Regulation of movement of pigs (other than pet pigs)9


Without prejudice to articles 7 and 8, no person shall move or cause to be moved a pig (other than a pig that is kept solely as a pet) from any premises, unless it is accompanied by a document signed by the owner of the pig or his or her agent and which specifies—


the address including postcode and CPH number of the premises from, and to which the pig is being moved;


the date on which the movement is taking place;


the number of pigs that the movement document covers;


the identification mark of each of the pigs being moved;


in the case of a movement from a market, the lot numbers of the pigs being moved.


When the pigs arrive at their destination, the person moving the pigs shall give the document referred to in paragraph (1) to the keeper at the premises of destination who shall retain it for a period of 6 months.


The keeper at the premises of destination shall, within 3 days of the arrival of pigs, send a copy of the document referred to in paragraph (1) to the local authority for the area in which the premises of destination are situated.


The keeper of a pig being moved to premises outside Great Britain shall send a copy of the document referred to in paragraph (1) to the local authority for the area in which the premises from which the pigs are being moved, are situated.