The Fostering Services (Wales) Regulations 2003

Regulation 42(1)


1.  Compliance in relation to each child placed with foster parents, with the foster placement agreement and the responsible authority’s plan for the care of the child.

2.  All accidents, injuries and illnesses of children placed with foster parents.

3.  Complaints in relation to children placed with foster parents and their outcomes.

4.  Any allegations or suspicions of abuse in respect of children placed with foster parents and the outcome of any investigation.

5.  Staff recruitment records and conduct of required checks for new workers.

6.  Notifications of the events listed in Schedule 8.

7.  Any unauthorised absence from the foster home of a child accommodated there.

8.  Use of any measures of control, restraint or discipline in respect of children accommodated in a foster home.

9.  Medication, medical treatment and first aid administered to any child placed with foster parents.

10.  Where applicable, the standard of any educational provision provided by the fostering service.

11.  Records of assessments.

12.  Records of fostering panel meetings.

13.  Duty rosters of persons working for the fostering agency, as arranged and as actually worked.

14.  Records of staff appraisals.

15.  Minutes of staff meetings.