Part IGeneral



In these Regulations—

  • “the Act” (“y Ddeddf”) means the Environmental Protection Act 1990;

  • “the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment” (“y Pwyllgor Ymgynghorol ar Ollyngiadau i’r Amgylchedd”) means the Committee appointed by the National Assembly for Wales under section 124 of the Act;

  • “antibiotic resistance markers” (“marcwyr ymwrthedd gwrthfiotig”) means genes employed in the modification of an organism to make that organism express resistance to a particular antibiotic or antibiotics;

  • “application for consent to release” (“cais am ganiatâd i ollwng”) shall include any notification made under the First Simplified Procedure (crop plants) Decision;

  • “approved product” (“cynnyrch wedi’i gymeradwyo”) means a product permitted to be marketed by a consent granted by the National Assembly for Wales under section 111(1) of the Act or in accordance with Article 15(3), 17(6) or 18(2) of the Deliberate Release Directive or Article 13(2) or (4) of the 1990 Directive;

  • “the Commission” (“y Comisiwn”) means the European Commission;

  • “the Contained Use Directive” (“y Gyfarwyddeb Defnydd Amgaeëdig”) means Council Directive 90/219/EECM1on the contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms as last amended by Council Decision 2001/204/ECM2;

  • “the Deliberate Release Directive” (“y Gyfarwyddeb Gollwng Bwriadol”) means Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms M3;

  • “the 1990 Directive” (“Cyfarwyddeb 1990”) means Council Directive 90/220/EECM4 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms as amended by Commission Directive 1994/15/ECM5 and Commission Directive 1997/35/ECM6;

  • “electronic communication” (“cyfathrebiad electronig”) means the same as in the Electronic Communications Act 2000 M7;

  • “environmental risk assessment” (“asesiad risg amgylcheddol”) means the environmental risk assessment required to be contained in an application for consent to release or market genetically modified organisms by regulation 12(1)(c) and regulation 17(2)(c) respectively;

  • “the First Simplified Procedure (crop plants) Decision” means Commission Decision 94/730/ECM8;

  • “genetically modified organisms” (“organeddau a addaswyd yn enetig”) means a genetically modified organism or a combination of genetically modified organisms;

  • “higher plant” (“uwchblanhigyn”) means a plant belonging to the taxonomic groupSpermatophytae (Gymnospermae orAngiospermae);

  • “local authority” (“awdurdod lleol”) means the council of a county or county borough;

  • “monitoring plan” (“cynllun monitro”) means the plan required by regulation 17(2)(g);

  • “the register” (“y gofrestr”) means the public register kept by the National Assembly for Wales under section 122 of the Act;

  • “the 1992 Regulations” (“Rheoliadau 1992”) means the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations 1992 M9.


In these Regulations—


any reference to a numbered regulation or to a numbered Schedule is a reference to the regulation or Schedule in these Regulations so numbered; and


a reference to a numbered paragraph is a reference to the paragraph so numbered in the regulation or Schedule in which that reference occurs.