Part III E+WAnimal feeding

Administration and enforcementE+W

Disposal and recall of mammalian meat and bone meal and MBM productsE+W

29.—(1) Paragraph (2) below applies where an inspector finds—

(a)any mammalian meat and bone meal or any MBM product possessed or transported in contravention of regulation 12(3) or (4) above; or

(b)any processed animal protein sold or supplied in contravention of regulation 15(1) above.

(2) When this paragraph applies an inspector may serve a notice on the person in possession of the mammalian meat and bone meal, MBM product or processed animal protein requiring that person to dispose of it, and any other mammalian meat and bone meal, MBM product or processed animal protein with which it has come into contact, in the manner and within the period as the inspector may specify in the notice.

(3) An inspector may serve on any person who has sold or supplied—

(a)any feeding stuff the sale or supply of which is prohibited by regulation 11(1) or 12(1) above, or which the inspector reasonably suspects of being so prohibited; or

(b)any processed animal protein the sale or supply of which is prohibited by regulation 15(1) above or which the inspector reasonably suspects of being so prohibited,

a notice requiring that person to collect at his or her own expense that feeding stuff or processed animal protein from the person to whom it was supplied or sold, or from any other person to whom it may subsequently have been supplied or sold. A notice served under this paragraph may also specify the place to which and the time within which the product is to be transported.

(4) If any person on whom a notice is served under paragraph (2) or (3) above fails to comply with the requirements of the notice, an inspector may, without prejudice to any proceedings arising out of such default, carry out or cause to be carried out the requirements of the notice, and the amount of any expenses reasonably incurred by the inspector in doing so may be recovered from the person in default by the authority on whose behalf the inspector served the notice.