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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments with a subject starting with B has returned more than 200 results.

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Betting, Gaming and Lotteries, England and Wales

The Gaming Act (Variation of Fees) (England and Wales) Order 20032003 No. 508UK Statutory Instruments
The Gaming Clubs (Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 20022002 No. 1910UK Statutory Instruments
The Gaming Machines in Alcohol Licensed Premises (Notification Fee) (England and Wales) Regulations 20072007 No. 1832UK Statutory Instruments

Betting, Gaming and Lotteries, Wales

The Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 20102010 No. 2440UK Statutory Instruments

Biological Weapons

The Biological Weapons Act 1974 (Guernsey) Order 19741974 No. 1110UK Statutory Instruments
The Biological Weapons Act 1974 (Isle of Man) Order 19741974 No. 1111UK Statutory Instruments
The Biological Weapons Act 1974 (Jersey) Order 19741974 No. 1112UK Statutory Instruments
The Biological Weapons Act 1974 (Overseas Territories) Order 19751975 No. 240UK Statutory Instruments

Borrowing and Securities

The Government Bearer Bond (Prescribed Securities) Order 19641964 No. 1883UK Statutory Instruments
The Government Bearer Bond (Prescribed Securities) Order 19651965 No. 212UK Statutory Instruments
The Local Loans (Procedure) Regulations 19681968 No. 458UK Statutory Instruments
The National Savings Stamps Regulations 19691969 No. 1343UK Statutory Instruments
The Savings Contracts Regulations 19691969 No. 1342UK Statutory Instruments

Borrowing Control

The Control of Borrowing (Amendment) Order 19881988 No. 295UK Statutory Instruments
The Government Trading Act 1990 (Appointed Day) Order 19911991 No. 132 (C. 4)UK Statutory Instruments

British Nationality

The British Citizenship (Designated Service) (Amendment) Order 19871987 No. 611UK Statutory Instruments
The British Citizenship (Designated Service) (Amendment) Order 19901990 No. 28UK Statutory Instruments
The British Citizenship (Designated Service) (Amendment) Order 19941994 No. 556UK Statutory Instruments
The British Citizenship (Designated Service) (Amendment) Order 19951995 No. 552UK Statutory Instruments
The British Citizenship (Designated Service) (Amendment) Order 20072007 No. 744UK Statutory Instruments

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