Surface and foul water drainage

12.—(1) No phase of the authorised development may commence until details of the surface water drainage strategy (including the results of the infiltration testing) and (if any) foul water drainage system (including means of pollution control) for that phase have been submitted to and approved by the relevant county authority for that phase or, where the phase falls within the administrative areas of both the county of Suffolk and the county of Cambridgeshire, both relevant county authorities such approval to be in consultation with both relevant planning authorities or the relevant planning authority (as applicable), the relevant internal drainage board and Anglian Water (in respect of its sewerage undertaker functions).

(2) The surface water drainage strategy submitted under sub-paragraph (1) must be substantially in accordance with the drainage technical note and include details of bunded lagoons as required by the battery fire safety management plan approved pursuant to requirement 7.

(3) Any strategy approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) must be implemented as approved and maintained throughout the construction and operation of the authorised development.