
Article 8

SCHEDULERequirements at an animal gathering

Duties on a licensee

1.—(1) The licensee must ensure that any person entering the licensed premises is made aware that the premises are licensed under this Order, whether by means of a system of notices or otherwise.

(2) The licensee must provide footbaths containing approved disinfectant at exits from the animal area and at any loading and unloading bay, and facilities on the licensed premises for changing, cleaning and disinfecting clothes and disposing of disposable clothes.

(3) The licensee must—

(a)ensure that animals are unloaded and re-loaded in the animal area, and

(b)ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that animals do not leave the animal area except on a vehicle.

Duties on persons attending the animal gathering

2.—(1) No person shall enter licensed premises wearing outer clothing visibly contaminated with animal excreta or other animal contamination.

(2) If a person in the animal area is wearing outer clothing visibly contaminated with animal excreta or other animal contamination, on leaving the animal area that person shall immediately clean the clothing of gross contamination (unless the clothing is to be disposed of) and either—

(a)disinfect it;

(b)change into clean clothing;

(c)dispose of it; or

(d)leave the licensed premises.

(3) If a person outside the animal area is wearing outer clothing visibly contaminated with animal excreta or other animal contamination, an inspector may serve on that person a notice giving the option of immediately—

(a)cleaning the outer clothing,

(b)changing into clean clothing,

(c)disposing of disposable clothing, or

(d)leaving the licensed premises.

Footwear in the animal area

3.  Any persons leaving the animal area must cleanse and disinfect their footwear in the footbath provided.


4.—(1) No person may bring on to or take from the licensed premises any vehicle or equipment carried with that vehicle that is contaminated with animal excreta.

(2) This paragraph does not apply to—

(a)any vehicle or equipment contaminated with excreta from animals being carried on the vehicle at the time it is brought on to the licensed premises;

(b)any vehicle or equipment contaminated with excreta from animals which have been unloaded from the vehicle on the licensed premises;

(c)any vehicle or equipment brought on to the licensed premises solely for cleansing and disinfection, if taken directly to the cleansing and disinfection facilities immediately upon arrival.