) “A3” if the rating is assigned by Moody’s Investors Services Inc.;
“acceptable insurance” means general third party liability insurance effected and maintained by the undertaker with a combined property damage and bodily injury limit of indemnity of not less than £50,000,000.00 (fifty million pounds) per occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event. Such insurance will be maintained (a) during the construction period of the authorised works; and (b) after the construction period of the authorised works in respect of any use and maintenance of the authorised development by or on behalf of the undertaker which constitute specified works and arranged with an insurer whose security/credit rating meets the same requirements as an “acceptable credit provider”, such insurance will include (without limitation)—
a waiver of subrogation and an indemnity to principal clause in favour of National Gas;
pollution liability for third party property damage and third party bodily damage arising from any pollution/contamination event with a (sub)limit of indemnity of not less than £10,000,000.00 (ten million pounds) per occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event or £20,000,000.00 (twenty million pounds) in aggregate;
“acceptable security” means either—
a parent company guarantee from a parent company in favour of National Gas to cover the undertaker’s liability to National Gas to a total liability cap of £50,000,000.00 (fifty million pounds) (in a form reasonably satisfactory to National Gas and where required by National Gas, accompanied with a legal opinion confirming the due capacity and authorisation of the parent company to enter into and be bound by the terms of such guarantee); or
a bank bond or letter of credit from an acceptable credit provider in favour of National Gas to cover the undertaker’s liability to National Gas for an amount of not less than £10,000,000.00 (ten million pounds) per asset per event up to a total liability cap of £50,000,000.00 (fifty million pounds) (in a form reasonably satisfactory to National Gas);
“alternative apparatus” means appropriate alternative apparatus to the satisfaction of National Gas to enable National Gas to fulfil its statutory functions in a manner no less efficient than previously;
“apparatus” means any mains, pipes or other apparatus belonging to or maintained by National Gas for the purposes of gas supply together with any replacement apparatus and such other apparatus constructed pursuant to the Order that becomes operational apparatus of National Gas for the purposes of transmission, distribution and/or supply and includes any structure in which apparatus is or will be lodged or which gives or will give access to apparatus;
“authorised works” has the same meaning as is given to the term “authorised development” in article 2 (interpretation) of this Order and includes any associated development authorised by the Order and for the purposes of this Part of this Schedule includes the use and maintenance of the authorised works and construction of any works authorised by this Schedule;
“commence” and “commencement” in this Part of this Schedule will include any below ground surveys, monitoring, ground work operations or the receipt and erection of construction plant and equipment;
“deed of consent” means a deed of consent, crossing agreement, deed of variation or new deed of grant agreed between the parties acting reasonably in order to vary or replace existing easements, agreements, enactments and other such interests so as to secure land rights and interests as are necessary to carry out, maintain, operate and use the apparatus in a manner consistent with the terms of this Part of this Schedule;
“functions” includes powers and duties;
“ground mitigation scheme” means a scheme approved by National Gas (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) setting out the necessary measures (if any) for a ground subsidence event;
“ground monitoring scheme” means a scheme for monitoring ground subsidence which sets out the apparatus which is to be subject to such monitoring, the extent of land to be monitored, the manner in which ground levels are to be monitored, the timescales of any monitoring activities and the extent of ground subsidence which, if exceeded, will require the undertaker to submit for National Gas’s approval a ground mitigation scheme;
“ground subsidence event” means any ground subsidence identified by the monitoring activities set out in the ground monitoring scheme that has exceeded the level described in the ground monitoring scheme as requiring a ground mitigation scheme;
“in” in a context referring to apparatus or alternative apparatus in land includes a reference to apparatus or alternative apparatus under, over, across, along or upon such land;
“maintain” and “maintenance” will include the ability and right to do any of the following in relation to any apparatus or alternative apparatus of National Gas; construct, use, repair, alter, inspect, renew or remove the apparatus;
“National Gas” means National Gas Transmission plc (Company Number 02006000) whose registered office is at National Gas House, Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill, Warwick, CV34 6DA or any successor as a gas transporter within the meaning of Part 1 of the Gas Act 1986;
“Network Code” means the network code prepared by National Gas pursuant to Standard Special Condition A11(3) of its Gas Transporter’s Licence, which incorporates the Uniform Network Code, as defined in Standard Special Condition A11(6) of National Gas’s Transporters Licence, as both documents are amended from time to time;
“Network Code Claims” means any claim made against National Gas by any person or loss suffered by National Gas under the Network Code arising out of or in connection with any failure by National Gas to make gas available for off take at, or a failure to accept gas tendered for delivery from, any entry point to or exit point from the gas national transmission system as a result of the authorised works or any costs and/or expenses incurred by National Gas as a result of or in connection with, it taking action (including purchase or buy back of capacity) for the purpose of managing constraint or potential constraint on the gas national transmission system which may arise as a result of the authorised works;
“plan” or “plans” include all designs, drawings, specifications, method statements, soil reports, programmes, calculations, risk assessments and other documents that are reasonably necessary properly and sufficiently to describe and assess the works to be executed;
“parent company” means a parent company of the undertaker acceptable to and which will have been approved by National Gas acting reasonably;
“specified works” means any of the authorised works or activities undertaken in association with the authorised works which—
will or may be situated over, or within 15 metres measured in any direction of any apparatus the removal of which has not been required by the undertaker under paragraph 23(2) or otherwise;
may in any way adversely affect any apparatus the removal of which has not been required by the undertaker under paragraph 23(2) or otherwise; and/or
includes any of the activities that are referred to in paragraph 8 of T/SP/SSW/22 (National Gas’s policies for safe working in proximity to gas apparatus “Specification for safe working in the vicinity of National Gas, High pressure Gas pipelines and associated installation requirements for third parties T/SP/SSW/22”; and
“undertaker” means the undertaker as defined in article 2(1) of this Order.