Part 2 Reserved Investor Fund (Contractual Schemes): general
Chapter 4 Changes in qualifying conditions and breaches of qualifying conditions
Chapter 6 SDLT consequences of becoming and ceasing to be a RIF
28.Land transaction upon unauthorised contractual scheme becoming a RIF
29.Application of Part 4 of FA 2003 to a RIF that ceases to be a RIF and becomes an eligible co-ownership scheme
30.Land transaction upon RIF or eligible co-ownership scheme becoming unauthorised contractual scheme
31.Withdrawal of seeding relief: application to postpone payment of tax where appeal against relevant decisions
32.Determination of application under regulation 31 and referral to tribunal
Chapter 9 Further provision about notices, information and applications
Chapter 10 Penalties for failure to give information or notice
Part 3 Co-ownership contractual schemes: amendments to relevant legislation