1.  From 1st January 2003 all unenhanced cage systems of rearing laying hens shall comply with the following minimum requirements:E+W

(a)at least 550 cm2 per hen of cage area, measured in a horizontal plane, which may be used without restriction, in particular not including non-waste deflection plates liable to restrict the area available, must be provided for each laying hen, however where the non-waste deflection plate is placed so as not to restrict the area available for the hens to use, then that area may be included in the measurement;

(b)a feed trough which may be used without restriction must be provided. Its length must be at least 10 cm multiplied by the number of hens in the cage;

(c)unless nipple drinkers or drinking cups are provided, each cage must have a continuous drinking channel of the same length as the feed trough mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) above. Where drinking points are plumbed in, at least two nipple drinkers or two cups must be within reach of each cage;

(d)cages must be at least 40 cm high over at least 65% of the cage area and not less than 35 cm at any point (the height being obtained by a vertical line from the floor to the nearest point in the roof and the area being obtained by multiplying 550cm2 by the number of birds kept in the cage);

(e)floors of cages must be constructed so as to support each of the forward-facing claws of each foot of each hen. Floor slope must not exceed 14% or 8 degrees when made of rectangular wire mesh and 21.3% or 12 degrees for other types of floor;

(f)cages shall be fitted with suitable claw-shortening devices.

2.  Rearing laying hens in the cages referred to in this Schedule is prohibited with effect from 1 January 2012.E+W

3.  No cages such as are referred to in this Schedule may be built or brought into service for the first time from 1 January 2003.]E+W