Movement of cattle born before 28th September 1998E+W

7.—(1) This regulation shall apply in relation to all cattle born before 28th September 1998 which have been issued with movement cards by the National Assembly.

(2) The notification of movement of cattle to which this regulation applies (in accordance with the second indent of Article 7.1 of Regulation (EC) No. 1760/2000) shall be by the keeper —

(a)affixing to one of the movement cards issued by the National Assembly in relation to that animal a bar code label identifying the keeper’s holding and provided for the purpose by the National Assembly (unless it is not practicable to do so, in which case the person notifying the movement shall write on the movement card the holding number, the address of the holding and the name of the keeper);

(b)indicating on the movement card whether the movement is on or off a holding (or, in the case of a market operator, indicating on the movement card that the animal has moved through the market);

(c)entering the date of the movement on the movement card;

(d)signing it; and

(e)posting it to the National Assembly within 7 days of the movement.

(3) If an animal to which this regulation applies is transferred to a new keeper, the previous keeper shall give all unused movement cards relating to that animal to the new keeper.

(4) No person shall move cattle on to or off a holding on or after 29th January 2001 unless he or she notifies the National Assembly of the movement on a movement card as specified in paragraph (2) above.