Amendment of the principal Regulations

3.  The principal Regulations shall be amended —

(a)in regulation 2(1) —

(i)by substituting for the definition of “specified regions”, the following definition: ““specified region” (“rhanbarth penodedig”) means for the purposes of point A of Annex VI to Council Regulation (EC) No. 1493/1999, all that part of Wales situated at an altitude below 220 metres above sea level”;

(ii)by inserting, in its appropriate alphabetical place, the following definition —

“wine sector product” (“cynnyrch sector gwin”) for the purposes of these Regulations, includes any aromatized wine;;

(iii)in the definition of “the Wine Standards Board” by substituting for the words “of The Vintners' Company”, the words “a company limited by guarantee with company registration number 1127386”;

(b)in regulations 5, 6(1), 6(3)(a) and 6(4) and Schedule 3 by substituting for the word “Wales” the words “the specified region”;

(c)in regulations 5, 14 and 16 by substituting for the words “specified regions” the words “specified region”;

(d)by inserting after regulation 6 the following regulations —

Harvest, Production, Treatment and Marketing declarations

6A.  Declarations submitted each year for the purposes of Articles 2 and 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) 1282/2001 shall take into account the quantities held at 1st December in that year.


6B.  A notification of enrichment as referred to in Annex V(G)(5) to Council Regulation (EC) 1493/1999 shall be submitted to the competent body at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the enrichment operation..

(e)by substituting for paragraph (1) of regulation 8 the following paragraph —

8(1) Where an authorised officer inspects any wine sector product the authorised officer may prohibit its being moved if he or she has reason to believe

(a)an offence has been committed or is likely to be committed in respect of it by contravention of, or failure to comply with, any relevant Community provision referred to in column 1 or 2 of Part I, II, III, V or IX of Schedule 2;

(b)there is, or is likely to be, a risk to public health in relation to that product; or

(c)there has been, or is likely to be any fraudulent treatment of that product..

(f)by deleting regulation 13;

(g)by substituting for Schedule 1, the Schedule set out in the Schedule to these Regulations;

(h)in item 1 of Part I of Schedule 2, by substituting for the entry in column 2 the words —

(i)in item 1 of Part IV of Schedule 2, by substituting for the entry in column 2 the words

(j)by substituting for item 1 of Part V of Schedule 2, the following item;

1.  Regulation 1493/1999 Title V

Regulation 883/2001: All articles except 6, 7, 13, 16, 19, 29, 34, 35 and 36Requirements relating to trade with third countries in products in the wine sector

(k)in column 1 of Schedule 3, by deleting the asterisk before the names of the following varieties “Orion”, “Phoenix”, “Regent” and “Rondo (GM 6494/5)”;

(l)by deleting Schedule 4;

(m)in item 2 of Schedule 5 by substituting

(i)for the words “Total Dry Extract”, the words “Total Sugar free Dry Extract”; and

(ii)for “15 g/l”, “14 g/l”; and

(n)in item 4 of Schedule 5, by substituting for “5 g/l”, “4g/l”.