The Sheep and Goats Identification and Movement (Interim Measures) (Wales) Regulations 2002

Movement documents

12.—(1) A person must not move a sheep or goat unless it is accompanied by a document, signed by the owner of the animal or his agent and which specifies—

(a)the addresses of the holdings from, and to which, the animal is being moved;

(b)the date of movement and the total number of animals being moved;

(c)the mark described in paragraph (2); and

(d)the lot number in respect of an animal which is being moved from market.

(2) The document shall specify

(a)one of the following—

(i)the S Mark applied to the animal,

(ii)where there is no S Mark, the Origin Mark, or the mark applied under regulation 7(5) of the Sheep and Goats Regulations 2000, or

(iii)where there is no mark as mentioned in sub-paragraphs (i) or (ii), the F Mark or the R Mark.

(b)where a sheep bears the maximum number of marks permitted under regulation 10, the individual identification number together with the mark which was applied at the same time as the individual identification number, or

(c)any temporary mark in the case of an animal—

(i)being moved direct to a slaughterhouse,

(ii)being moved direct to a market for the purpose of sale for slaughter,

(iii)being moved to a collecting centre before being moved to a slaughterhouse; or

(iv)returning direct to a holding from a market to which it had been sent for the purpose of sale for slaughter.

(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply in the case of an animal which is being moved—

(a)between a holding and any land in respect of which a right of grazing in common with other proprietors is exercisable;

(b)for the purposes of veterinary treatment, dipping or shearing;

(c)in the case of goats, for the purpose of being tattooed; or

(d)from premises in a sole occupancy group to other premises in the same group.

(4) When the animal arrives at its destination, the person moving the animal must give the document to the keeper at the holding of destination.