
Access to draft and adopted strategies

12.—(1) The responsible bodies shall publish as part of the draft and adopted strategies an executive summary of the contents of the draft or adopted strategy.

(2) Publication of the draft and adopted strategies by the responsible bodies shall include publication in an accessible electronic form.

(3) The responsible bodies shall make copies of the draft and adopted strategies available for public inspection —

(a)at their offices;

(b)at public libraries in their area or areas; and

(c)on the internet.

(4) The draft and adopted strategies shall be published in English and Welsh unless it is not reasonably practicable to do so.

(5) The responsible bodies shall consult the Race Equality Council or Councils for their area or areas in relation to publication of the draft and adopted strategies in languages other than English and Welsh, and shall adopt their recommendations unless it is not reasonably practicable to do so.

(6) The responsible bodies shall consult the Disability Rights Commission in relation to publication of the draft and adopted strategies in such forms or media as may make them reasonably accessible to persons with a disability, and shall adopt their recommendations unless it is not reasonably practicable to do so.