Diwygiad i Reoliadau Premiwm Blynyddol Defaid 199223


Diwygir Rheoliadau Premiwm Blynyddol Defaid 19925 yn unol â'r paragraffau canlynol.


Ym mharagraff (5)(a) o reoliad 5 rhowch “regulation 5 of the Sheep and Goats Identification (Wales) Regulations 20006 (“the Identification Regulations”)” yn lle “article 5 of the Sheep and Goats (Records, Identification and Movement) Order 1996 (“the 1996 Order”)”.


Rhoddir y rheoliad canlynol yn lle rheoliad 8A –

Failure to comply with the Identification Regulations8A

Where at any time during a marketing year a producer fails to comply with regulation 5 of the Identification Regulations, the competent authority may withhold or recover on demand the whole or any part of any premium payable or as the case may be paid to the producer in respect of that marketing year.