PART IInstrument of Government: Foundation Schools and Foundation Special Schools

1.  The name of the school is ... ... ... ...

2.  The category to which the school belongs is ... ... ... ...

3.  The name of the governing body is ... ... ... ...

4.  The governing body shall consist of:

(a)x parent governors;

(b)x LEA governors;

(c)x teacher governors;

  • (if applicable

(d)one staff governor;)

  • (if applicable

(e)x foundation governors;)

  • (if applicable

(f)x partnership governors;)

(g)x co-opted governors (including any governors referred to in paragraph 6 or 7 below);

(h)the head teacher (except at any time when he or she has given written notice to the clerk to the governing body of the school that he or she chooses not to be a governor).

5.  Total number of governors ... ... ... ... (except at any time when the head teacher has given notice as above that he or she chooses not to be a governor, when the total number of governors will be ... ... ... ...).

  • (if applicable

6.  x co-opted governor[s] will be [a] governor[s] for whose appointment nominations are to be sought from the sponsor or from amongst the sponsors of the school.)

  • (if applicable

7.  One co-opted governor will be governor for whose appointment nominations are to be sought from the Education Action Forum for the Education Action Zone in relation to which the school is a participating school.)

  • (Where the school is to have foundation governors

8.  Subject to regulation 14 of the Change of Category of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2001 which provides for the continuation in office of certain governors, set out the name of any foundation body or person entitled to appoint foundation governors. If there is more than one such person set out the basis on which such appointments are made both on the change of category and thereafter when there are vacancies to be filled)

  • (if applicable

9.—(a) The holder of the following office shall be a foundation governor ex-officio:

  • name of office

(b) ... ... ... ...[or ... ... ... ... and ... ... ... ... jointly] shall appoint a foundation governor to act in the place of the ex-officio foundation governor whose governorship derives from the office named in (a) above, in the event that the ex-officio foundation governor is unable or unwilling to act as a foundation governor, or there is a vacancy in the office by virtue of which his or her governorship exists.

Repeat 9(a) and (b) as necessary where there is to be more than one ex-officio foundation governorship.)

10.  Set out procedure for eliminating any excess in the number of foundation governors.

(Under regulation 15 of the Change of Category of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2001, this procedure will not apply to the reconstitution of the governing bodies).

11.  If the school has a religious character, describe the ethos of the school.

12.  Subject to regulation 10(2) of the Change of Category of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2001, this instrument of government comes into effect on the [insert implementation date].

13.  This instrument of government was made by order of ... ... ... ... Local Education Authority on ... ... ... ...