The Agricultural Holdings (Units of Production) (Wales) Order 2001

Assessment of productive capacity of land

2.—(1) Paragraphs (2) and (3) of this article have effect for the purpose of the assessment of the productive capacity of a unit of agricultural land situated in Wales, in order to determine whether that unit is a commercial unit of agricultural land within the meaning of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3 of Schedule 6 to the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986.

(2) Where the land in question is capable, when farmed under competent management, of being used to produce any livestock, crop, fruit etc, as is mentioned in any of the entries 1 to 7 in column 1 of the Schedule, then —

(a)the unit of production prescribed in relation to that use of the land shall be the unit specified in column 2 of the Schedule opposite to that entry, and

(b)the amount determined, for the period of twelve months beginning with 12th September 1999, as the net annual income from that unit of production in that period shall be the amount specified in column 3 of the Schedule opposite that unit of production.

(3) Where land capable, when farmed under competent management, of producing a net annual income is designated as set aside land, as is mentioned in entry 8 in column 1 of the Schedule, then —

(a)the unit of production prescribed in relation to that use of the land shall be the unit specified in column 2 of the Schedule opposite to that entry, and

(b)the amount determined, for the period of 12 months beginning with 12th September 1999, as the net annual income from that unit of production in that period shall be the amount specified in column 3 of the Schedule opposite that unit of production.

(4) The Schedule has effect subject to the Notes to the Schedule.