(This note is not part of the Order)

The National Assembly for Wales made the Bridgend (Cynffig, Cornelly and Pyle Communities)(Electoral Changes) Order 2002 on the 28th March 2002 to abolish the community of Cynffig and create two new communities of Cornelly and Pyle. That Order was made under sections 58(2) and 67(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972.

This Order, which amends that order, is made under the same powers and changes the date of the abolition of the community of Cynffig from 2nd May to 20th June 2002. The elections for the new community councils of Cornelly and Pyle will be held on 20th June as a consequence of the making of this Order. The members of those new councils shall take office on 24th June 2002.