The Countryside Access (Local Access Forums) (Wales) Regulations 2001

Termination of membership

14.—(1) A person’s membership of a forum, including that of the Chair and Deputy Chair, terminates on the happening of any of the following events:

(a)the expiration of the term of membership;

(b)the death of the member;

(c)the receipt by the Secretary of written notice of resignation of a member;

(d)the giving by the appointing authority of written notice to a member that, in the opinion of the authority, the circumstances are such that had the authority been considering whether to appoint that person as a member of the forum it would have been prevented from doing so by the provisions of regulation 8;

(e)the giving by the appointing authority, after having consulted the forum as to the proposed action, of written notice to a member of specified circumstances which, in the opinion of the authority, make it desirable in the interests of the effective conduct of the functions of the forum that the person in question should cease to be a member;

(f)the election of the member as a member of the appointing authority or the appointment of the member as an officer of the appointing authority or, where a forum has been established by more than one appointing authority, of any of those authorities;

(g)the failure of a member to attend any meeting of a forum, or meeting of any committee of the forum, over a continuous period of 12 months unless the member has, following a written request to the appointing authority made within that period and specifying the reasons for the request, been granted leave of absence by the appointing authority for such period as the appointing authority may think fit in which case the period of 12 months specified in this paragraph is not to include any period to which such leave of absence relates.

(2) The Secretary must notify the appointing authority of any vacancy in the membership of the forum of which the appointing authority are not or may not otherwise be aware and an appointing authority which becomes aware of any such vacancy must, subject to regulation 5, appoint a person to fill that vacancy.

(3) If a member of a forum is elected Chair or Deputy Chair of that forum the appointing authority must, subject to regulation 5, appoint a person as a member of the forum as if the person elected Chair or Deputy Chair had ceased to be a member of the forum.